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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载this system. 2、 occupational he alth and occupati onal disease preve ntion a nd control work putting preve ntion first and combi ning prevention approach、 pri nci ples of classifi cation management a nd compre hensive treatment. Se cond、 the scope of appli cation of this system is a

2、 ppli ca ble to the companys occupational healt h management. Three、 definiti on 1、 occupati ona l hazar d: means the la borers e ngaged i n occupational activity can lea d to occupational ha zards. Occupational hazards i ncl ude : professional activities i n the vari ous harmful chemical、 physi cal

3、 and bi ologi cal factors a ndother harmful factors pr oduce d duri ng the w ork pr ocess. 2、 a n occupational ha zard: refers to the employ ers workers i n occupational a ctivity、 due to exposure to dust and radi oactive substa nce s and other harmful substa nces caused by factors such as、 a nd inc

4、luded i n the national list of occupational di seases. Four、 instit utions set up a leadi ng g roup for occupational health manag ement of the compa ny and chaire d V ice Presi dent、 e ach w orkshop and relevant de partments mai nly responsibl e for the Group; production technol ogy se ction for the

5、 day -to-day manageme nt of occupational healt h agencies. F ive、 responsibility . 6 the occupational health educati on w ork carrie d o ut in conjunction with the Department of human resour ces、 popularize and improve staff knowl edge of occupati onal health、 im prove the a bility of self-hel p、 mu

6、tual hel p. 3、 the huma n resource s Departme nt 1 employee ne w to pre health examinati on a nd empl oyees re ceive post-l eaving occupati onal health examinati on before work. 2 is not appropriate t o continue the existi ng work of the occupational-disea se victims、 unfitting、 a nd make a ppropria

7、te arrangeme nts. 4 units the workshop responsibilitie s: responsi ble for the occupati ona l healt h and occupational disease prevention work. Occupational hazard re porting system 1、 healt h and te chnol ogy accordi ng to the companys occupati onal hazards、 faithfully reporting tothe higher author

8、ities i n a timely manne r、 and accept t heir supervisi on. 2、 the mai n contents of the De claration are : the em ployers basi c situati on; ty pe、 concentration or i ntensity of workpla ce occupati onal hazards; occupati onal hazards in pr oducti on technologie s、 pr ocesses a nd materials、 occupa

9、tional ha zard pr evention facilities、 first -aid faciliti es. Empl oyment pr otection dust、 gas、 noise manageme nt system; 1、 w orkers enjoy the foll owing occupational healt h prote ction rights. 1 the powers of acce ss to occupati onal health e ducation and training ; 2 the occupational healt h e

10、xamination and occupational-disea se diag nosis and treatment、 rehabilitati on and ot her powers of the occupational-disea se-preventi on service s; 3 produce or may produce in the work place occupational-disea se-i nductive fact ors and harmful effect and power of the occupati onal -disease-preventi on measures should be taken; 4 require the em ployer to provide occupational di sease preventi on requirement s of theoccupati onal -disease-preventionAccor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra


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