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1、2019小学教师资格证考试面试:小学英语主讲老师:韩老师教学设计 教学设计教学简案(PPP)语音、语法、词汇Teaching Content:Teaching objectives:(1)Knowledge objective(s)(2)Ability objective(s)(3)Emotional objective(s)Teaching Key Point:Teaching Difficult Point:Teaching Aid:Teaching Procedures:Step 1Warming up and lead-in(1)GreetingStep 2 PresentationS

2、tep 3 PracticeStep 4 ProductionStep 5 Summary and HomeworkSummary and Homework:Blackboard Design: 教学设计教学简案(PWP)听说、阅读、写作Teaching Content:Teaching objectives:(1)Knowledge objective(s)(2)Ability objective(s)(3)Emotional objective(s)Teaching Key Point:Teaching Difficult Point:Teaching Aid:Teaching Proce

3、dures:Step 1 Warming up and lead-in(1)GreetingStep 2 Pre-readingStep 3 While-readingTask 1 Fast readingTask 2 Careful readingStep 4 Post-readingStep 5 Summary and HomeworkSummary:Homework:Blackboard Design: 教学设计导入导入是引导听课者进入学习情境从而形成适宜的学习心理状态的教学行为方式。常用的导入方法有直接导入、悬念导入、游戏导入、故事导入、提问导入、情境导入等。导入要尽量新颖活泼,精简概

4、括,吸引学生。 教学设计导入注意:面试得高分的关键点就在你的导入够不够新颖,够不够吸引人注意,能让人听到精神一振,眼前一亮。英语教学一定要注意趣味性,尤其在考场中如何出奇制胜,吸引考官注意力十分重要。因此需要精心设计好导入环节。接下来就向大家介绍几种常用的导入方法: 教学设计导入方法歌曲导入法设疑导入法复习导入法图片,视频导入法故事导入法活动导入法 教学设计小学英语导入1、歌曲导入The teacher asks students to listen to the song.”.After listening,teacher asks a questionWhat can you hear f

5、rom the song?”Teacher encourages students to give their answers.Greet with the students,and then ask them to sing the English song together.Hello,boys and girls.Hows the weather?I have a beautiful song for you“.You can sing this with me.Greet with the students,and then ask them to sing the English s

6、ong they have learned yesterday. 教学设计小学英语(歌曲导入)No.1、Its a small world美丽小世界No.2、Ten Little Indians十个印第安小男孩No.3、Row,row,row your boat 小船摇啊摇No.4、In the good,old summertime 在曾经美好的夏日时光中No.5、Twinkle,twinkle,little star 小星星No.6、Brother John 两只老虎两只老虎No.7、DOREME 音乐之声里的经典歌曲No.8、We wish you a merry christmas 祝

7、你圣诞快乐N0.9、If youre happy如果高兴的话你就拍拍手 教学设计小学英语导入2、设疑导入法老师首先询问学生一些问题,学生经过思考后回答问题,引入所讲述的课程。For example:(1)The teacher asks some questions about sth(food),such asWhich food do you like best?”(2)The teacher asks some questions about sth(their experiences of vacations in other countries).(3)The teacher ask

8、s students to talk about their weekend plans to lead in the topic:What will you do on this weekend? 教学设计小学英语导入3、复习导入法例:1、小学英语有一课“Do you like pears?”,教师可以带领学生们复习有关水果的单词,之后再引出句型“Do you like”Yes,I like/No,I dontlike”2、Review sth and then ask students some questions with sth3、Last class,we have learnt 教

9、学设计小学英语导入4、图片、视频导 入法例:1、Show a video to students about sth(the wild animalssituation).Ask them to express their thoughts about sth(endangeredanimals).2、The teacher shows the students some pictures of sth(poorchildren and their poor lives).3、Show the picture about sth 教学设计小学英语导入5、故事导入法讲述真实或者虚拟的故事,通过故

10、事引出所讲内容。例:Do you know?He is a famous American writer,also an outstanding humorist. 教学设计小学英语导入6、活动导入法(1)游戏导入-play game Play a game:Lets have a riddle.a ball game do some activities:clap your hands,stamp your feet,wink your eyes(2)角色扮演-role play Lets have a role play 教学设计语音课教学设计(1)Warming up and Lead-

11、in(2)Presentation:呈现口头对话 或者听力材料,让学生找出需要掌握的语音规则(字母发音规则、音标发音规则、语调、重音)(3)Practice:给学生提供一些句子、对话或者篇章,让学生练习正确的、地道的发音。让学生在模仿标准发音的基础上进行练习,掌握某一项规则。(4)Production:安排一定活动,调动学生的参与性,灵活运用本节所讲内容。听听力材料,纠正自己语音看英语视频 ,分角色模仿游戏练习 (Listen and circle;Listen and match;听音指单词)游戏练习 :提供绕口令,进行语音练习Pair work/one by one 教学设计语音课教学设计

12、(5)Summary and homework:老师总结 或者学生总结本节课所讲内容;作业布置适度Summary:The teacher asks/invites students to summarize what they have learnt today.(学生总结)Summary:The teacher makes a summary of what they have learnt today.(老师总结 )Homework:The teacher asks students to read these words after class and find the words wi

13、th“”. 教学设计例题1、内容:Ilike to drink tea.Ilike to eat beef.He has a black jacket.She has the brown hair.2、要求:(1)全英文授课;(2)讲授四组音标ee,ee,bl,br,怎么发音,区别发音,还要造句。(3)要设计相应的课堂互动环节 ;(4)配合适当板书设计 。 教学设计教案设计Step 2 Presentation The teacher asks students to listen to the tape and lets students read after it.The teacher

14、plays the tape again and asks students to pay attention to the words tea, beef, black, brown.T: Who can tell me the pronunciation of eeand ee?S:/i:/.The teacher teaches them how to pronounce bland br. Then gives students some other words on the blackboard, such as week, need, read, blue, bring, brow

15、and lets students read after the teacher.Step 3 Practice The teacher asks students to play the finger game.T:I will number the words on the blackboard, and then, when I put out the finger, you should speak out the words. For example, when I put out 3 fingers, you should speak out read. Understand? 教

16、学设计教案设计Step 4Production The teacher asks students to have a competition:a reading star. The teacher invites some students to read the sentences as quickiy as possible and then let students choose the best one.Step 5 Summary and homework Summary: The teacher asks students to summarize what they have learnt today?Homework: The teacher asks students to read these words after class and find the words with ea, ee, bl, brand make new sentences. 教学设计词汇课设计练习:1、小学英语词汇课1、题目:Traffic Lights2、内容:Car,car,red


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