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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载高考英语完形填空精选精练Passage 1It was the night of the full moon、 a time which always drives Javas young people mad with excitement.Fireworkswere litlongbefore the moon 36 .The big noise broughtpeople out 37the warmnightto enjoythe interestingscene. Everywhere、there were the paperremains of 3

2、8 fireworks lying on the ground. Little boys 39 more and covered their ears as they waited 40 for the explosions.The moon appeared above the horizon 地平线 : huge、 41 ball high above the city、and the 42 filled with people、 as Java began to enjoy one of the years greatest 43 :the Night of the Full Moon、

3、 a festival 节日 that is especially popular 44 young people.More and more young Javanese 45 together and walked slowly through the 46 .Joking and chatting、they moved towards the mountain 47the city. They continued toclimb 48 they reached the old temple 寺庙 at the 49 of the mountain.Aftertheywere 50 the

4、temple、theydranktheirwaterandatetheirmoon-cakes delicioushome-made ones、 51ofdriedfruitand nuts. Outside、on themountain、 young people 52 cross-legged in circles、 chatting and telling each other jokes. And 53 、 in the hundreds、 more young people continued to make their way up the mountain to 54 the b

5、rightly shining moon.By midnight、the fireworkshad stopped shooting up from the 55city in the valley below them. But during the night、 the sound continued to be heard from the distance.36. A. let outB. gave outC. came outD. set out37. A. intoB. atC. ofD. from38. A. burningB. usedC. explodingD. broken

6、39. A. litB. boughtC. piledD. removed40. A. patientlyB. calmlyC. worriedlyD. excitedly41. A. silverB. newC. colorfulD. gold42. A. mountainsB. valleysC. streetsD. shops43. A. gamesB. meetingsC. sportsD. events44. A. forB. toC. withD. in45. A. dancedB. gatheredC. drankD. shouted46. A. villageB. sceneC

7、. nightD. ground47. A. on the edge ofB. on the way toC. in the center ofD. in the direction of48. A. whileB. untilC. unlessD. though49. A. tipB. backC. topD. bottom50. A. insideB. nearC. offD. across51. A. fondB. littleC. fullD. free52. A. jumpedB. satC. stoodD. bent53. A. soB. evenC. yetD. still54.

8、 A. followB. showC. noticeD. admire55. A. cleanB. grayC. peacefulD. empty语篇定位精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载本文为一篇记叙文;表达了Java 的年轻人在the Night of the Full Moon狂欢的过程;答案与解析:36. ;由其次段第一句可知,此处moon 应为出来; letout 放出,泄露,用作及物动词; give out 用完,耗尽; set out 动身,动身; come out 显现,显露;故答案选C;37. ;烟花燃放的声音把人们吸引出来便自然融入这暖和的夜晚;因此,答案为A

9、;38. ;由本段第一句可知,此处the paper remains 应当为燃放过的剩余物;所以答案选 B;burning 燃烧的, broken 破裂的,不合题意;39. ;从本句的and covered their ears可知,此处应为点燃烟花的动作,more 后省略了 fireworks ;故答案选A ;40. ;依据常识及之前的描述,孩子们应当为点燃烟花后,兴奋地等着烟花爆炸;因此答案为D ;41. ;月亮的光线只能用silver 修饰;故答案选A;42. ;这里提到城市里的情形,应为指街上人多;因此,答案为C;43. ;从上文表达可知,此节日为Java 一年中一件大事,而不为会议,

10、运动会,因此答案选D ;44. ;答案选C;be popular with sb. 受到某人欢迎,为固定搭配;45. ;依据下文together 可知,答案选B, gather together 表示集合在一起;46. ;答案选C;此处指年青人整个晚上在漫漫地散着步;47. ;从下一段最终一句可知,这座山应为在该城市邻近;故答案为A ;48. ;依据语境可推知,他们始终爬到古庙;答案选B, until 表示“直到” ;49. ;由上下文内容以及常识可知,此寺庙应当在山的顶部;故答案选C;50. ;从上段未句可知, 应为进入寺庙里; near 在邻近; off 远离;across 在另一边,都不

11、合题意,只有inside 在里面合适,因此答案选A;51. ;fond of 宠爱; little of 几乎没有; free of 无的;此处指的为月饼里装满了干果和水果,应选C, full of 意为“布满的” ;52. ;从空后的cross-legged in circle 可知,此处应为坐,所以只有选D;53. ;依据下文,有数百人在连续爬山,因此答案选D ;A .B 不合题意, yet 虽有“仍旧,仍”之意,但多用于否定句.疑问句中;54. ;年青人爬山肯定为“观赏”月景,应选D ;55. ;到了午夜才停止放烟花,因此城市上空肯定为灰色的烟雾;empty 空的,peaceful 寂静

12、的, clean 洁净的与文意不符,因此答案选B;Passage 2Life is often like a game of cards you can t help the hand you re dealt、 but you can help theway you play it It s easy for us to do something without careful thinking、 but it s hard for take back what we have done There was once 21 who repeated a bit rumor 谣 言 about

13、 a neighbor Within a few days the whole community 22 the story The person it concerned was deeply 23 and annoyed Later、 the woman responsible for 24 the rumor leaned that it was completely25 She was very sorry and went to a26old man to find out what she could do27the damage“ Go to the marketplace、”

14、he said、28 a“chanicdken、 and have it 29 Then on your way home、 pluck its feathers and drop them 30 along the road ” 31 surprised by this advice、 the woman did 32 she was told.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载The nextday the wiseman said、 “ Now、go and collectallthose33you dropped yesterday and34them back to me.”The woman35the same road、 but to her disappointment、 the wind36all the feathers awayAfter searching for37、 she returned with only three in her hand.“ You see、” said theold man、“ it s easy to drop


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