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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2018考博英语热点材料作文范文:教育类1、观点论述(1)青少年教育Parents shouldbe sensible enough to(充分意识到)give their children more freedom to deal with troubles and problems. Only byundergoing(经历)more challenges and toils in adversity can young people cultivatestrong personality and ability(强大的个性和能力), and only in th

2、is way can they become winners in this competitive world.父母应该充分意识到:应当给予孩子更多的自由去处理麻烦和问题。只有在困境中经历更多的挑战和艰辛,年轻人才能培养出强大的个性和能力,只有这样,他们才能在充满竞争的世界中成为胜者。Many parentsexert every effort(竭尽全力)to arrange everything for their children,depriving them of(剥夺)the opportunities to undergofrustration and ordeals(坎坷与磨难)

3、and learn from them so that their grownup children can not deal with the stress from the competitive world and even become the so called“NEETs”(啃老族).他们竭尽全力为孩子安排好一切,剥夺了孩子经历坎坷与磨难并从中学习的机会,以至于孩子长大成人后不能处理来自竞争世界的压力,甚至成为所谓的“啃老族”。(2)青少年学习压力All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy.(只学习不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻(在美国非常流行的

4、谚语)Before looking for after-class tutors, parents should learn well about their children as well as their studies.只学习不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。在进行课外补习之前,家长们应该先了解自己的孩子,就像了解他们的学习那样。(3)大学生就业困难The deficiency ofpre-employment education(职前教育)in university; Students do not focus their attention on study but on online g

5、ames and campus love.大学职前教育的缺乏;一些学生没有把精力放在学习上,而是专注于网络游戏和校园恋爱。University can set some employment-related courses. Whats more, Students should have more social practice off campus.大学可以开设一些与就业相关的课程。另外,学生应该有更多的校外实习经验。2、高分热文应试教育的弊端On a tree sprout four branches, which are symbols ofacademic abilities(学术能

6、力),practical abilities(实践能力),organization abilities(组织能力)andacting abilities(表演能力). A saw, a symbol of education, violently cuts down three branches, leaving the only one symbolizing academic abilities.This picture illustrates a current problematic standard practice in education which stressesonly a

7、cademic learning. High scores in examinations or rather academic success is apparently the main pursuit by most students, parents and teachers. In china, a great educational background is always considered as a sure ticket toa lucrative career(有钱途的职业)and a successful life. Children, consequently, ar

8、e expected to go along the same growth path from a famous kindergarten to a good primary school to a key middle school and then hopefully to a well-known university. If a child shows no interest in traditional learning, even though he is talented in other fields, he will be considered as an idle per

9、son without big dreams and be severely punished.This education principle wasfruitful(有成效的)when university students were highly valued by the job market but no longer productive since the job market has greatly changed. The job market requires more than academic ability nowadays. People with admirabl

10、e educational background will also fail because of lack of other abilities. There are many forms of abilities for a person, and wed better strive for a balanced development.3、精彩译文一棵树上生出四个枝杈,分别象征着学术能力、实践能力、组织能力和表演能力。一把象征教育的锯生硬地把三个分枝砍掉了,只剩下了一个象征学术能力的枝丫。这幅图说明了当前在教育界,标准的惯例是有问题的:只强调学术学习。很明显,大部分的学生、父母、老师最


12、网络利弊With amazing development of society, computers have led to the improvement of working style of many people. Moreover, internet links the world so that people can gain various information on it.随着社会日新月异的发展,计算机引起了许多人工作方式的改变。并且,互联网连接着整个世界,人们可以得到各种各样的信息。The more time people spend on internet, the le

13、ss time they spend on communication in real life. Whats worse, some, especially the youngsters tend tobecome addicted to the internet(沉迷于网络).人们在互联网上花费的时间越多,在现实生活中花费的时间就越少。更糟糕的是,有些人,尤其是年轻人很容易沉迷于网络。For my part, I believethe advantages far outweigh its negative effects(利大于弊). It is preferable that wema

14、ke full use of the advantages and meanwhile minimize the negative effects(扬长避短).我认为,利大于弊。建议我们充分发挥其长处同时避免其消极的影响。2、高分热文人们对网络的依赖As is shown above, in front of a computer happily sits a teenager, attempting to work on his homework effortlessly, with the help from the internet finishing the job for him.

15、There has been a heated discussion about this picture in the news paper recently. Simple as the picture is, it does demonstrate certain thought-provoking social phenomenon.The picture tells us that our life has been greatly influenced and changed by scientific and technological advances,an integral

16、part(不可分割的一部分)to every aspect of modern life.Whats more, individuals, organizations and governments attach due attention to this phenomenon. On the one hand, the progress can enhance peoples understanding on a subject, improve peoples learning capacity and skills, shrink the distance between cities and even continents; smo


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