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1、2022中高考英语快速阅读技巧 2022中高考英语快速阅读技巧如何在中高考考试中提高英语阅读速度,并在有限的时间内圆满地解答试题,这是广大考生共同面临的一个问题,也是他们孜孜以求的奋斗目标。这里所讲的阅读速度,是指对原文有较好理解基础上的阅读速度,即对文章的理解程度要达到70%以上,离开这一前提去谈阅读速度便毫无意义了。我国规定的高考阅读标准速度每个省份要求不一,自主命题的阅读速度要求比全国卷高,但总体来说,一般要求达到平均60-70字每分钟, 即60-70wpm( Words per minute),这一速度要求还是很高的,大学四六级考试的要求也只不过每分钟70个字。为了达到这一阅读速度,中


3、技巧分别介绍如下。一.成组视读法(Phrase Reading)人们从小养成了逐词阅读的习惯:一目一词。这种阅读方式对一般读者来说是习以为常的。但是,作为中高考考生,按传统的习惯逐词逐句地阅读文章,只会降低阅读速度,事倍功半。逐词阅读对某些短句也许可行,但对于咄咄避人的文章和种类繁多的选择题则难以奏效。因此。考生应竭力改变一目一词的习惯,逐步养成成组视读(Phrase Reading)的习惯。所谓成组视读,是接意群(Sense Group)将句中的词自然分隔开来,一组一组地扫描,用目光捕捉词组的信息。这好比以5,10,15,20的方式读数,能使计数速度成倍提高。例如:Editors of ne

4、ws papers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics.本句共18个单词。如按一目一词的阅读方式,要读18次才得以完成。这样不但十分费时,而且难以加快速度。如按意群将句子以词组的形式分隔开来,一组一组地视读,阅读速度就迅速提高了。Editors of newspapers and magazines / often go to extremes /to provide their readers/with unimportant fac

5、ts and statistics.我们将上句按意群分为四组,一目一组,分四次完成。每组都表示一个独立的信息,表意明确。每读一组,大脑便兴奋一次。最后将四种信息串为一体,形成一个统一的、完整的信息单位。成组视读的优点在于”等量齐观,一目了然”。当然要学会成组视读,必须掌握意群。意群既是语流语境中的一个信息单位,又是一个视读单位。例如:Whether we find a joke / funny or not / largely depends on / where we have been brought up./ The sense of humour/ is mysteriously bo

6、und up / with national characteristics. A Frenchman,/ for instnce,/might find it hard /to laugh at a Russian joke. In the same way,/a Russian/might fail / to see anything amusing /in a joke /which would make an Englishman / laugh to tears.上文共有65个单词,根据意思可分为18个意群。意群的长短是相对的。其间有个停顿。这时读者可以抓住信息,并准备进入下一个视读

7、单位。划分意群不仅取决于语法、语义和语境,而且也与读者的语感有关。读者只能在实践中逐步掌握规律。现将划分视读单位的基本方式介绍如下:(一)短语I. in the 19th century2. During his lifetime3. From now on4. To begin with(二)短句1. I see2. Can you come?3. Its raining4. What do you think?(三)从句1. You may come / if you like2. I hope / he is sale.3. Whatever he says / is meaningle

8、ss.(四)主谓结构1. The books are sold at 10 each. 2. He studies at the university.(五)动宾结构1. He decided to write a book on TOEFL.2. All the students skimmed the passage first.(六)系表结构1. The proposal you made was very interesting.2. His duty is to look after the children.(七)宾补结构1 Did you notice your brother

9、go out?2. We are surprised to find all the seats taken.总之,成组视读习惯的养成并非轻而易举之事,而是要经过严格的训练。只要考生平时有意识地加强成组视读的训练,长此以往,坚持不懈,定能有所收获。二.通篇略读(Skimming)法通篇略读(Skimming)是一种舍弃文章细节及一切无关紧要的内容去捕捉全文要旨的阅读方法(即压缩法)。采用略读可以帮助考生迅速通读全文,在这个过程中把握文章主旨、掌握大致结构,进而提炼段落内部层次,快速找到关键信息的对应位置,从而提炼出回答问题所需的信息。该方法往往先读文章标题,再读段落的开头和结尾部分,或者文章的

10、第一段和最后一段,这样可以帮助我们很快找到文章的主旨大意。通篇略读能使阅读速度加快到令人难以置信的程度,对阅读长篇文章尤为适用。中高考阅读文章大都为议论文或说明文,其文章结构相差无几。篇幅较长的文章一般分成几段,段落大都设有主题句(the Topic Sentence),直截了当地引出段落的主题。因此,考生只要阅读主题句,便可了解段落大意了,因为其他句子大都属于具体细节或事实,用以说明主题句的论点,有时将其舍弃并不会妨碍对全文要旨的了解。通篇略读最适用于下列题型:1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. The title below that be

11、st expresses the idea of the passage is.3. Thepassagewouldbeassignedreadingforacourseinwhat subject?4. What has been discussed in the passage?5. Where would this passage probably appear?考生在回答此类问题时,对文中细节可用目光一扫而过,甚至不予理会,而应将注意力集中在主题句上。我们不妨剖析一例,不完禅益。Petroleum products(石油产品),such as gasoline, kerosine, h

12、ome heating oil, residual fuel oil, and lubricating oils, come from one source-crude oil(原油) found below the earths surface as well as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earths interior. Sometimes crude oil is secured by drilling

13、 a hole through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Pressure at the source or pumping forces crude oil to the surface.Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance, thin, thick, transparent or opaque, but regardless, their chemical composition(化学成分) is made u

14、p of only two elements:carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons(烃, 碳氢化合物). Other chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities(杂质). Trace elements (微量元素)are also found, but these are of such minute(极小的) quantities that they are d

15、isregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joinings of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule(分子).The various petroleum products are refined(提练) from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vap

16、ors. These products are the so-called light oils, such as gasoline, kerosine,and distillate oil(馏出油). The residue remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or residual fuel oil and is used mostly for furning under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure of th


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