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1、隐身衣 杨绛我们夫妇有时候说废话玩儿。“给你一件仙家法宝,你要什么?”我们都要隐身衣;各披一件,同出遨游。我们只求摆脱羁束,到处阅历,并不想为非作歹。可是玩得高兴,不免放肆淘气,于是惊动了人,隐身不住,得赶紧逃跑。“阿呀!还得有缩地法!”“还要护身法!”想得越周到,要求也越多,干脆连隐身衣也不要了。其实,如果不想干人世间所不容许的事,无需仙家法宝,凡间也有隐身衣;只是世人非但不以为宝,还惟恐穿在身上,像湿布衫一样脱不下。因为这种隐身衣的料子是卑微。身处卑微,人家就视而不见,见而无睹。The Invisible CloakMy husband and I sometimes carry on a

2、 conversation that doesnt make any sense. We do so just for the fun of it. “What would you like if I could give you something with magic powers?”We had the same wish: a magic cloak that could make us invisible. We would throw it over our shoulders and go wandering. We had no desire to do anybody har

3、m, just to go about freely, to see the world. But when youre having a good time, you are likely to get naughty, attract attention, lose your invisibility, and have to flee.“Oh, then wed need the magic power to shrink distance!”And the magic power to protect ourselves from injury!”The more we thought

4、 about it, the more kinds of magic powers we figured we needed. But eventually we even abandoned the idea of wanting a magic cape that would make us invisible.Actually, as long as you dont try to do things that people in human society cant tolerate, you dont need an immortal from another world to gi

5、ve you magic powers. There are magic cloaks that make you invisible in the very world we live in.Cloak of Invisibility Sometimes my husband and I amuse ourselves with make-believe.If you had the choice of some magical power, what would you want?We both wanted a cloak of invisibility: with one for ea

6、ch of us we could go on rambles together. Our idea was only warmed to our game we could easily get up to naughty tricks, in which case people would become aware of our presence and we would have to beat a hasty retreat.Oh dear, we would have to have winged feet too!And a protective charm!The more we

7、 went into the implication, the more our requirements became, so we decided a cloak of invisibility wasnt such a good idea after all. As a matter of fact, as long as you dont plan to do anything that society forbids, there is no need of a magical power: you can find a cloak of invisibility in the mu

8、ndane world. It is just that ordinarily people do not prize it, indeed they are even afraid to put it on, I case like a wet shirt they wont be able to take it off.我记得我国笔记小说里讲一人梦魂回家,见到了思念的家人,家里人却看不见他。他开口说话,也没人听见。家人团坐吃饭,他欣然也想入座,却没有他的位子。身居卑微的人也仿佛这个未具人身的幽灵,会有同样的感受。人家眼里没有你,当然视而不见;心上不理会你,就会瞠目无睹。你的“自我”觉得受了

9、轻忽或怠慢或侮辱,人家却未知有你;你虽然生存在人世间,却好像还未具人形,还未曾出生。这样活一辈子,不是虽生犹如未生吗? 谁假如说,披了这种隐身衣如何受用,如何逍遥自在,听的人只会觉得这是发扬阿Q精神,或阐述“酸葡萄论”吧?且看咱们的常言俗语,要做个“人上人”呀、“出类拔萃”呀、“出人头地”呀、“脱颖而出”呀、“出风头”或“拔尖”“冒尖”呀等等,可以想见一般人都不甘心受轻忽。 People fail to see their magic powers, and are also afraid once they put one on it will cling to them like a we

10、t shirt that wouldnt come off. This worldly magic cloak is made of lowliness and obscurity. When you are and obscure, people will look at you but not see you,or see you but not care.I recall a story in a the tradition of the biji xiaoshuo (informal short story). The ghost of a man returns to his hom

11、e. He sees the people hes missed, but they dont see him. He speaks to them but they dont hear him. When the family take their seats around the table for dinner, he wants to join them, but theres no place for him. People in a lowly position can empathize with this ghost. If people don t want to see y

12、ou, theyll naturally look right through you. If you re not in their hearts, youll draw a blank stare. Your ego would feel slighted, neglected, or insulted. Although you live in this world, it would be like you had never been born, or had never acquired a bodily form. What kind of life is that? Isnt

13、it a living death? If他们或悒悒而怨,或愤愤而怒,只求有朝一日挣脱身上这件隐身衣,显身而露面。英美人把社会比作蛇阱(snake pit)。阱里压压挤挤的蛇,一条条都拼命钻出脑袋,探出身子,把别的蛇排挤开,压下去;一个个冒出又没入的蛇头,一条条拱起又压下的蛇身,扭结成团、难分难解的蛇尾,你上我下,你死我活,不断的挣扎斗争。钻不出头,一辈子埋没在下;钻出头,就好比大海里坐在浪尖儿上的跳珠飞沫,迎日月之光而生辉,可说是大丈夫得志了。人生短促,浪尖儿上的一刹那,也可作一生成就的标志,足以自豪。你是“窝囊废”吗?你就甘心郁郁久居人下?但天生万物,有美有不美,有才有不才。万具枯骨,才造

14、得一员名将;小兵小卒,岂能都成为有名的英雄。世上有坐轿的,有抬轿的;有坐席的主人和宾客,有端茶上莱的侍仆。席面上,有人坐首位,有人陪末座。厨房里,有掌勺的上灶,有烧火的灶下婢; somebody told you how wonderful, how free it was to wear a magic cloak that made you invisible, wouldnt you feel he was playing up the “spirit of Ah Q, or invoking the sour grapes complex?/Lets just look at some

15、 common saying among us: Be a man above men, be the best and the brightest,” “rise above the crowd, break away from the pack, get in the limelight, ”“ forge ahead, and so on. Its obvious that no one wants to be overlooked. They are depressed and complain, or they are indignant and fume. All they wan

16、t is to shed the clock someday that makes them invisible and manifest themselves to the world. People in England and America have likened society to a snake pit. In the pit are numerous snakes, pushing and squeezing, struggling to raise their heads and lift up their bodies by nudging others aside or pushing them down.


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