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1、19晨读暮省-2021年中考英语考纲核心词汇50天通关之拓展读练测(一)词汇晨读入心1. shoutv.&n.喊,高声呼叫动词用法:表示“大声说,喊叫,呼喊”,shout at sb.对某人怒吼(带有愤怒感情色彩);shout to sb.对某人大喊大叫(仅描述大声叫喊这一动作,不带感情色彩);试比较:I can hear you clearly. There is no need for you to shout to me.我听得很清楚,你不必大声叫喊。He ran up to the driver and began to shout at him.他跑到司机那儿,冲他大叫大嚷起来。名词

2、用法:表示“(生气、疼痛、兴奋等的)喊叫(声),呼叫(声)”,可以和介词of连用。例如:Tom gave a shout of laughter when he saw them. 汤姆看见他们,发出一声大笑。(2019,山东卷,短文填空)Fairy, he shouted, take away this 47 (terrible) gift! Give me back my little gal!2. shown.表演;展示;展览(会);显示;v.给看;出示;显示词形变化:过去式showed,过去分词shown/showed名词词组:on show在展出;talk show脱口秀;talen

3、t show才艺表演会;TV show电视节目动词词组:show up露面;show off炫耀;show oneself露面;show sb. around (sth.)带某人参观/四处看看名词用法:表示“娱乐表演,演出”,或“(电视、广播的)节目”。例如:put on a show上演节目表示“展览(会)”:an agricultural show 农业展览会动词用法:表示“给看,出示”,及物动词,show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth.。例如:The children proudly showed me their gifts (=showed their gifts

4、 to me). 孩子们自豪地给我看他们的礼物。表示“指出,指给某人看”,可用于show sb. sth.或show sb. wh-从句。例如:Show me which picture you drew. 指给我看哪张画是你画的。表示“(提供事实,信息)表明,证明”,及物动词,可直接跟宾语,可跟双宾语,可接从句。例如:Numbers showed a 9% increase in the price. 数据显示价格上升了9%。Research has shown us that people want not just low prices. 研究告诉我们,人们需要的不仅仅是低价格。表示“(

5、通过示范)教,演示;解说”,可用show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth.或show sb. wh-从句结构。例如:Can you show me how to do it? 你能教我怎么做吗?(2019,山东卷,单项填空)20. A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, _ 34 percent believe that they will make the roads more dangerous.A. although B. because C. i

6、f(2019,山东卷,阅读A)Listening to music or watching a TV show at loud volumes can harm your hearing.3. shutv.关上;封闭词形变化:过去式shut,过去分词shut关联词组:shut down停工,关闭;shut up住口;shut off切断,关掉;shut out关在外面用法:表示“(使)关上,(使)关闭”,可及物可不及物,常见于shut (sth.) behind sb.结构。例如:She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her. 她快步走进

7、来,随手关上身后的门。表示“(使)关门,停止营业”,可指暂时性或永久地关门。例如:The post office shuts at 5 oclock. 邮局五点钟关门。He lost his job when they shut the factory. 他们把工厂关闭后,他失去了工作。近义词:close v.关闭(2019,浙江卷,阅读C)Most likely these plants shut their flowers because there is too little light.4. sickadj.有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐的关联词组:get sick生病了;sick lea

8、ve病假;sick pay病假工资;be sick of对感到厌恶 用法:表示“生病的,患病的”,可做表语,可做定语;sick with得了病。例如:a sick child 生病的孩子;a sick animal 患病的动物I have been sick with flu. 我感冒了。He saved the child from fire. 他把那个小孩从火里救了出来。be sick或feel sick表示“想呕吐”,“反胃,恶心,作呕”。例如:As soon as the ship started moving I began to feel sick. 轮船一开动,我就感到恶心了。词

9、性转换:sickness n.疾病;呕吐同义词:ill adj.生病的(2019,浙江卷,阅读D)Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick.5. sightn.情景;风景;视力关联词组:at first sight咋一看,初看之下;out of sight看不见,在视野之外;lose ones sight失明;at the sight of一看见就;catch sight of看到,瞥见 用法:表示“视力,视觉”,例如:Annes sight is very good

10、 for someone of her age. 安妮的视力对于她这个年龄的人来说算是非常好的。表示“看到,看见”,指看见的动作,多以单数形式出现,常与of连用。例如:Just the sight of him made her body shake. 一看到他,她就身体颤抖。表示“景物,景象;名胜,景点”,指所见之物。例如:As he reached the front door, he saw a strange sight. 他走到前门,看到了一个奇怪的景象。词性转换:sighted adj.有视力的;sightless adj.盲的,看不见的关联单词:sightseeing n.观光,

11、游览:go sightseeing去观光(2019,浙江卷,完形)Instead of resting her _3_ until it got better, Mrs. Chaplin kept on singing.3. A. sightB. voiceC. smellD. hearing6. silentadj.无声的;沉默的 用法:指不说话,可以表示“沉默的,不语的”;remain/stay/keep silent保持沉默;也可以形容“沉默寡言的”性格类型。例如:Hes the silent type. 他是那种沉默寡言的人。表示“寂静的,无声的”。例如:The large house

12、 was old and silent.这幢大房子既老旧又寂静。词性转换:silence n.安静;沉默;silently adv.安静地同义词:quiet adj.安静地(2019,浙江卷,完形)I listened silently. Shes such a loser, one girl said.7. similaradj.相似的,近似的,类似的;像用法:be similar to=be like与相似;be similar in在方面相似。例如:Her ideas are quite similar to mine. 她的观点和我的很相似。The two cars are very

13、similar in size and color. 这两辆汽车大小和颜色都非常相似。近义词:alike adj.很相似的,相像的:尤指外表或者行为上面特别像;look alike看起来像。例如:She and her sister look alike. 她和她妹妹长得很像。反义词:different adj.不同的(2019,浙江卷,阅读B)Trampolining has benefits similar to those of running, but without too much stress on knees and ankles.8. simpleadj.简单的,简易的 用法

14、:表示“简单的,简易的;容易的”,与困难、复杂相对;simple to use/make/operate使用/制作/操作起来简单。例如:Modern cameras are very simple to use. 现代照相机用起来非常简单。表示“简朴的,朴素的”。例如:simple but delicious food 简单美味的食物词性转换:simply adj.简单地;简直;朴素地;simplicity n.简单;朴素;天真近义词:easy adj.简单的,容易的;plain adj.家常的,普通的反义词:difficult adj.困难的(2019,江苏卷,完形)The Hill sis

15、ters, who devoted their lives to educating children, could never imagine that the simple little song would continue to earn about $ 2 million every year.9. singleadj.单一的,单个的;单身的关联词组:single room单人房;single bed单人床用法:表示“仅有一个的,单一的,单个的”,仅用于名词前。例如:I couldnt understand a single word she said! 她讲的东西我一个字都听不懂!表示“未婚的,单身的”。例如:Are you still single? 你还是单身吗?反义词:married adj.已婚的(2019,安徽卷,单项填空)7.Hello, Beijing Hotel. Can I help you?Yes, Id like to _ a single room for two nights.A.



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