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1、Standard Ground Handling Agreement 2002IATA标准地面代理协议(2002版本)Annex A 一 Ground Handling Services附件A地面服务项目Table of Contents目 录Section 1. Representation, Administration and Supervision第一节 代表、行政管理和监督1.1 General总则1.2 Administration Functions行政管理职能1.3 Supervision and/or Coordinationof Services Contracted by

2、 the Carrier withThird Party(ies)对承运人与第三方协议服务的监督和协调Section 2.Passenger Services第二节旅客服务2.1General 一般服务2.2Departure出发2.3Arrival到达2.4Remote/Off Airport Services 机场以外的服务2.5Intermodal Transportation多种运输方式联运Section 3. Ramp Services 第三节 机坪服务3.1 Baggage Handling 行李处理3.2 Marshalling引导飞机3.3Parking 飞机停靠3.4Cool

3、ing and Heating 制冷和供暖3.5Ramp to Flight Deck Communication 机坪与驾驶舱间通信3.6Loading and Unloading 装机和卸机3.7Starting启动3.8Safety Measure 安全措施3.9Moving of Aircraft 飞机移动3.1()Exterior Cleaning 外部清洁3.11Interior Cleaning 内部清洁3.12Toilet Service 厕所清洁3.13Water Service 加水服务3.14Cabin Equipment 客舱设备3.15Storage of Cabin

4、 Material 客舱物品的存放3.16Catering Ramp Handling 配餐机坪操作3.17De-icing/Anti-icing Services and Snow/Ice Removal 除冰/防冰服务和除雪/冰Section 4. Load Control, Communications and Flight Operations 第四节载量控制,通信及航务签派4.1Load Control 载量控制4.2Communications通信4.3Flight Operations 一 General 航务签派-总则4.4Flight Operations - Flight

5、Preparation at the Airport of Departure 航务签派-始发站的航班准备4.5Flight Operations 一 Flight Preparation at a point Different from the Airport of Departure航务签派-非始发站的航班准备4.6Flight Operations 一 en-route Flight Assistance 航务签派航路飞行协助4.7Flight Operations 一 Post-flight Activities 航务签派-航后工作4.8Flight Operations - En-

6、route Re-dispatch 航务签派-飞行中的再遣派4.9Flight Operations - Crew Administration 航务签派-机组管理Section 5. Cargo and Mail Services 第五节货物及邮件服务5.1Cargo and Mail Handling 一 General 货物和邮件处理一总则5.2Custom Control 海关监控5.3Irregularities Handling 不正常情况处理5.4Document Handling 文件处理5.5Physical Handling Outbound/Inbound 出港/进港实体

7、处理5.6Transfer/Transit Cargo 联运/过境货物5.7Post Office Mail 邮件Section 6. Support Services 第六节支援服务6.1Accommodation 场所安排6.2Automation/Computer System自动化和电脑系统6.3Unit Load Device(ULD) Control 集装设备管理6.4Fuel Farm(Depot) 油料公司(库房)6.5Ramp Fuelling/Defuelling Operations 机坪加油/抽取燃油服务6.6Replenishing of Oils and Fluid

8、s 添2 口滑油和液压油6.7Surface Transport 地面交通6.8Catering Services 一 Liaison and AdministrationSection 7. Security第七节安全7.1Passengers and Baggage Screening and Reconciliation 旅客与行李过机检查及对照7.2Cargo and Post Office Mail 货物与邮件7.3Catering 配餐7.4Aircraft Security 飞机的安全7.5Additional Security Services 其它安全服务Section 8.

9、 Aircraft Maintenance 第九节 飞机维护&1Routine Services 例行维护8.2Non-Routine Services 非例行维护&3Material Handling 器材处理8.4Parking and Hangar Space 飞机停放及机库Section L Representation Administration and Supervision 第一节代表和行政管理和监督LIGeneral总则1.1.1 (a) Provide提供or或(b) arrange for安排guarantee or bond to facilitate the Carr

10、ieres activities. 保证或担保以方便承运方的运营。1.1.2 Liaise with local authorities. 与当地有关主管部门联系。1.1.3 Indicate that the Handling Company is acting as handling agent for the Carrie匚 表示作为承运人的服务代理人而行事。1.1.4 Inform all interested Parties concerning movements of the Carriers aircraft. 向有关各方通报关于承运人飞机动态。1.2 Administrati

11、ve Function1.2.1 Establish and maintain local procedures. 建立和依照本地程序操作。1.2.2 Take action on communications addressed to the Carrie匚 对发给承运人的信息进行处理。1.2.3 Prepare, forward and file reports/statistics/documents and perform other administrative duties.准备、发送并对有关报告/数据/文件进行归档,以及履行其它行政职能。1.2.4 Maintain the Ca

12、rriers manuals, circulars, etc., connected with the performance of the services.对与提供服务相关的承运人的手册、通告等进行保存。1.2.5 (a) Check检查(b) Sign签字认可(c) Forward 交送on behalf of the Cairier invoices, supply orders, handling charge notes, work orders- 承运人的账单、供货单、代理费、工作单等。1.2.6 Effect payment, on behalf of the Carrier,

13、 including but not but not limited to: 代表承运人支付以下款项,包括但不仅限于:(a) airport, customs, police and other charges relating to the services performed. 机场,海关,警察及其他与服务相关的收费。(b) Cost for provisions of bond guarantee. 提供担保书的费用。(c) Out-of-pocket expenses, accommodation, transport, etc. 支付各种现金费用,如食宿费,运输费等。1.3 Supe

14、rvision and/or Co-ordination of Services Contracted by the Carrier with Third Party(ies) 对承运人与第三方之间协议服务进行监督和协调1.3.1 (a) Supervise监督(b) Co-ordinate协调services contracted by the Carrier with third party(ies).承运人与第三方所签订协议中的服务。Section 2 Passenger Services第二节旅客服务2.1 General一般规定2.1.1 Inform passengers and/

15、or public about time of arrival and/or departure of Carrieres aircraft and surface transport.向旅客和/或公众通报承运人飞机及地面运输车辆的到达和/或出发时间。2.1.2 Make arrangements for stopover, transfer and transit passengers and their baggage and inform them about services available at the airport.安排好中途分程、转机及过境的旅客及行李,通知他们有关在机场的服务 事项。2.1.3 When requested by the Carrier,当承运人要求时,(a) Provide提供or或(b) Arrange for


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