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1、外研版八年级上 Module 9 Animals in dangerUnit 2 The government is working hard to save the panda.一. Before class1. Divide the class into five groups and introduce the competition rules to them: If you answer one question correctly, you can put one sweet into your groups glass. At last, well see which group

2、 can get the most sweets2. Talk about animals they like and animals in danger in groups.3. Enjoy the song Panda Mimi二. PresentationT: There are no English songs about pandas, why? Can you tell me the reason?(板书 reason)S1: They only live in China.T: What else do you know about pandas?1. Food(饮食)2. Ha

3、bitat(栖息地)3. Problems(问题)Ask the students to think of the pandas facts according to these three aspectsS2: They eat bambooT: Yes, bamboo is their main food, they mainly eat bamboo, they mainly live on bamboo.(板书 mainly, live on) What food do tigers live on?S3: They mainly live on meat.T: Good. Can y

4、ou say more about pandas?(学生无反应,教师启发)Do they live in Shanghai? Ss: No.S4: They live in SichuanT: Yes. Where is Sichuan? Is it in the east of China?S5: No, its in the southwest of China.T: Great!(板书 southwest) Wolong is a famous place in Sichuan. Why?S6: Many pandas are living in WolongT: Yes, its th

5、e biggest nature reserve for pandas in China.(板书 nature reserve, 并出示课件:臣卜 龙熊猫自然保护区)Anymore? Do pandas have problems?S7: Yes, they are in danger.T: Thats right. They arc in serious danger. The situation is very serious(板书 situation) Why are they in danger?S8: People kill them.T: This is one reason. T

6、here is another important reason. What happened?S9: They donl have enough bamboo to eat.T: Wonderful! The area of bamboo is becoming less and less,so pandas dont have enough food to eat, many pandas die. The pandas are becoming fewer and fewer.( 板书 less and less) So we must try to protect pandas Tod

7、ay well learn Unit 2 on Page74: The government is working hard to save the pandas本部分设计意图:让学生积极动脑,畅所欲言,尽情发挥,充分体现学生的主体地位。在师 生交流过程中,教师做好引导,在适当的情境中引出本单元词汇,如:mainly, live on, southwest, nature reserve, reason less and less, situation.三* Watching and listeningT: Watch this video carefully, and we can know

8、 more about the pandas One question for you: what other animals are in danger?(通过听和看课文录像,整体感知语篇)S1: Tigers, whales, turtles and elephants.T: Great! (11!示这些动物图片)They all need help.本部分设计意图:通过听和看课文录像,整体感知语篇.四 Fast readingT: Now read the passage quickly and choose the best heading for each paragraph.Sho

9、w the reading attention.(lB示阅读提示:注意每段第一句和最后一句)(教师巡视,大部分学生读完之后,可以小组讨论)T: Which group can give us the answer?(学生顺利给出正确答案)本部分设计意图:培养学生对文章主旨大意和段落大意的理解能力.五 Careful readingStepl:T: Read Paragraph 1 carefully and answer these two questions:1 How many pandas are living in nature reserves?2. How many pandas

10、do zoos and research centres look after?(课件出示研究中心图片) 学生顺利说出答案.Step 2:T: Read Paragraph 2 carefully and answer this question:Why are they in danger?You can discuss it in your groupS1: Pandas have less and less land to live on.T: Anymore?S2: Pandas dont have many babies, and baby pandas often die.T: Y

11、es. Look at the baby pandas.(出示熊猫幼崽,让学生知道为什么熊猫存活率低).Step 3:T: They are in danger, so the government is working hard to save them.What has the government done for pandas? Read Paragraph 3 carefully and fill in the blanks:1 It has made more than 30 nature reserves to2. It has made a new plan to3. It w

12、ill make bigger reserves to学生经讨论后给出答案:T: What are these to do sth: used for?SI:表示目的.T: Great. Can you make a sentence with “ to do”?S2:1 come here to have an English class.T: A good sentence I come to Weifang to give you a lesson. Anymore?S3:1 get up very early to go to school.T: Yes, thats right. W

13、e get up early to go to school to study hardStep 4:T: Not only the Chinese government but also the WWF is trying to help pandas.(出示 WWF 的标 志及会旗)What is the symbol for the WWF?Ss: PandaT: Yes, The panda is the symbol of the WWF and this is the flag of the WWEWhat does the WWF do? Read Paragraph 4 and

14、 find the answer.S1: The WWF works to protect all animals in dange匚T: Thats the answer. It is very helpful to the animals.本部分设计意图:培养学生对文章细节的阅读理解能力,发展合作精神,并使学生加深对带 有动词不定式的句子的理解。六.Homework作业1 Make 5 sentences with “to do” structure.2 Finish the reading on Page 146 in your workbook教学反思:首先,在课前准备阶段,让学生培养

15、学生竞争意识和合作意识,谈论自己喜爱的动物和 濒危动物,熟悉本单元话题animals,引入本单元话题pandas,拉近学生和大熊猫的距离, 让学生对教学内容产生兴趣,学生普遍反映积极主动。其次,在学生自我陈述阶段,既检查学生的预习情况又能锻炼学生的表达能力和自助 思考能力,提升其语言表达能力。在这一环节,英语能力较好的学生比较积极,还应多鼓励 其他学生,要敢于表达,不畏惧错误第三,借助听力、阅读材料,总结材料学习更多的单词、词汇,以达到巩固、提升的 目的。第四,训练学生快速阅读方法同时抓住文章主旨。个别学生的阅读速度太慢,导致无 法完成相应的教学任务,在今后的课程中还应加强进一步的方法指导。第五,培养学生的主题和话题意识以及小组间的合作意识,学生们喜欢合作学习方式, 从中能获得乐趣,对知识的掌握更加牢固。


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