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1、 .Prospective Supplier Profile Questionnaire未來供應商問卷調查Supplier Name(供應商名稱): Product(產品) : Date (日期): Document No(文件編號) : Approval(承認者) Please Return the Chi Mei Questionnaire to SQE of Quality Reliability Assurance Dept. by e-mail to the Following Address (請將完成之問卷調查以電子郵件的方式寄至奇美之SQE, 郵件地址如下): -COMPANY

2、 SIGNATURE(公司簽章)Thank You for Your Time and Efforts in Completing This Questionnaire. (感謝謝您配合完成此問卷調查)Purpose(目的)The purpose of the Prospective Supplier Profile Questionnaire is to provide Chi Mei top management with an initial suppliers organization, infrastructure, and operational methods to determ

3、ine if the supplier meet Chi Meis requirements. (此份”未來供應商問卷調查” 主要是讓奇美高階管理人員瞭解該供應商之組織架構, 運作方式, 以確定該供應商是否滿足奇美之要求。)Scope(適用範圍)The intent of this questionnaire is a tool to be used in evaluating prospective suppliers in general. It should not be a binding agreement between the supplier and Chi Mei. It i

4、s also not meant to replace the quality process or quality management audits used to audit existing supplier. (此份問卷調查是作為評定供應商的工具之一, 並不是代表供應商與奇美之間的協定, 也不是意味此份問卷調查取代奇美公司對 貴公司之品質工程或品質管理之稽核。)To obtain the information adequacy of a prospective supplier, the Chi Mei Supplier Quality Engineering Dept. SQE

5、will be the window of contact for the entire supplier qualification development process. (關於未來供應商的資格審核程序之相關問題, 請直接連絡奇美公司之SQE。)The questionnaire consists of eleven parts(此問卷調查是由十一個部份所組成):1) Company Profile (公司簡介)2)Location & Address (公司地址)3)Technology (技術方面)4) Quality (品質方面)5) Manufacturing Capacity

6、(製造能力方面)6) Delivery (交期方面)7)Responsiveness (配合度方面)8)Cost (成本方面)9) Environment (環境方面)10) Safety and Health (安全與衛生方面)11) Management (管理方面)Please feel free to attach any additional information for proper understanding of this report.(如有任何助於本公司瞭解 貴公司之資料, 請隨件附上。)Note: Chi Mel will not solicit any disclos

7、ure of proprietary or confidential information to others.(註: 此資料本公司將列為機密文件資料, 僅供公司內部參考 。)1) Company Profile (公司簡介)Office clerk(%): (辦事員人數百分比)1. Supplier Name (公司名稱)2. Year established (成立時間)2000.33. List 5 largest customers by sales volume. (請列出 貴公司之前五大客戶名稱。)1)業務2)3)4)5)4. List all awards that have

8、been received from customers for the past 5 years. (請列出 貴公司近五年來所獲得之客戶頒發之獎章。)品保5. Please attach a copy of your companys organization chart. (請附上 貴公司之公司組織圖。)Yes or No2000199919986. Total capital (in US$) (總資本額)業務7. Total annual Sales (in US$) (年度營業額)業務8. Net Profit (sales after tax) (in US$) (稅後淨利)業務9

9、.Total Employees (persons) (總員工數)管理部Management(%): (管理階層人數百分比)管理部Tech./Eng.(%): (技術/工程人數百分比)管理部Production(%): (生產線人數百分比)管理部QA/QC(%): (品保/品管人數百分比)管理部Office clerk(%): (辦事員人數百分比)管理部10. What is your employees turnover rate? (Turnover rate = total employees left / total employees * 100%) ( 貴公司近年來之員工流動率為多

10、少? 流動率=離職員工數/總員工數 * 100%)管理部2) Location & Address (公司地址)1. Head Office Location (公司總部地址)Contact Person (連絡人):業務Address (地址):業務Tel (電話):業務Fax (傳真):業務2. Factory Location(Please list all factory, including subcontractors) (工廠地址請列出所有工廠及外包工廠之地址)Contact Person (連絡人):管理部Address (地址):管理部Tel (電話):管理部Fax (傳真)

11、:管理部Contact Person (連絡人):管理部Address (地址):管理部Tel (電話):管理部Fax (傳真):管理部3. R/D Location (研發部地址)Contact Person (連絡人):研發部Address (地址):研發部Tel (電話):研發部Fax (傳真):研發部4. Taiwan Local Office or Agent (台灣地區辦公室或代理商)Contact Person (連絡人):業務部Address (地址):業務部Tel (電話):業務部Fax (傳真):業務部5. Global Support Center(Please list

12、 all support center in the world) (全球支援中心請列出所有支援中心之資料): Contact Person (連絡人):業務部Address (地址):業務部Tel (電話):業務部Fax (傳真):業務部Contact Person (連絡人):業務部Address (地址):業務部Tel (電話):業務部Fax (傳真):業務部Total persons in global support center (全球支援中心之總員工數): 1. Management Team (經營團隊)FunctionNameTitleReport ToTop Managem

13、ent管理部Manufacturing 管理部Engineering管理部M/P/C管理部Purchasing管理部Quality管理部Marketing管理部Total persons in management team (經營團隊總人數): 2. Engineering / QC /QA Work ForceJob TitleR/DM/EQC/QATotalPresident管理部Director管理部Manager管理部3) Technology (技術方面)1. How long does it take to develop a new product? ( 貴公司在開發新產品時所需要之時間為幾天?)研發2. Do you have Advanced Design Engineering team? If so, how many? ( 貴公司是否有先進技術團隊?如果有,團隊成員人數?)研發3. Provide a leading edge technology product or technology road map. (提供尖端科技產品或產品技術趨勢說明圖。)研發4. Average working experience in Engineering Management te



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