冀教版八年级上册英语课件Lesson 2 Many Faces One Picture

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1、Unit 1 Me and My ClassLesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture目 录CONTENTS1 学习目标 2 新课导入3 新课讲解 4 当堂小练5 课堂小结 6 课后作业7 学习目标1. Master the new words and phrases.2.make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text. How to give suggestions?3.Grammar:Simple sentences,(S+V+O)新课导入Do you like taking photos? Do you hav

2、e any pictures when you were young? Do you like them now?Do you have a favourite photo? Why is it your favourite? What is a class picture? 新课讲解 Read and find the answers:1. What are Li Lin and Wang Mei looking at?2. What is Wang Mei wearing?3. How many pictures did Li Ming prepare?4. Li Ming chose a

3、 picture. What was he doing in that picture?Their photos for the class picture.Traditional clothes.Two.He was planting trees.新课讲解Language point 1Thats a good picture of you, Wang Mei.王梅,那是一张你的好看的照片。a picture of Wang Mei 指的是照片上的人是王梅。而Wang Meis picture 指的是照片属于王梅,而照片上不一定是王梅。e.g. There are two pictures

4、of me on the wall.墙上挂着我的两幅照片。(照片上的人是我)e.g. The students pictures are in the bag. 学生们的照片在袋子里。(照片属于学生们所有,但照片上的人不一定是他们自己)新课讲解Language point 2You look like a dancer.你看起来像一个舞蹈家。look like 与be likelook like “看起来像”,强调外貌;be like “像”,强调性格。e.g. The girl looks like her father, but she is like her mother very mu

5、ch. 这个女孩看起来像她爸爸,但是她性格很像她妈妈。新课讲解Language point 3I like this one. 我喜欢这张。(1) like 动词,表示“喜欢”, 后面跟v-ing 或动词不定式。 e.g. I like to watch TV. 我喜欢看电视。 e.g. I like skating. 我喜欢滑冰。(2)one代词,意为“一个/张/幅”新课讲解【辨析】one, it与thatone用来代替上文出现的单数名词,以避免重复,其复数形式为onesit指前面提到过的事物本身that特指前面提到的名词,that和被代替的名词并非同一物,而是同类事物,多用于事物的比较。t

6、hat复数形式是thosee.g. I cant find my eraser. Can you lend me one? 我找不到我的橡皮了,你能借给我一块吗?e.g. Jim has a blue pen and two black ones.吉姆有一支蓝色钢笔和两支黑色钢笔。e.g. The population of China is larger than that of the U.S.A.中国的人口比美国的人口多。新课讲解Language point 4You are wearing a red jacket and you are planting trees. 你穿着一件红夹

7、克并且你在种树。wear作动词,意为“穿着” ,与它近义的有:put on, dress和 input on意为“穿上”, 强调动作。dress意为“给某人或自己穿衣服”,常用结构:dress sb./oneself。in表示“穿着”的状态, 与wear意思相同, 但只能与be一起作谓语,常接表示颜色或服装的词。 新课讲解Were all wearing new clothes. 我们都穿着新衣服。Im putting on my shirt. 我正穿衣服。Mum is dressing my little sister. 妈妈正给小妹妹穿衣服。She is in red. 她穿着红衣服。*w

8、ear除表“穿衣”外,可表“戴(帽或眼镜)”He was wearing a hat.他戴着一顶帽子。Does your sister wear glasses? 戴眼镜吗?新课讲解Language point 5He advised me to choose that one. 他建议我选择那一张照片。advise sb. to do sth.意为“建议某人做某事”。e.g. My mother advised me to work hard.我妈妈建议我努力学习。新课讲解Language point 6I agree with you.我同意你的意见。agree with意为“同意,赞成”

9、,后面常接表示人或意见(看法)的名词或代词作宾语。agree to意为“同意”,后接建议、计划等名词。agree on意为 “对取得一致意见”,其后常接表示具体的文件、计划、行动等名词。e.g. I quite agree with you.我很同意你的意见。e.g. We dont agree on everything, of course.当然,我们不是对所有事情看法都一致。e.g. They managed to agree on a date for the wedding.他们总算商定了婚期。思 考新课讲解Listen and circle the correct answers.

10、1Wang Mei was wearing (traditional/sports) clothes in her picture.2Wang Mei was (singing/dancing) in the picture.3Li Ming prepared (two/three) pictures for the class picture.4Li Ming chose a picture. In that picture,he was (planting a tree /riding a camel)思 考新课讲解Complete the dialogue with the correc

11、t forms of the words or phrase in the box. advise agree up to besideDanny: Lets put your picture on the top right corner, Linda.Linda: I want to put my picture _ Jennys.Danny: OK.I will put my picture a little bit lower then. beside思 考新课讲解 advise agree up to beside Linda:Well,its _ you.Danny:Linda,c

12、an you lend me your marker? Ms.Cox _ us to write something under the picture. Linda:Sure. Here you are. I really like our class picture. It looks so nice.Danny:Yes,I _. Linda:Lets put it up on the wall.up toadvisesagree思 考新课讲解 Work in groups. Describe what you need when you make a class picture. Wha

13、t should you do to make it eye-catching? Fill in the mind map and discuss with your classmates.当堂小练一、单项选择1._ your sweater, or you may catch a cold. A.Take offBDont wearCPut on2.I think physics is very difficult to learn. Do you _ me? A.agree to Bagree with C.agree on Dagree at3.Can you _ your little

14、 brother? Im busy now. Sure. A.inBput onCdressDwearCBC当堂小练二、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. Jacks parents dont _(同意)to send him to a strange place to study.2.The teacher teaches the children how to _(用胶水将 物体粘合)the picture on the paper.3.Sometimes it is hard for us to _(选择) something, such as schools and jobs.4.The

15、students in our school have to _(穿) school uniforms(校服) every day. agree gluechoose wear归 纳课堂小结重点单词:perform,advise,agree,glue重点短语:a picture of you , advise sb to do sth. Its up to you , agree with sb, glueto/onto 重点句子:Put on your coat. It s cold outside. My mother is dressing my little sister. I will put my picture a little bit lower then.谢谢大家学生课堂行为规范的内容是:按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。不做与课堂教学无关的事,保持课堂良好纪律秩序。听课时有问题,应先举手,经教师同意后,起立提问。上课期间离开教室须经老师允许后方可离开。上课必须按座位表就坐。要爱护公共财物,不得在课桌、门窗、墙壁上涂写、刻划。要注意保持教室环境卫生。离开教室要整理好桌椅,并协助老师关好门窗、关闭电源。



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