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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 卫生类样卷卫生英语样卷及答案【七】 说明:本试卷共七大题,申报高级职称者全做,满分为120分;申报中级职称者做第一、二、三、四、五、七大题,满分为100分。第六大题申报中级职称者不做,做了也不判分一、词汇与语法选择(20小题,每题0.5分,共10分) 在A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(1) Finding out information about these universities has become amazingly easy for anyone with the Internet _ 通过任何互联网访问,找出这些大学信息是令人惊讶的容易,

2、 A. entrance 进入 B. admission准入 C. access通道 D. involvement卷入(2) Successful development of inexpensive drugs for AIDS has much _ for HIV patients成功的为艾滋病开发很多便宜的药物,对艾滋病毒患者有重要的意义 A. influence影响 B. complication 并发症C. implication 含义 D. specification规格 (3) Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors,

3、 such as poor eating habits, which _ increase the risk of heart disease.有压力的环境导致不健康的行为,就像不良的饮食习惯,转而会增加患心脏病的风险。A. in turn 转而 B. in return 回报 C. by turns 轮流 D. by chance 意外(4) The new law is believed to be the worlds first legislation aimed _ at the commercial organ transaction. 新法律被认为是世界上第一个立法专门针对商业机

4、构交易。A. implicitly 暗含 B. exclusively 专门的 C. inclusively 包含 D. specially特别的(5) She went into a deep _ after taking an overdose of sleeping pills她服用过量的安眠药进入一个深度昏迷 A. uncertainty不确定的 B. Coma昏迷 C, consciousness意识 D. comma停顿(6) A beam of light will not bend round the corners unless_to do so with the help

5、of a reflecting device. 一束光线在角落不会弯曲,除非有反射装置的帮助。 A. being done B. made C. to be made D. having made(7) You had better _ teasing these newcomers, for that will hurt their feeling. 你最好别取笑新人,这会伤害他们的感情 A. leave out省去 B, leave for 离开 C. leave off 停止 D. leave behind丢弃(8) According to the periodic table,_ s

6、till some elements undiscovered. 根据元素周期表,似乎有一些元素仍然未被发现。 A. there seem to be 似乎 B. it seems to be看来c. it seems that D. here seem(9) The results were to _ yesterday, but we have heard nothing昨天显示结果,但我们什么都没听到 A. reveal B. have revealed C, be revealed D. have been revealed显示(10) On no account _ to anyon

7、e who works in the company. 无论如何都不能使我的名字被提到对在公司工作的人。 A: my name must be mentioned B. my name must mention C. must my name be mentioned 提及我的名字 D. must my name mention(11) Grey whales have long been _in the north Atlantic and hunting was an important cause for that. 在北大西洋灰鲸早已灭绝,狩猎是一个重要的原因。 A. extinct

8、灭绝 B. extinguished 熄灭 C. detained 扣留 D. deprived除去(12) He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to _the newly launched satellite. 他主要负责远程遥控检索新发射的卫星。 A. retreat退却 B. retrieve检索 C. embody收录 D. embrace包围(13) This clearly shows that crops and weeds have quite a number of in

9、 _common. 这显然表明,作物和杂草有相当多的共同特征。 A. traits特征 B. traces C. tracks 轨道 D. trails痕迹(14)From science to Shakespeare, excellent television and video programs are available _to teachers, 从科学到莎士比亚, 教师可以大量使用优秀的电视和视频节目 A. in stock B. in store C. in operation D. in abundance大量的 (15) The developing nations want

10、rich countries to help shoulder the cost of _ forest. 发展中国家希望发达国家帮助承担保护森林的花费。A. updating更新 B. upgrading 提高 C. conserving保护 D. constructing建设(16) I must congratulate you _ the excellent design of the new bridge. 我得祝贺你对新桥梁优秀设计。A. with B. of C. at D. On(17) _ that he wasnt happy with the arrangements,

11、I tried to book a different hotel. 觉察到他对安排不满意,我设法预定另外一家宾馆。A. Perceiving 觉察 B. Penetrating 贯穿 C. Puzzling费解 D. Preserving保留(18) First published in 1927, the charts remain an _ source for researchers首次出版于1927的图表,仍然是一个不可缺少的研究来源A. identical 相同的 B. indispensable 不可缺少的 C. intelligent 智能的D. inevitable必然的(1

12、9) We booked rooms at the hotel _we should find no vacancies on our arrival. 我们在酒店预订了房间,免得我们到达时没有空房。 A. whenever 每当 B. since C. If D. lest免得(20) Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as_all other animals on earth. 尽管蚂蚁很小,一样是生物地球上所有动物。 A. are B. is C. Do D. Have二 、改错【在A/B/C/D四个选项中,选出一个含有语言错误的

13、选项】(10小题,每小题1分,共10分,建议完成时间10分钟)61. In the Middle East, Arabias great oil reserves are second only in those of Kuwait. A B C D答案:D本题解析:应该为 to second only to仅次于翻译:在中东,阿拉伯的巨大的石油储备仅次与科威特。62. Of these alternatives I prefer the formal but she prefers the latter. A B C D答案:C本题解析:应该是former表示前者,与后面latter后者对应

14、这些可供选择的物品,我喜欢正规的,但她宁愿喜欢后者。63. The way to make self-sufficiency work is to resist temptation to buy some A B Clabor-saved devices. D 答案:D本题解析:应该用laborsaving节省劳动力的翻译:自给自足的工作方式要求抵制买一些节省劳动力设备的诱惑64. A remote-controlling bomb exploded outside a hotel near the town square, injuring A B C D12 people. 答案:A本题解析:应该为:remote-controlled遥控炸弹翻译:一个遥控炸弹在广场附近的旅馆外面爆炸,至少有12人受伤。65. I must congratulate yo


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