《中考英语总复习》第10单元 动词的语态

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1、温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。_第10单元_动词的语态_一、单项填空( ) 1. 2019梧州改编 Look, what an amazing Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge! Yeah. It _ in 2018.A. completed B. was completed C. is completed ( )2. 2019铁岭改编The Chinese traditional poems _ to spread by popular singers.A. is singing

2、 B. are singingC. are sung( )3. 2019曲靖Puer Tea _ in some western areas of Yunnan.A. plants B. was planted C. is planted( )4. 2019包头 Why did you leave that position? I _ a better position in another factory.A. offer B. offered C. was offered( )5. 2019盘锦改编Our life _ greatly by 3D printing technology i

3、n a few years.A. will influence B. influencesC. will be influenced( )6. 2019 本溪改编As far as I know, the robot that can sweep the floor _ in the 1980s.A. is invented B. invented C. was invented ( )7. 2019贵阳The Meitan Tea Museum, a famous building in Guizhou, _ in the shape of a giant teapot.A. build B

4、. is buildingC. was built ( )8. 2019昆明With the rapid progress in high technology, 5G _ around most parts of China in the near future.A. is used B. is usingC. will be used ( )9. 2019 贵港改编 Do you know the famous artist in red? Sure. He _ to the art festival in our city every year.A. invitesB. invited

5、C. is invited( )10. 2019海南 China plans to send another spaceship into space. Wow! More and more secrets _ soon. A. are going to discoverB. will be discoveredC. have discovered ( )11. 2019绥化改编The little boy is crying because his toy _by someone a moment ago.A. was broken B. is brokenC. broke ( )12. 2

6、019吉林改编The environment in my hometown is improving because many trees _every year.A. plant B. planted C. are planted ( )13. 2019株洲The students in this school _ to choose their own school uniforms.A. are allowed B. allowed C. are allowing ( )14. 2019南京The China International Search and Rescue Team ha

7、s brought help and hope to people in disasters around the world since it _ 18 years ago. A. set up B. is set upC. was set up ( )15. 2019眉山改编Paper_ first _ about two thousand years ago by Cai Lun.A. is; inventing B. is; invented C. was; invented( )16. 2019重庆A卷改编His car _ five years ago, but it looks

8、quite new. A. buysB. boughtC. was bought ( )17. 2019 达州改编 Dr. Bethune helped a lot of Chinese in the 1930s. He is a great international soldier. I know, so he _ still _ in both China and Canada now. A. has; remembered B. is; remembered C. will; remember ( )18. 2019遂宁改编Some people think trees _ on Tr

9、ee Planting Day only.A. should plant B. should be planted C. should be plant ( )19. 2019武威改编A babys first month birthday is a special event in China and _ with a special party.A. celebrates B. is celebrated C. was celebrated ( )20. 2019自贡 Tom is always careless with his schoolwork. Could you help hi

10、m? No problem! I think he _ to think twice before starting. A. should be toldB. shouldnt be told C. should tell ( )21. 2019安徽改编The villagers expect that the building of the bridge _ before the rainy season comes. A. is completed B. was completed C. will be completed( )22. 2019重庆B卷These machines _ in

11、 their factory by themselves last year. A. make B. made C. were made( )23. 2019连云港Its reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo _ from 100% recycled material. A. are making B. have madeC. will be made ( )24. 2019江西改编Gina went to the doctors yesterday and she _ about the importance of g

12、ood living habits once more. A. told B. is told C. was told ( )25. 2019临沂Around the world, 300 million tons of plastic _ each year, of which about 10 percent ends up in the sea. A. is created B. was created C. creates ( )26. 2019黄冈改编 Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike!Sorry, Mum. It _ yesterday. I for

13、got to do it. A. didnt clean B. isnt cleaned C. wasnt cleaned( )27. 2019南充改编 Lucy, what have you learnt from this history class? Paper _ first _ about 2,000 years ago in China. A. is; invented B. was; invented C. is; inventing ( )28. With the development of China, Chinese _ by a large number of people in the world.A. speaks B. is spoken C. speak ( )29. Chinese New Year _ the Spring Festival. People often eat dumplings.A. is called B. was called C. calls( )30. In Switzerland, things like gl


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