《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习

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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第1页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第2页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第3页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第4页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第5页
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《《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 3 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【致胜中考2021】一轮复习:九年级U3 词汇+语法讲解【单词默写】意思单词词性意思单词词性中心的,中央的拐角,角落便利的,方便的课程,学科正确的,恰当的方向,方位直接的,直率的东,东方东方的,东部的葡萄迷人的,极有吸引力的邮件,信件不礼貌的,粗鲁的商场,购物中心不昂贵的明信片附近的,邻近的要求,请求有礼貌的,客气的(美)洗手间,公共厕所不拥挤的,人少的讲(某种语言)的人,发言者地下的管理人员,职工向东,朝东邮票,印章在附近,附近地铁通常,正常情况下洗手间,厕所礼貌地,客气地在旁边,在附近请再说一遍,抱歉,对不起谁,什么人住址,地址,通讯处邮寄,发电子邮件浴室,洗手间建议,提议书店仓促,急促职


3、副词变形容词_speaker名词变动词_suggest动词变名词_【一词多义】1. suggest _ _My doctor suggests that I should lie in bed for a week.His pale face suggests that he is ill.2. rush _ _ _He ran out of the classroom in a rush. We wondered what was happening.Its too late, so he rushed to the bus station to catch the last bus.Tra

4、ffic jam always takes place at rush hour.3. correct _ _Dont worry, your answer is correct.Our teacher corrects our homework till late every night.【词汇用法】1. convenient: adj./it is convenient./It is convenient for you.2. suggest: v./suggest doing sth./suggest that +should/suggest that近义词辨析: advise vs s

5、uggestadvise: v./advise sb. to do sth./advise that shouldsuggest: v./suggest doing sth./ suggest that +should/suggest that +从句【高频短语】pardon me_at the corner of_in the corner of_on the corner of_send a mail_send a postcard_an envelope with a stamp_suggest doing_in a rush_rush out_rush hour_【攻占语法】宾语从句(

6、简单句)一、简单句的形式 _二、宾语从句与简单句的转化I dont know what I can do in the future.I dont know_ in the future.He wondered what he could do in the future.He wondered _ in the future.They havent decided where they will go on their holiday.They havent decided _ on their holiday.They wondered whether they go abroad or

7、not.They wondered _ abroad or not.三、宾语从句与简单句转化的条件主从句的主语 _【词汇练习】1. I dont know where Jenny lives. Could you please tell me her a _?2. Bob sits b _ me, on my left, and we always help each other.3. The houses near the c _ part of the city in the downtown usually cost much.4. Every day No. 1 bus passes

8、by our home. Its c _ to take the bus to school.5. Mr. Zhang hasnt c_ all our homework yet.6. Lily is good at math, she worked out this math problem c_ and quickly. 7. She has a good sense of d _ and he never goes the wrong way.8. It might seem more difficult to speak politely than d _.9. We all know

9、 that Japan is to the e_ of China.10. While shopping in the supermarket, Mom always buy some g _ which are my favorite fruit.11. Its i _ of you to come into teachers office without permission.12. Now he is busy m _ a letter at home by a computer instead of going to the post office.13. P_ me, do you

10、know if there is a bookstore around here?14. My uncle is p _ his car, so we have to wait for him.15. It is not p _ of you to cut the speaker short. He will feel quite embarrassed.16. Dont be nervous in the new company. If you ask for help p _, they wont refuse.17. In China, we usually say “toilet”.

11、While is western countries, they say “r _”.18. I wonder why you dont get up earlier in the morning. You are always in a r _ to get to school on time.19. I used to collect the s_ when I got the letters from my friends. 20. He Wei s _ going to the new restaurant and Alice agreed.21. So far, there have

12、 been three u _ in Hangzhou. It is really convenient for people to take the public transportations.22. The word “restroom” has the same meaning as the word “w_”.23. With w _ are you going to travel, Anna? Youd better invite some boys to go together.24. They were wondering where to hold the party and I s _ the gym in our scho



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