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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载Composition(英文写作)教学目标: Let the students write a passage of people.教学重点: Can use the sentence patterns: He/She is .表.示外貌特点或性格特点的形容词)He/She has.形容词 +名词) He/She isgoodatsth/doing sth He/She likes . He/She wears.穿. 戴.)He/She can do sth教学难点:正确运用描写人物性格特点与外貌特点的形容词,如:nice,clever,lazy /hardw

2、orking、 quiet/active,friendly、 strict /kind、 shy、 lovely、brave 等;教学预备:多媒体课件;教学过程:1. Led-in:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载T: Before the new class、 letplay sa little gameGues“s who it is.”精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载T: Look at the scream、 I have 3 points on it、 behind each point you can get some information about

3、 the people. If you guess it according to the first point、 you can get 10 scores. The second point will be 5 scores. And the third one will be 2 scores. Each point you can guess two times. Are you clear.T: OK、 stop here、 can you tell me how do you guess. Why. Yes、 you gotsome special informationabou

4、t the people. Andput thethree points together、 it is a short passage of people. Today we will learn how to write精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载a passage of people.2. The new lesson:How to write a passage of people.怎样写好一篇写人的文章?)T: First I divided it into four steps. 读一下四个步骤 (1) Make sure a title of the passa

5、ge确立主题 T: If let you write a passage of people、 who is first in your mind, your family members or your relationship in school.提问几名同学 (2) Introduce the gentle information about the people who you want writeto.要对人物绍的概况进行介T: You can tell us some information about the people who you want to write. Such

6、as the name、 age and job.First、 tell me what s his/her name.叫几名同学回答 Second、 tell me how old is he/ she. If you don t know the age、 you canuse some adjectives. Such as young、 old and little.Third、 tell me what does he/she do. For example、 she is a teacher.总结职业名词(略)大屏幕出示Look、today Iwillintroduce myfav

7、oriteactor toyou.大屏幕出示例文How about yours.Let the students say their first paragraphs.(找几名同学口头作文)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载(3) Describe the one in different ways、 such asappearance anddisposition.要对人物进行多方面描写、如外貌.性格等 T: look、who is he. He is Yao Ming.Heis young. He is a basketball player. Let s try to des

8、cribe his appearance.Look , here are some adjectives and phrases about appearance出. 示一些描写人外貌特点形容词和短语,找生泛读例词略,大屏幕出示;T: Look、 who are they. You all know them. What is Sun Wukong like. He is clever. What is Tang Sanzang like. He is kind. What is Zhu Bajielike. He is lazy. What is Sa Wujing like. He is

9、hard-working.Look、 I summarize some words about disposition. 出示一些描写人性格特点的形容词,找生泛读例子(略),大屏幕出示;This paragraph should be a little longer than first one. So I summarized some useful patterns for you. Who can read it.大屏幕展现一些常用的句型结构和例句,找生泛读T: OK、 I will go on write mine. 大屏幕出示例文 师范读,或找生泛读;It s your turn n

10、ow(.找一些同学口头表达他们的描写)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载(4) Give your opinions about the people、 love or hate.要对人物进行评精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载价,表达爱憎 T: At last、 we should judge them by ourselves、 or give our opinions about the people. Forexample(大屏幕出示两个例子) OK、 now tell me your精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载opinions bout th

11、e people who you write to.找几名同学说 3. T: Nowput the three paragraphs together、 itis a passageofpeople.Today we learned how to write a passage of people. If a passage just likes a person. The first paragraph is the head of her、 you can write about the name、 age and job.Just twoorthree sentences are OK.

12、The second paragraph isthebodyofher、 youcanwriteabouther appearance、 disposition and hobbies and so on. Itshould be a littlelonger. And the thirdparagraph just likethe foot of her. Itis the end of the passage、itcan t be too long. Jt utws o or three sentences are OK.Now 、try to write a passage with the titleMy xx .Pay attention tothe rules: weusuallyuse simple present tense; we usually use the thirdperson towriteit.Andmake sure Subject-verb Agreement、 when the subject is he or she、 the verb will use third person singular.给同学 5 到 10 分钟把作文写在纸上,泛读几篇并评判T:Class is over、 goodbye everyone.精品学习资料



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