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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载【试题特点】20XX 年高考英语单词拼写专题辅导精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 所选单词均在高考考试大纲词汇表中的单词范畴之内; 题干句子简洁明白; 选用多音节词,单词多在5 个字母以上,低于5 个字母的较少; 选用词多为常见词或简洁拼写错误的单词,多数单词都有不同的变化形式; 表达“词不离句.词随句变”的特点,即依据语境要求填入单词的适当形式;【考纲解读】 考查单词的拼写才能; 考查词形变化和语法学问的运用才能; 考查近义词语的区分;【命题趋势】20XX年441120XX年3511

2、20XX年3411数词1 个1.项目考查重点化;考查的词类主要为:动词(包括非谓语动词).名词.副词和形容词;年份动词名词副词形容词其他单词长动词名词形容词副词其他单词2常用词多,生僻词少,所选词都为大纲要求把握的单词,并且多为5 个以上字母的长单词;年份精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载20XX年20XX年20XX年breathing protect improved starvedWinning recognized forgiveregretting divide spreadaccident geography bargain congratulations leavesr

3、epublic ceiling Exhibition possessionmaterials temperature blanket neighbordeliciousfoolishly10impossiblesuddenly8curiousstrictlytwelfth10精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载3句子多为简洁句子,语法也较简洁;4语境突出;【典型错误】1. 词性不分Do you know how many countries belong to(欧洲) Union.The government will take (立刻)action to punish the cr

4、iminals.Since my (到达)in France、 I have made a great number of friends.2. 忽视名词的复数形式及不规章变化;Cabbage、 carrots、 and tomatoes are my favorite (蔬菜) . One of the (乘客) taking the plane to London is a great writer. I set a trap for (老鼠) 、 but I failed to catch any one.3. 可数名词和不行数名词不分Weve just bought a big hou

5、se and need some new 家具 .We offered our庆贺 to Li Ping on winningthe first prize in the National English Competition.4. 不清晰不规章或规章动词的正确变化形式It was extremely cold and some animals were(冻)to death. The idea started in Standlake and has 传开 throughout the country精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载The president spoke at

6、 the business meeting for nearly an hour without 5. 忽视时态或语态The house that fell last night is being 重建 .I hadnt seen him for years、 but still I 听出 his voice on the phone. Many people 集合 in the main square and supported him.6. 忽视非谓语动词形式We re looking forward to 收到 your letter as soon as possible. John

7、had a bad cold. He kept (咳嗽) the whole night.It s no u_s_e 懊悔 what you have done.7. 忽视形容词.副词的恰当挑选或比较级.最高级形式You ll feel (凉快) to stand in the shade than in the sun. Please think认真 before you answer the questions.【应试策略】运用单词拼写“三到位 ”判定法,即从词义.词性.词形三方面考虑判定;1判定词义;由句意或所给汉语判定词义,确定单词;2判定词性;依据句子结构,判定为用形容词仍为用副词,

8、用动词仍为用名词等;1) He is a writer of rich 想象 (参考) to his notes.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载2) The girl who kept shouting and crying was 明显 mad3) Darwin based his ideas on 科学 experiment4) All the students in my class 成功 in passing the final exam.3判定词形;要留意单词的词形变化;名词要考虑为可数仍为不行数名词,为单数仍为复数;形容词要看为原级,仍为比较级.最高

9、级;动词就要判定为何种时态,或为现在分词.过去分词等;1) We had great difficulty in 呼吸 for the air was thin.2) Their living conditions have been 改善 in the past few years .3) In our library 、there are many newspapers and 杂志 for us to read .4) She has some 困难 remembering peoples names.5) It is 凉快 today than it was yesterday .认真

10、认真,不忘大小写1) 秋天 comes after summer.2) Some American children posted some 圣诞 cards to us3) 一月 is the first month of the year.书写要工整.清晰;特殊要留意几个手写时易混的字母,如u 和 v; a 和 u ; d 和 cl. 不要由于书写时字迹潦草或不规范而丢分;【备考策略】过硬地坚固记忆高考考试大纲词汇表中的全部3500 单词;需要特殊熟记的常用词:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载一年中的十二个月;月份JanuaryJan.FebruaryFeb.MarchMar

11、.AprilApr.一周中的七天;星期MondayMon.TuesdayTues.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载MayMayJuneJun.WednesdayWed.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载JulyJul.AugustAug. SeptemberSept. OctoberOct. NovemberNov. DecemberDec.ThursdayThu rs.FridayFri.SaturdaySat.SundaySun.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载一年中的四季1. spring2. summer3. autumn4. winter大洲大

12、洋国家名名词.形容词 ; 1Europe 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America 5.Antarctic6. Oceania 7 Asia1 the Pacific Ocean 2. the Atlantic Ocean 3. the Indian Ocean 4. the Arctic Ocean 东西南北 名词.形容词 ; east 、eastern 、 west 、 western 、 south 、 southern、 north、 northern基数词和序数词(特殊为不规章的词)简洁拼写错的数字1. eighth 第 八 2. nin

13、th 第九3. forty 四十4. twelfth 第十二5. twentieth 其次十数词基数词序数词twenty-one21sttwenty-firstone1stfirsttwenty-two22ndtwenty-secotwo2ndsecondndthree3rdthirdtwenty-three23rdtwenty-thirfour4thfourthdfive5thfifththirty30ththirtiethsix6thsixthforty40thfortiethseven7thseventhfifty50thfiftietheight8theighthsixty60thsixtiethnine9thninthseventy70thseventiethten10thtentheighty80theightietheleven11theleventhninety90thninetiethtwelve12thtwelfthone hundred100thonethirteen13ththirteenthhundredthfourteen14thfourteenthonehundred101stonefifteen15thfift



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