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1、大学英语课堂口语考试情景对话生活变化感恩.精品资料生活的变化A:Hey,you look upset.whats up?B:I m worried about my paper of changes in our life. Could you give me some suggests?A:Sure.There are many changes in our life in recent years,such as the popularity of smart- phone and the development of Internet.While there are also many

2、bad things happened,especially the haze.B:yeah.The phone appeard when we werechildren.At that time phone could only call someand send messages.However,almost everyone has a smart-phone nowadays.we use it for not only communicating,but also learning , booking dinner, watchingmovies.A:The phone really

3、 makes life convenient.butmany young men abandon themselves in it,we call these people smart-phone addicts.B:Another bad change is the increasing haze.Indacades ago,we only know fog,but now we only meet haze.Haze become a very big problem in a very short time.A:Protecting our environment is everyone

4、sbusiness.B:Thanks very much for your advice.They are useful.A:You are welcome.精品资料:Hi ,你看起来不太好,怎么了?:我正为论文生活的变化烦心呢。你能给我出主意么?:当然了。最近这些年我们的生活发生了很多变化呢。比如手机的兴起,网络的发展。同时也发生了许多不好的事情,例如雾霾,食品安全等等。:是啊。记得我们小时候才刚有手机,那时候的手机不能上网,只能打电话发短信,而现在手机已经人手一 部,我们不仅用它交流,也能学习,订餐,转账,看电影等等。生活中完全离不开它。:手机的确方便了我们的生活。但是许多人沉迷其中, 走

5、路也玩手机。我们叫他们低头族。:另一个巨大的变化是雾霾了。以前只听说过雾,现在出现的却都是霾。短短几年时间,雾霾已经成了全国头疼的大问题。:真希望再也没有雾霾。我一点也不想在雾霾中呼吸。雾霾是环境问题,这些年环境问题越来越严重。我们要重视。:保护环境,人人有责。:谢谢你给我出主意。真是太有用了。:不客气。感恩A:Hey,what are you doing?B:I am writing an article aboutthankfulness.Could you give me some suggestions? A:Sure.Who do you think we should be tha

6、nkful to?.精品资料B:First,we should be thankful to our parents absolutely,they bring us up and give their great love to us.Second,we should thank our teachers,they teach us many knowledge and many philosophy of life.A:What you said is really right.Anything else?B:I cant think of more.what about you?A:I

7、consider we should thank our mother country and our friends as well.It s our country that protects us from suffering the wars and disasters.And it make us proud living in theearth.B:I understand you.Then friends help us when we are in a hank,company us when we delight.They comfort our heart and make

8、 our life fun.A:What you said will play a part.Thank you very much.B:You re welcome. A:hey,你在干嘛呢B:我在写关于感恩的论文。你能给我一些建议么?A:当然。你觉得我们应该感恩那些人呢? B:首先当然要感恩我们的父母,他们养育了我,给了我深沉的爱。其次还有我们的老师们,他们教给我门知识和许多人生的道理。 A:你说的很对。还有别的么? B:我想不到更多了。你觉得呢?.精品资料A:我觉得我们还要感恩我们的祖国,我们的朋友,和许多陌生人。我们的祖国保护我们免受战争,灾难,使我们骄傲的生活着。祖国是我们坚强的后盾。 B:我明白了。朋友们在困难时帮助我们,在欢乐时陪伴我们,他们安慰我们的心灵,给我们生活的乐趣。A:你说的对。我们也应该感谢陌生人。我们生活所需的物资,制造,流动,最后到我们手里,这个过程中有许多的人参与。这些陌生人为我们的生活作出了贡献。B:你说的这些太有用了。谢谢你。A:不客气。.


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