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1、2019年天津市南开区中考英语一模试卷题号一二三四五六七八总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. Thedoctortoldmetotake_medicinethreetimes_day()A. the;不填B. the;aC. the;anD. 不填;the2. Hehasasweet_andoftenspendsmoneyonchocolatesandcandies()A. mouthB. toothC. stomachD. neck3. Somestudentsareso_thattheyoftenmakemistakesintheirhomework()A. carf

2、ulB. seriousC. carelessD. successful4. LiMingwillbeHisparentsaregoingtohaveapartyforhisbirthday()A. sixteen;sixteenthB. sixteenth;sixteenthC. sixteen;sixteenD. sixteenth;sixteen5. -IsthatMrBlackintheplayground?-It_beMrBlackHesteachingEnglishintheclassroom()A. mustB. cantC. couldD. neednt6. -Hestudie

3、slateeverydayand_goestobedbeforetwelveoclock-Thatsbadforhishealth()A. alwaysB. hardlyC. alreadyD. just7. Parentsmustbepatient_theirchildren()A. atB. aboutC. withD. to8. IdontthinkIcanafford_forthecar()A. payingB. paidC. topayD. pay9. -DoyouwanttogotoFragrantHillsParkthisweekend?-No,IdontI_theretwice

4、thisyear()A. wentB. willgoC. wasgoingD. havebeen10. OurgeographyteachertoldusColumbus(哥伦布)_Americain1492()A. createdB. inventedC. discoveredD. beat11. -WhatisMomcookinginthekitchen?-Fish,IguessHowniceit_!()A. looksB. soundsC. tastesD. smells12. -Arethosecrayons_?-No,_arent()A. you;theirsB. your;thei

5、rC. yours;theyD. yours;them13. MyEnglishteacherhastaughtEnglish_shecametotheschool()A. sinceB. asC. whenD. for14. Peterknew_()A. whetherhehasfinishedreadingthebookB. whytheboyhadsomanyquestionsC. therewere12monthsinayearD. whentheywillleaveforParis15. -SorryImlatetoday-_Theweatherissobadtoday()A. Ha

6、ngonaminuteB. SoundsgreatC. ThatsthemainthingD. Nevermind二、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)16. ADid you buy anything there?BI spent the whole day shopping and eatingCI also went to the Palace MuseumDIt was greatEBeijing is so big that I almost got lostFYes, it was much betterGWhat place did you visit?A: Jane, yo

7、ure back Welcome back to school I missed youB: I missed you, tooA: How was your trip to Beijing?B: (1) I spent four days in Beijing Every day I did something differentA: (2) B: Well, first I went to the Great WallA: (3) B: No, I had no time to buy anything But the next day I went shopping(4)A: Did y

8、ou go anywhere else?B: Yes, I did (5) I bought a gift from the museum for youA: Thank you三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)China is a great country with more than 5,000years of historyThere are many places of interestThey attract(吸引) millions of tourists from all over the world every yearMany mountains,such as

9、 Mount Tai,Mount Emei,Mount Hua are very famousPeople like go to Mount Tai to(17)the sun riseThere the many rivers in ChinaThe Yangtze River is the longest one and the second(18)one is the Yellow RiverThey are the(19)of Chinese culture because Chinese ancestors (祖先) were born in the areas(20)the riv

10、ers in China,there are also a great number of lakesOne of the most famous lakes is the West LakeHave you heard of the story about Xu Xian and White Snake?It is said that the story(21)on the West LakeThe West Lake is the best place that I have every visitedIt lies in Hangzhou,Zhejiang ProvinceThe sce

11、nery is so attractive that visitors often lose(22)in itThe West Lake has become famous(23)not only its special scenery but some beautiful poemsThe great poets Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo(24)plenty of plenty of poems(25) the surrounding(周边) area of the West Lake is the home of the famous Dragon Well TeaTh

12、e ten is good for peoples healthHave you ever been to the West Lake?If not,look for a(26)to go to the fantastic place!17. A. bringB. watchC. askD. help18. A. shortestB. highestC. longestD. widest19. A. lightsB. traditionsC. backgroundsD. birthplaces20. A. Thanks toB. WelcomeC. Compared toD. Next to2

13、1. A. finishedB. mentionedC. returnedD. happened22. A. itselfB. ourselvesC. themselvesD. himself23. A. forB. asC. withD. in24. A. gaveB. wroteC. madeD. expected25. A. soB. ButC. AndD. Or26. A. wayB. projectC. strangerD. chance四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AThere are many different kinds of music in the wor

14、ld Now lets study some of them Classical music Classical music needs high musical skills If you want to learn this kind of music You have to go through lots of training Heavy metal music Heavy metal music(重金属音乐)came gut after World War It has got another name information music It is usually loud and noisy Hip-hop music This kind of music



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