《中考英语总复习》模拟卷04 2020年安徽中考英语最新题型冲刺卷(原卷版)

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《《中考英语总复习》模拟卷04 2020年安徽中考英语最新题型冲刺卷(原卷版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》模拟卷04 2020年安徽中考英语最新题型冲刺卷(原卷版)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安徽省2019-2020大联考中招模拟试题(四)一、单项填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)(小题变为10小题,分值减少5分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Everybody should make _ effort to reduce pollution and create a clean environment.AaBanCtheD不填2. I remember _ you about it once.Yes, you told me that on my birthday.Ato tellBtellCtoldDtelling3. It

2、s ten years since we came here.How time flies! We _ in China for so long.A. workB. workedC. will workD. have worked4. Oh, my god! I have _ three pounds.Dont worry. Its common for a growing teenager.Aput onBput offCput upDput down5. Shanghai is a great place for those _ want to go after their dreams.

3、AwhichBwhomCwhoDwhat 6. The living room becomes _as the sunlight comes in through the windows.AbiggerBcleanerCquieterDbrighter7. Have you got_ ready for the get-together. Dad?Well,we still have to get another five chairs.AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing8. Whats your present for our daughters b

4、irthday? Its a _. I want to give her a surprise.AplanBdressCcardDsecret9. I am not allowed to _the TV to watch my favourite programs before finishing my homework.Aturn onBturn downCturn offDturn up10. Have you got the time?_We must go now.AYes, I have.BYes, I do.CIts 9 o clock.DHave a good time!二、完形

5、填空(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)(分值由每小题1.5分调整为1分, 减少10分)阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AEveryone needs friends. We can share 11 with our friends and 12 them for help when we are in trouble. In a word, it is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Certainly, sometimes we need to be 13 so we

6、 dont always want people around. But we would feel worse if we never had a friend.To make friends, you need to be a 14 person who often wears smiles. A smile always makes the others like you. Smile at someone and you are sure to get a smile back from him. Try to 15 names. It makes your new friends f

7、eel happy when you call them by their names, 16 you dont forget them.No two people are just the same. If you dont agree with other people, you should still be friendly. Do not argue, but discuss. You always 17 friends if you argue too much. And you should think more of others than of yourself. Its g

8、ood for 18 to have one or a group of good friends. This is very important in childrens growing up, because friends can discuss things which are too difficult to say to their family members.Theres more 19 news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who dont have. Why? It could be t

9、hat they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well and it could be good just knowing that someone 20 about you.11ArisksBsecretsCwealthDskills12Aturn downBturn toCcall backDcall off13AafraidBactiveCangryDalone14AcheerfulBcarefulCpowerfulDuseful15AforgetBrememberCchangeDuse16AifBsoCuntilDbecause17A

10、meetBmakeCloseDhelp18AteenagersBadultsCstrangersDvisitors19AgoodBawfulChardDeasy20AtalksBthinksCcaresDworriesBOnce upon a time, there was a king. He was famous for his kindness. His people 21 him and were proud of him. Once, the king decided to build a palace on the river bank. In a few days the pal

11、ace was ready. And the minister( 大 臣 ) decided to take a final look 22 he showed the king the palace.“Great!” the minister said, looking at the palace. Then 23 his eyes fell on a small old house near the palace gate. “Whats this house doing here?” shouted the minister. “Sir, it 24 to an old woman,”

12、replied a soldier(士兵).The minister walked up to the 25 and spoke to the old lady.“ I want to buy your house,” he said. “I am sorry, sir. My house is more expensive to me than my life,” the old lady said.The minister tried to tell the old lady that her house would spoil(破坏) the 26 of the new palace.

13、But the old lady 27 to sell her house to the king. The 28 was then taken to the king.The king thought 29 a while, and then said, “Let the old lady have her house. It will only add to the beauty of the new palace. Let us not forget something that seems ugly to us may be 30 to someone else.”21Avisited

14、BleftClovedDhated22AbeforeBafterCsinceDuntil23AslowlyBsuddenlyCearlyDhappily24AdecidesBhopesCwantsDbelongs25AhouseBriverChillDpalace26AshapeBnatureCbeautyDdirection27AkeptBrefusedCsuggestedDliked28AstoryBmatterCideaDjob29AinBonCatDfor30ApopularBboringCvaluableDterrible三、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)(由5篇文章调整为6篇文章,题型和分值都不变)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AWelcome to the Electronic Town to find new ways of English teaching and learning.Electronic Town Program(Tuesday, May15, 2018)Kahoot9:00 am to 10:00 amRoom 503Kahoot i


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