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1、 Module 6 unit 1v知识目标:学生能听、说、认读以下词组:draw the pictures, write the reports, cut the paper, stick the newspaper.技能目标: 会使用will造句子并能联系实际进行拓展应用,解决生活中的实际问题。情感目标:体会小组合作的快乐,形成良好的合作学习的态度。 The summer holiday will come, What will you do? I will. What will you do ?I will.Illplay the fluteplay footballsinggo to t

2、he parkplay the flutePlay football singgo to the parkdanceswim do my homeworkread booksdanceswim do her homeworkread booksWhat will they do? draw the pictureswrite the reportscut the paperstick the pictures on the newspaperWhat will they do?write the reportsstick the pictureson the newspaper draw th

3、e picturescut the paper willIll _ the reports.Ill _ the pictures on the newspaper. Ill _ the pictures.Ill _ the paper. draw write cut stick He will draw the pictures. He is good at Art.She will write the reports.She is good at English.He will cut the paper. What will Sam do,? Will Lingling stick the

4、 pictures on the newspaper?Yes, she will. 改写课文Hi, Im _. _, _, _ and I will make an English newspaper. It can be about _. _ will draw the pictures. _ is good at Art. _ will write the reports. _ is good at English._ will cut the paper. And _ will stick the pictures on the newspaper . Wow !Our English

5、newspaper is _!Hi, Im Lingling. Daming, Amy, Sam and I will _. It can be about our _. Daming will _. Hes good at _. Amy will _. Shes good at _.Sam will _. And I will _. Wow!Our English newspaper is _!make an English newspaper school draw the pictures Art write the reports English cut the paper stick

6、 the pictures on the newspaper fantastic 连词成句1.will, the, draw, pictures, I2. I will draw the pictures.2.you, do , will, tomorrow, what3.What will you do tomorrow?4.3.paper, cut, I , the, will I will cut the paper.让我们一起来做英语手抄报,怎么分工呢?讨论并汇报一下吧!例如: Ill draw the pictures.Because Im good at art.小组对话Homew

7、ork:Make an English newspaper about your school. (you can make it with your good friends.)关于合作力量大的名言 (1)In unity there is strength. 团结就是力量。(2)United we stand, divided we fall. 团结就是胜利,分裂必然失败。 (3)Two heads are better than one. 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。(4)A stake with three fence, a good brave fellow three help. 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。(5)If any force solidarity is weak. 若不团结任何力量都是弱小的。 (6)Cohesion strength, Unity is born. 凝聚产生力量; 团结诞生希望。 (7)One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。Will you ? Yes, I will./No, I wont.


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