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1、外研版八年级英语上册期末复习专题(二)重点语法重点语法1:形容词、副词比较级( )1、This blue sweater is too big for me. Would you please show me a _ one?A .the small B .smaller C .the smallest D .smallest( )2、The population of Tianjin is _ than that of Shanghai.A .larger B .less C .smaller D .fewer( )3、 China is over 5,000 years old. Its

2、one of _ countries in the world. Yes. It has much _ history than the US.A .old; long B .older; longer C .older; the longest D .the oldest; longer( )4、Nothing is _ than keeping trying if you want to achieve your dream.A .very important B .more important C .the most important D .as important as( )5、I

3、felt much _ after I told the problems to my close friend.A .good B .well C .better D .best( )6、I think skiing is _ dangerous than running.A .more B .very C .better D .much( )7、My friend isless outgoing than me.A .much B .much more C .more D .very( )8、What do you think of the movie?Great! I have neve

4、r seen aone.A .good B .bad C .better D .worse( )9、This place is not big enough for Lucys birthday party. We should find a _one.A .big B .small C .bigger D .smaller( )10、We must work harder next term. There will besubjects, so we will havetime for each subject.A .less; more B .more; fewer C .more; le

5、ss D .less; less( )11、Training more carefully means we have a _ chance of winning.A .good B .better C .well D .best( )12、It is not asas yesterday, so there arepeople walking in the park today.A .colder; fewer B .warmer; moreC .cold; more D .warm; most( )13、Thanks to the Internet, the world seems to

6、become.A .smaller and smaller B .small and smallC .more and more small D .smallest and smallest( )14、The more you do, _ you will get.A .much B .the more C .the less D .little( )15、I enjoy the beauty of nature in the countryside.Me too. And the air isthan that in the city.A .much fresh B .more freshe

7、r C .much fresher D .most fresh重点语法2:形容词、副词最高级( )1、Qomolangma is about 8,844 metres high. It is _ mountain in the world.A .highest B .the highest C .higher D .the higher( )2、 Who lives _ school in your class? Jimmy does. His home is just next to school,A .close to B .the closest to C .far from D .th

8、e farthest from( )3、Breakfast is _ meal of the day. It provides us with energy after a long night without food.A .important B .more important C .the most important D .very important( )4、Tom is a good boy and he writes _ of all in his class.A .careful B .the most careful C .carefully D .the most care

9、fully( )5、In our class Susans home isto school, so she walks to school every day.A .close B .closer C .the closer D .the closest( )6、I enjoy going to Guangming Cinema. It has _ seats in city.A .comfortable B .most comfortableC .more comfortable D .the most comfortable( )7、Tony is _ of the three boys

10、, but he is the tallest.A .young B .younger C .youngest D .the youngest( )8、Li Yundi is one of _in the world.A .more famous musicians B .the most famous musiciansC .most famous musician D .most famous musicians( )9、David studied _, so he didnt get a good result.A .the most careful B .the least caref

11、ulC .the most carefully D .the least carefully( )10、Guo Yue did quite _ at the World Table Tennis Championship,but Zhang Yining did even _.A .better;well B .well;well C .well;better D .better;better重点语法3:动词不定式( )1、There are some problems we need _.A .to solving B .solved C .solving D .to solve( )2、R

12、emember _ me when you need help.A .call B .calling C .to call D .called( )3、Last weekend I went to the library _ some books.A .borrow B .borrowed C .borrowing D .to borrow( )4、It is polite _ a gift when you visit somebody for the first time.A .take B .taking C .to taking D .to take( )5、Its a good id

13、ea _ an umbrella.A .bring B .bringing C .brings D .to bring( )6、 Mario, your mobile phone is ringing. Wait a minute. Its dangerous for us _ it while crossing the street.A .answering B .to answer C .answer D .answered( )7、Our teacher often tells us _ time.A .not waste B .dont waste C .not to waste D .doesnt waste( )8、His sister doesnt have enough money _ready _the coming party.A .



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