《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习

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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第1页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第2页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第3页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第4页
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《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习_第5页
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《《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》【致胜中考2021】九年级 Unit 14 (词汇+语法讲解)2021届人教版英语中考一轮复习(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【致胜中考2021】一轮复习:九年级U14 词汇+语法讲解【单词默写】意思单词词性意思单词词性体贴人的,关心他人的标准,水平两倍的,加倍的经理,经营者承担责任,有责任方法,措施级别(或地位)高的一排,一列,一行单独的,分离的标准,水平感谢,感激调查口渴的,渴望的任务,工作向前面,在前面课文,文本最后翅膀,翼将要,将会我们的典礼,仪式祝贺(大学) 学位,度数,程度加倍,是的两倍先生毕业,获得学位毕业克服,战胜指示,命令分开,分离键盘式,电子乐器,键盘【单词变形】单词三单过去式过去分词现在分词congratulatedoublegraduateovercomeseparate单词复数单词复数单词复

2、数ceremonylevelsurveymanagerinstructiontaskgentlemanmethodtextstandardrowwingkeyboard单词比较级最高级单词比较级最高级responsiblethirsty【单词变性】caring形容词变名词_responsible形容词变名词_thankful形容词变名词_lastly副词变形容词_graduation名词变动词_instruction名词变动词_manager名词变动词_congratulate动词变名词_【一词多义】1. double _ _I need a double bedroom.The number

3、 has doubled through their efforts2. graduate _ _He is the most excellent graduate in Qinghua University.He graduated from Qinghua University in 2010.3. separate _ _The two hands used to be separate, but one day, their owner put them together.You cant separate the little child from his parents.4. th

4、irsty _ _The girl is thirsty for learning. You can see that from her eyes.Could you give me a bottle of water? I feel really thirsty.5. degree _ _The young man has got the degree of Bachelor.You can read the degree on that machine.【词汇用法】1. separate: v./separate A from B近义词辨析: separate vs. dividesepa

5、rate: v./separate a from bdivide: v./divide a into b2. graduate: v./graduate from【高频短语】be responsible for_senior school_separate from_be thankful for_be thirsty for_feel thirsty_ahead of_go ahead_opening ceremony_above the level_do the survey_finish the task_overcome problems_【攻占语法】复习特殊疑问词,定语从句,宾语从句

6、,现在完成时,动词的非谓语用法等【词汇练习】1. Mary is a c _ girl because she always cares for others very well.2. The election was held six months a_ of schedule.3. Many guests were invited to attend the opening c _ of the art festival, which was held on the square in front of the information center.4. My name is Robbin

7、s with a d _ “b”.5. Ladies and g _, the show is about to begin. Please be seated.6. After g _ from college, he set up his own company.7. Thank you for coming to attend the g_ ceremony at Jianlan Middle School.8. Mr. Li gave us really clear i_ so that wed be safe when playing sports.9. His flight aro

8、und the earth l _ about 22 hours.10. These days many young people dream of becoming successful business m _ like Ma Yun.11. Eric came up with a new m _ of solving the problem.12. Your classroom is on the second floor and o _ is on the third floor.13. The key to deal with difficulties is to face them

9、 and o _ them.14. Lets go swimming, s _ we?15. Last week we did a s _ about what students want to be in the future and the results are really surprising.16. Read the passage carefully and underlined the key sentence in the t _.17. We should be t _ to all the people who have ever helped us.18. It is

10、good for young people to be t _ for knowledge and success.19. Chicken have w _ though, they cant fly with them.【语法练习】My teachers advised that I should see a speech specialist(专家) in school. I never 1 _(real) gave much thought to my speech. If other people understood what I was saying, then that was

11、good enough. I didnt mind repeating 2 _(I) many times. Before testing me, the speech specialist asked me what I thought for having good speechs. I told her I thought it was not important.“Well, when you are in an interview 3 _ a job and they dont know what you are saying, what are they going to say

12、to you? Nice to meet you, bye,” she said. Maybe good speech was important. I took part in 20-minute 4 _(class) each week with the specialist. After she tested me, she told me that I spoke too fast, and didnt give enough eye contact(交流). I learned that when I made eye contact with someone, it meant that I was talking to that person. And I could also see 5 _ he or she thought about what I was saying. When my 6 _(one) speech class star


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