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1、PC机图像盘格式化、分区、初始化:格式化开机后ctrl+A进入SCSI Select如下图:1 - HArrow keys to movc cursor * to elect option| IIIMC-7899 * at slot 00 83:81:00A1C-7899 I at slot 06 83:91:eiIlliW to exit (derault)PC机主板上有A、B两个槽均是通过SCSI接口线连接图像盘,图像盘可以通过A槽连接, 也可以通过B槽连接,选择上图的AIC-7899 Aat slot 00 03: 01: 00可以查看A槽连接的图 像盘,选择AIC-7899 B at

2、slot 00 03: 01: 00,可以查看B槽连接的图像盘,选择A槽后回 车进入下图:illae3:eiA1O7899Uould you like to configure the SCSI controller* or run the SCSI Bisk Utilities? Select the option and press .Options Configure/Uieu SCSI Controller Settings SCSI Disk Utilities选项 Options,可以选择 Configure/View SCSI Controller Settings(进入设置模式

3、/查看 SCSI 控 制设置器),也可以选择SCSI Disk Utilites (SCSI接口盘的实用工具)。选择Configure/View SCSI Controller Settings 回车进入下图:03:01A107899Arrow keys to move cursor to select option. to exit (-default)SCSI ID M:Mo deviceSCSI ID 11:No deviceSCSI ID 12:SEAGATE ST373454LWSCSI ID 3:Mo deviceSCSI ID M:Mo deviceSCSI ID 5:Mo de

4、viceSCSI ID 16:No deviceSCSI ID ?:Adaptec A1C-7899SCSI ID *e:No deviceSCSI ID 9:Ho devicescsi id aie:No deviceSCSI IDNo deviceSCSI ID 12:Mo deviceSCSI ID *13:No deviceSCSI ID 14:No deviceSCSI ID N15:Mo deviceSelect SCSI Disk and press EnterSCSI ID #2 SEAGATE ST373454LW有系统盘的存在选择后回车进入下图:SCSI ID I Firm

5、uare CapacityFormat DiskNo device No deviceSelect SCSI Disk and press SEAGATE ST373454LW 0G0568GB俯w keys to mue cursor to select option, to exit (default)Firwmare: 0005 (微码:0005) Capacity: 68GB (容量:68GB) Format Disk (格式化磁盘)Verify Disk Media (校验磁盘介质)。选择Format Disk (格式化磁盘)进入下图:SCSI ID 2: SEAGATE ST373

6、454LW Firauare: Capacity:Select SCSI Disk and press 魚OM keys to crsor. to select option. to exit (詔9905 68GBNo device No deviceSCSI ID IM: SCSI l BIS:This drive is about to be low-level All ob the disk will be erased.WARNING! torMtied.I Format Dish? i Yfes问你是否格式化磁盘选择Yes进入下图:RIC-7899SCSI SCSI SCSI SC

7、SISelect SCSI Disk and press No deviceNo deviceSEAGATE ST3734S4LWNo deviceII scsi it tie: SCSI IDSCSI 11 12:SCSI ID 13:SCSI IB 14:SCSI IB 15:_jNo deviceNo deviceNo deviceNo deviceHo deviceRo device1Flese Uit !f f! rlease Wait Iff DereMlwf or your disk city, forttattiiif * take fr(Mi om afmite to sev

8、eral kours W Flete Ueit ! Please Wait !ffDepending on your capacity formatting may take from one minute to several hours (格式化可 能需要从一分钟到几小时取决于磁盘的容量)。分盘符:格式化完成后按ESCESC退到Ctrl+A开机界面后按F8进入安全模式如下图:Open Explore 主MapOnvegorvwct Heeyk c*veOeate $hcxtcut RenaneProper圖 wa Id鼠标右键单击选择Manage (管理磁盘)进入以下界面:1A一、i LV

9、.IIWrRr SHmMurr nd Upgrrnlr DHk WlrardL CooKtitei 卜r:出item Tookmom Worm选择 Disk Manage 右边窗口 Welcome tothewrite Signature and upgrade Disk wizard 写盘符和 升级磁盘向导选择next:选择Disk勾对号点击Next:选择Disk 1分盘符处右键单击Create Volume (创建盘符和容量)进入下图:选择Simple Volume (简单分区)点击Next如下图:Select Disk (选择分区)选择 Diskl Maximum70002MB For

10、select disk 60000MB点击Next如下:选择Assign a drive letter (分配一个驱动器)选择Next如下:TreeCr W Volume WizardComputer Managemen E System Toos Ever Viewer 3 霞 System InformI 51 覇 Performance Li 0 Shved FoldersII M Oevice Man网 11 TO 殆 Local Users m I1B $ S2 件Disk Managers Bl島 Chsk Def rarheiBl日 Logical vsFoimat Volume

11、You Cdn customize the formating of the partitionSpecify whether you varrf lo format the volumeDo not lormdt 恤 volumeA Format ths volume as JolowsFocmattngFife system to useAtocabon unit sue|ntfsIDeUdtZJjNevTVcIufrr Ptcform a Quck Formar 厂id cofnprenionVoUrre label Bock I NrO Stortl Ji XrJ 酣叱选择 Forma

12、t the volume as follows:Volume label (盘符名)改为 Image然后选择performa quick format (执行快速格式化)如下:Speedy whethet you want to fom恤 volume L Do rxX format this volume G Pormdt thu volume as folowsComputer Managemen 臥 System ToolsFormat Volume丫ou can cutlormze the lotmatting of the partitionEvent Viewer System I

13、nform Performance L Shared Folder* .Device Msg _I Local Users an Storage -Cnsk Mangemt 斷 Disk Defrgmei Q LOQiCdl Driven Removable Stc ifi Services and Applu-reate Volume WizardAlocaion unit see.Volunw l&belP Perform a Quick FormatFile system to usef Eneb/e hie and Zo -Y心I1厂ActionI091 Z AWftf5hdeoldg

14、Dtvictlocel Uw ard OouptStorageDHk Management ZMegmk.3 Onv U RmovUt 夕or ape S4fYKS Sd App/*CMcntAf%ap() Tbnage (:) mRstkvwB 9$w(S ) j5pooA (G:) OvC0 (V) Sroot (XtPrtiionP 诚8P.愉6O*DHk0 Bmi: 74 53 GB OrneODHk IDynamc 68 36 GB0*WImoqe (f:) 58 59 58 MFS Heathy.JnalocMed . “仆旳图像盘如图Image (E:)点击黑色图步骤如上:盘符容量为10002,盘符名为:TMPAGEFILES 最后显



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