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1、5年级下册 Unit 2A卷: 课堂点拨题 课课练P63 丑小鸭A: Where the ugly Duckling(丑小鸭)? B:He beside the river .1.主谓宾的肯定句(1) My aunts _ in a big factory . A. work B. works C. worked(2)Su Hai and Su Yang always_ there on foot. A. goes B. go C. going(3)The man _ young.A. look B. looks C. looking(4)【易错】Many girls _on the shoe

2、, and it only _ Cinderella. A. try, fit B. tries, fits C. try, fits2. 主谓宾的否定句(1)Mike (not do)his homework on Saturday.(2)The boy lives near school. (改为否定句) 3. 主谓宾的一般疑问句(1)_ your brother have_ pens? A.Do, some B.Does, any C.Does, some(2)【易错】_your brothers have_pens? A.Do, some B.Does, any C.Does, som

3、e D.Do, any4. 主谓宾的特殊疑问句(1)Where does your uncle _? He _ in a small town(城镇). A. lives, live B. live, live C. live, lives(2)【易错】Where does your uncles _? They _ in a small town. A. lives, live B. live, live C. live, lives(3)- How _ your father go to work? - He _ to work by car. A. does, goes B.do, go

4、 C.does, go(4)【易错】-Who _on the street? - Liu Tao. A. rides B. riding C. rides5. 乘坐交通工具的表达(1)【易错】We can get there by train .(改成同义句)We can to get there .(2)【易错】We can go there by bike. (改成同义句) 6. live后面可以加的介词Su Hai lives _ Moon Street. A. in B. on C. behind7. show的用法(1)Can you _your bike _me? A. show,

5、 for B. show, to C. showing, with(2)Can you show _ around the park? A.she B.him C.they8. like后用动名词(1)I like (sing), but my sister doesnt, she (like)_(dance).(2)Bobby likes (ride)a bike in the park .9. 一些重要的词组(1)I like playing in Disneyland(迪斯尼), but it is _ home. A. far away B. far from C. far off(2

6、)My brother and I come to school _ taxi. A. by B. take C. on(3)【易错】_ uncle works_ a big ship? A .My, in B. I, on C. My, on(4)【易错】Im free today. What about _? A. go fishing B. going fishing C. go to fishB卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.Its late, she _ to go home now. A. have B. has C. having( )2.【易错】Lucy always _

7、home by bike. A. goes to B. goes C. go( )3.【易错】_you often late_ school? A. Do, for B. Are, for C. Are, to( )4.-Where _ they live? - They live _ City Library. A. does, on B. do, near C. do, on( )5.-Where _ your sisters _? -They _in Nanjing. A. do;live;live B. does;live;lives C. do;lives;live( )6.Can

8、_ go to the park by car? -No, _ cant. A. I, you B. I, I C. you, you( )7.Bobby wants _ his bike to his friends. A. shows B.to show C. showing( )8.-Is that a plane? - It looks like a bird. A. Yes,it isnt. B. I dont think so. C. No,it doesnt.二填入适当的词1.young(反义词) 2. taxi(复数) 3.buy(同音词) 4.bus(复数) 5.want t

9、o(同义词组) 6.near(反义词组) 7.there(反义词) 8.city(复数形式) 9.drive(名词) 10.far(反义词) 11.take off (反义词) 12.sit(动名词) 13.Su Yang (live)near the City Library.14.【易错】The wheels on the bus_(go) round and round.15.We want (have)a picnic.16.Can you (draw) a picture for me .17.Bobbys mum _(not) read books.18.【易错】I cant se

10、e any (taxi) in the street.19.We _(not watch) TV on Mondays.20.How _ (do) Mike come to school.21.Where _ (do) they live?22.My grandparents are (farm) .23.Bobby likes (ride)a bike in the park .24.I like _ (read) the stories about Monkey King.25.He rides very _ (good).26.There (be)some fruit in the ba

11、sketball.27. he (do)his homework every day?三翻译1.坐在篮子里 2.喜欢骑车 3.非常喜欢. 4.住得靠近 5.步行 6.在月亮街 7.靠近城市图书馆 8.乘地铁 9.住在阳光镇 10.【易错】步行去上班 11.【易错】骑自行车去那里 12.【易错】坐地铁去购物 13.乘飞机去 14.展示他的玩具给他们看 15.我新家离学校远。My new home _ _ _ school.16.他可以骑自行车到达那儿。He can _ _ _ bike.17.我叔叔在一艘大轮船上工作。 My uncle _ _ a big _.18.我们周末经常骑车去公园。 We often _ _ the park _ _ at weekends .19.-你为什么不去上学呢? - 因为我生病了。-_ _ you go to school? -_ _ _.20.麦克每天都坐火车去医院吗? Mike go to the hospital every day? 21.- 你们住在哪儿?- 我们住在月亮


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