大数据时代下我国个人数据保护的比较研究 计算机信息专业

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《大数据时代下我国个人数据保护的比较研究 计算机信息专业》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大数据时代下我国个人数据保护的比较研究 计算机信息专业(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 论文题目:大数据时代下我国个人数据保护的比较研究A Comparative Study on Personal Data Protection in China In the Age of Big Data论文摘要大数据时代下,海量的个人数据产生了前所未有的价值。个人数据的广泛收集和处理所带来的个人数据保护的问题愈发严重。这些问题包括个人数据的归属和其权利性质问题,个人数据处理与隐私的问题,个人数据的安全问题以及个人数据跨境后的管辖问题,等等。欧盟地区是世界上对个人数据保护最为严格的地区,并且有着长期的立法实践和司法实践,其对个人数据保护的相关原则和规则值得我国借鉴。目前,欧盟法律和学术界多


3、护权”紧密联系,并未认为“个人数据保护权”是一项与“隐私权”不同的权利。但在最近的立法和司法中,“个人数据保护权”从“隐私权”中独立出来的趋势越来越明显。 欧盟于2016年最新发布的一般数据保护条例,就其保护原则而言,于1995年的数据保护指令并没有相差太多,增加了完整性原则和问责制原则,体现了一般数据保护条例更加严格的数据保护原则。我国并没有像欧盟一样拥有完整的个人数据保护法,对于个人数据保护的法律常散见于各个部门之中,如民法总则、网络安全法、消费者权益保护法等。由于各个部门法的执法水平、执法理念不同,我国对个人数据在各个部门法的保护水平参差不弃。同时,由于各个部门法的保护范围有限,并不能涵


5、人数据保护立法的情况来看,个人数据保护法庞大的体系结构,使得个人数据保护不宜纳入人格权的范畴之中。参照欧盟的立法情况,个人数据权在我国不应当单独的定性为财产权或者人格权,而是应当理解为是一种新型的具备财产利益和人格利益的综合型权利,并且应当制定统一的个人数据保护法,这有利于个人数据权的自我完善和独立发展,从而提高我国个人数据保护的水平,使我国社会主义法律体系更加和谐。此外,还应当借鉴欧盟已有的关于个人数据保护的相关规定,不断完善我国个人数据保护原则以及规则,丰富我国个人数据保护权利类型,使我国个人数据保护水平与国际接轨。关键词:个人数据 个人数据权 人格权 财产权AbstractsIn the

6、 age of big data, huge amounts of personal data have generated unprecedented value. The issues about the protection of personal data are more and more severe because of the extensive collection and processing of personal data. These issues include the ownership of personal data, the nature of the ri

7、ght to theprotection of personal data, the processing of personal data, privacy, the security of personal data and the jurisdictional issues after the cross-border flow of personal data. The EU is the most strict area in the world for personal data protection and has long-term legislative and judici

8、al practice. The relevant principles and rules on the protection of personal data deserve our reference. At present, the EU law and its academic circles mostly use the term privacy or personal data to express personal data as a legal object. Chinese law often uses personal information and privacy, w

9、hile there is no uniform expression in its academic circles. In fact, there is no necessary distinction between personal information and personal data, but privacy in EU legal context is different from that in Chinese legal context. The former is generalized and the latter is sensu stricto.The prote

10、ction of personal data in the EU stems from the the right to privacy under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. With the proclamation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2000, the right to the protection of personal data became an independent expression. With the 2009 Lisbon

11、Treaty confirming the legal force of Fundamental Rights under the EU Charter, the right to the protection of personal data had become a legally binding and fundamental right. Since the right to the protection of personal data came into force, the European Court of Justice once closely linked the rig

12、ht to privacy with the right to the protection of personal data. It did not consider the right to the protection of personal data is difference from the right to privacy right. However, in recent legislative and judicial practice, the tendency that the right to the protection of personal data became

13、 independent from the right to privacy has become more and more obvious. The EU released General Data Protection Regulations recently in 2016. In terms of GDPR protection principles, it did not differ too much from Protection Directive provided in 1995, only adding the principle of integrity and con

14、fidentiality, which reflected stricter data protection principles under GDPR.China does not have a complete Personal Data Protection Law as the European Union does. In China, the laws on the protection of personal data are often found in various legal departments such as the General Principle of Civ

15、il Law, the Cyber Security Law, the Consumer Protection Law, etc. . Due to the different level of the law enforcement and the different value in various departmental laws, the level of protection of personal data in various departmental laws is not uneven. At the same time, given the limited scope o

16、f protection under the various departmental laws, the protection of personal data processing can not be covered in all cases.In addition, there is no unified understanding of the nature of the rights to the protection of personal data in China. Academic circles have different opinions. Some scholars advocate protecting pers



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