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1、2020年浙江省初中毕业生学业水平考试(嘉兴卷)英语试题卷考生须知:1. 本试题卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分。请考生使用规定用笔,将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。做在试题卷上无效。2. 全卷共9页,6大题。满分为 120分。考试时间为 120分钟。温馨提示:答题前请仔细阅读答题纸上的注意事项。说明:本卷共有两大题,40小题,满分60分。一、完形填空阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When you hear the world hero, you may think of someone like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Man

2、dela. But there are also everyday heroes-they may not be _1_ to the public, but they do what they can to help _2_ peoples lives as well. Everyday heroes are normal people who are working to make the world a better place. _3_ them is Robert Lee. Lee grew up in New York City. _4_ his family was not ri

3、ch, he learned from a young age the importance of _5_ the waste of food. When in college, he was part of a student group that gave out leftover(剩余的)food to _6_ people. This experience made him realize how _7_ the problem of food wastage actually was. After he left university, Lee and a friend set up

4、 a(n)_8_ called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine(RLC). Its purpose is to collect _9_ food from restaurants and send it for free to shelters(收容所)and food kitchens. Volunteers _10_ the food from restaurants around the city and hand it out to those in need. RLC operates _11_. Using an app developed by Lees te

5、am, restaurants _12_ how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers are sent to fetch it. The _13_ is usually short, so volunteers can just do their deliveries(递送)by _14_ from the restaurants to the shelters. Lee believes this is a quick way of delivery. So far, Lee and his team have suc

6、cessfully _15_ over 150,000 kilograms of food, serving almost 300,000 _16_ to people who need them. Lee has shown that a _17_ action can help people around us greatly. _18_ may have a greater influence than we imagine. When Lee is asked _19_ his next plan is, he says theres still a lot to do. Its ju

7、st the _20_. With more restaurants, who knows how much more we can do.1. A. safeB. closeC. friendlyD. well-known2. A. recordB. shareC. improveD. manage3. A. UnderB. BesideC. AmongD. Opposite4. A. IfB. AsC. WhenD. Though5. A. storingB. avoidingC. burningD. recycling6. A. sickB. blindC. lonelyD. homel

8、ess7. A. easyB. seriousC. funnyD. strange8. A. clubB. schoolC. businessD. organization9. A. coldB. cheapC. unsoldD. uncooked10. A. pick upB. go overC. pay forD. throw away11. A. badlyB. quietlyC. simplyD. slowly12. A. reportB. noticeC. discussD. consider13. A. visitB. breakC. meetingD. distance14. A

9、. flyingB. walkingC. skatingD. shipping15. A. savedB. heatedC. lentD. grown16. A. jobsB. mealsC. roomsD. seats17. A. smallB. secretC. directD. social18. A. ItB. HeC. YouD. They19. A. whoB. whenC. whatD. where20. A. needB. timeC. promiseD. beginning【答案】1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10.

10、 A 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. D【解析】本文主要向我们介绍了罗伯特李和他的团队在节约粮食、避免食物浪费上做出的努力。【1题详解】句意:但也有“日常”英雄他们可能不为公众所知。safe安全的;close近的,紧密的;friendly友好的;well-known众所周知的。分析“When you hear the word hero, you may think of someone like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. But there are also ever

11、yday heroes-they may not be _1_ to the public”可知,当听到英雄这个词时,可能会想到著名的甘地或曼德拉,但是在日常生活中也有英雄,此处表示“不为人所知的,不出名的”的含义,与前句作对比。故选D。【2题详解】句意:但他们也在尽力帮助改善人们的生活。record记录;share分享;improve提高,改善;manage管理。根据后句“Everyday heroes are normal people who are working to make the world a better place.”可知,每天的英雄都是为把世界变得更美好而努力的普通人,


13、;burning燃烧;recycling回收。根据后文内容可知,他致力于不浪费粮食,所以此处强调“避免”含义。故选B。【6题详解】句意:在大学的时候,他是把剩余的食物给无家可归的人的学生团体中的一员。sick生病的;blind盲的;lonely孤独的,偏远的;homeless无家可归的。根据后文“Its purpose is to collect _9_ food from restaurants and send it for free to shelters(收容所)and food kitchens.”可知,食物是被送去收容所和食物厨房,所以是帮助无家可归的人吃饱。故选D。【7题详解】句

14、意:这次经历使他认识到食物浪费问题的严重性。easy简单的;serious严重的,严肃的;funny滑稽的;strange陌生的,奇怪的。分析句子可知,此处表示“这次经历使他认识到食物浪费问题的严重性”,食物浪费是个严肃认真的问题,其他三项不符合语境。故选B。【8题详解】句意:大学毕业后,李和一个朋友创办了一家名为“拯救剩菜”(RLC)的组织。club俱乐部;school学校;business生意;organization组织。根据后文“Volunteers _10_ the food from restaurants around the city and hand it out to th

15、ose in need.”可知,志愿者们将从城市各处的餐馆中找到食物并分发给需要的人,所以推测RLC是一个组织。故选D。【9题详解】句意:其目的是为了收集卖剩的食品从餐厅和免费送到收容所和食品厨房。cold冷的,冷漠的;cheap便宜的;unsold卖剩的;uncooked未煮过的。根据后文“Using an app developed by Lees team, restaurants _12_ how much leftover food they have each day.”可知,是餐馆剩余的食物量,所以此处强调“卖剩的”食物。故选C。【10题详解】句意:志愿者们从城市各处的餐馆获取食物,分发给那些需要的人。pick up捡起,获得;go over复习;pay for付款;throw away扔掉。分析“Volunteers _10_ the food from resta


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