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1、第7乡讲cuut5核皿词汇、题语、句型丸脑体操作业死成情况词汇:知识梳理ricefishnoodlesbeefvegetables米饭角面条牛肉蔬菜knifechopsticksspoonplatefork小刀筷子勺子盘子叉子ricefishbeefbreadmilk米饭ft 牛肉血包牛奶do homework 做作业do housework 做家务watch TV看电视(reiid) books 读书cook the meals 做饭water the flowers 浇/艺sweep(swept) the floor 扫地 make(made) the bed 铺床 wash the cl

2、othes 洗衣服clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 set(set) the table 摆饭桌do the dishes 洗碗碟短语:use a computer使用计算机 eat breakfast 吃早饭 go to school 上学 play sports进行体育运动 climb mountains 爬山 play the piano 弹钢琴 fly kites放风筝 句型:do morning exercises 晨练;做广播操 eat dinner吃晚饭make a snowmanhave English class 上英语课 get (got) up 起床 go s

3、hopping 买东西 visit grandparents看望(夕卜)祖父母 堆雪人1. Can I have some noodles, please?我可以吃一些面条吗?Sure. Here you are. 当然,给你。2. Fm hungry.我饿了。Whafs for dinner?晚饭吃什么?Chicken and fish 鸡肉和鱼3. Wait and see等等看吧。4. What would you like for dinner (breakfast/lunch) ?你晚餐(早餐、中餐)喜欢吃什么?Fd like some rice and soup.我想吃些米饭和汤。

4、5. Everythings ready.一切都准备好了。6. Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?Pass me a plate, please.请把盘子递给我。7. Dinners ready.晚饭准备好了。Help yourself.请随便吃。8.1 can use chopsticks.我会用筷子。 Let me show you.让我展示给你看。9.1 like Chinese food.我喜欢中国食物。We had a good time我们度过了一段美好时光。See you tomorrow.明天见!语法:1 肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子,女: r m a stu

5、dent.She is a docto匚He works in a hospital.There are four fans in our classroom.He will eat lunch at 12:00.I watched TVyesterday evening2. 否定句:含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子,女1: r m not a student.She is not (isn t) a docto匚He does not (doesift) work in a hospital. There are not (arent) four fans in our classroom.

6、He will not (won9t) eat lunch at 12:00.I did not (didnt) watch TV yesterday evening教学重难点1.祈使句。2 动词用法。趣味引入学生:loom这个单词什么意思?老师:在100m以外看到一个美女或帅哥什么感觉?学生:朦朦胧胧。老师:没错这个单词的意思就是若隐若现的朦胧的意思。(这属于单词记忆属于联想记忆法,当然不定式的固定搭配也可以利用此法)特色讲聲-.找岀划线部分读音与其余三个读音不同的选项()1. A reachedB laughedC neededD worked()2. A throwB farthestC

7、 theaterD through()3 A schoolB choreC changeD chip()4.A sharkB starC cardD warm()5. A souvenirB southC amountD noun二找出划线部分意思相同或相近的选项()1. We enjoyed ourselves at the New Year Singing Party.A. had cold weather B. had a good day C. had a good time ()2. The foreign friends arrived in China the day befor

8、e yesterdayA. gotB.reachedC.get to()3. There are more than 1,000 students in our school.A. overB.less thanConly()4. English names “re different from Chinese names.A. are the same asB. arent thesame as C. are different to()5. Youd better go to the movie theater by busA. miss the busB. take a trainC.t

9、ake the解析:一.l.ed在清辅音和浊辅音后面的发音是不同的,即可选岀答案。2. 本题考查th的不同发音。3. ch的两种发音。4. 字母组合ar的不同发音。5. 字母组合ou的两种发音。1 玩得高兴有 enjoy oneself 和 have a good time.2到达有 arrive in/at 和 get to.3超过 more than=ove匚 4不同 be different from 就等于 not the same as.5坐公交可以使by bus,也可以是take a bus.答案:一.1-5CCADDb5 BBABC多壹练习-根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空(共7分

10、,每小题0.5分)1. He usually (gel) up at 6:30 am. and then washes his face.2. We (have) our English examination now3. The English teacher (ask) us to revise our English last week.4. They (do) their homework in Winter Holiday this year.5. My friend Ann is good at (sing).6. hard (study) every subject well.7

11、. The students of Class 12 run (fast) than the students of Class 11.& You can do the work very (good).9. Thank you for (invite) me10. This apple is (big) one in the basket11 Does your mother get up (early) than you?12.Is their classroom (comfortable) in our school?13. A lot of come to our country ev

12、ery year. (visit)14. This shirt is mine. That one is (she)二.用框格中词组完成下列各个句子do the dishes, take part in, mix up. taking care of, all over, take out the trash, at the moment, stayout late1. We can5t because our parents are worried2. Fm not feeling very well LI have lots of headaches.3. After dinner she

13、 likes to , because Its relaxing.4. Please to keep our classroom clean.5. John will the school basketball team next yea匚6.1 want to travel the world.7. these things and you can make fruit salad.8. Thank you for my dog答案: 一 1 .gets 2. are having 3 asked 4. do 5. Singing 6. To study 7.faster8 well 9.

14、inviting 10. the biggest 11. earlier 12. the most comfortable13. visitors 14. Hers二.stay out late 2.At the moment 3.do the dishes 4. Take out the trash5. take part in 6.all over 7.Mix up 8.taking careB一. 用 get to/ arrive in/arrive at/ reach 填空1 .When can you school?I get to school at seven.2. They Beijing yesterday.3. They the bus stop4. We home at six.二、单项选择()1.Can you tell me it is from here to downtown?Yes, it9s fifteen minutes by bus.A. how muchB. how longC how far()2.Susans parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be veryexpensive A. mustB. canC cant()3



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