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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上初一英语期中测试题听力部分。( 20分)I听句子,选择最佳答语,读两遍。(每题1分,共10分)( )1 A She speaks English. B She is from Japan. C Her name is Mary. ( ) 2 A Yes,there is .Its on Center Street. B Its next to the park. C No,there isnt.( ) 3 A Welcome to the zoo. B Dolphins are interesting . C Because they are very cute.(

2、) 4 A She is a doctor. B She works in a hospital. C She likes helping others.( ) 5 A Hes watching TV. B He likes watching TV. C Yes ,he does. ( )6 A Not bad. B Its cloudy. C Im fine. ( )7 A Pretty good. B Im fine. C Thank you .( )8 A Where are you from? B You are welcome. C Nice to meet you ,Frank.(

3、 )9 A Hes of medium build. B He likes eating apples. C Hes quiet.( )10 A English B In China C An English girl.II听对话,选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每题2分,共10分)( )11 Where is the park? A On Center street. B On Fifth Avenue. C On Fourth Avenue.( )12 Where are they? A On the street. BIn a school. C In a park.( )13 What ani

4、mals does the boy like best? A Pandas B Tigers C Dogs.( ) 14 How many dolphins are there in the picture? A Three B Four C Five( )15 How is the weather today? A Its sunny B Its windy C Its cloudy笔试部分(100分)I 单项选择( 每题1分,共15分)( ) 1 _ do you live and _ language can you speak?A Where where B What what C W

5、here what D What where( )2 John likes _ TV and _ping-pong .A watch play B watch playing C watching playing D watching to play ( ) 3 The bank is _ Fifth Avenue.A on B next C between D in ( ) 4The old man has a big house _ a garden .A with B in C at D of( ) 5 Whats your favorite _? Koalas.A food B flo

6、wer C animal D country( ) 6 _ do you like monkeys? Because they are smart.A Who B What C Why D Where ( ) 7 Linda _ a doctor.A want to be B want do is C wants to be D wants to is ( ) 8 _ does your aunt do ? A teacher.A What B How C Where D Which( ) 9 Whats the boy doing ? Hes _ a book.A seeing B read

7、ing C looking at D watching( ) 10 Are they _? Yes ,they are.A playing a football B play the football C playing football D playing the football( )11_?Its cloudy.A How is it going ? B How is the weather?C How do you like it? D What is it going ?( )12 _? Its great.A How is it going? B How do you spell

8、it?C How is it go ? D Whats it going ?( ) 13 My mother _ of medium build and _ short hair.A is has B has is C has has D is is ( ) 14 Obama is a tall man _ short black hair.A of B has C with D like ( )15 Here _ some of my photos.A is B are C am D be II 完形填空(每题分,共10分)Is your trip interesting ?Where do

9、 you live?Please come and live in our _1_. Its on Brige Street ._2_ a bank,a post office ,a park ,a clothing store and a supermarket _3_ the hotel.The bank _4_ the post office are across from the hotel. The _5_ is next to the hotel.You can read books in _6_.The park is behind the hotel.You 7_ play g

10、ames in the park.If you want to _8_ clothes,you can visit the clothing store .When _9_ are hungry,you can _10_ the supermarket.( )1A city Bhouse C hotel( )2A There is Bit is C There ( )3 A between B near C through ( )4 A with Band C or ( )5A library Bschool C restaurant( )6 A them B a place C it ( )

11、 7 A can B want to C like to ( )8 A sell B find C buy ( )9 A we B you C they ( )10A come Bto C go to III 阅读理解 (每题2分,共40分)AI have a pen pal,my pen pal is from the United States.He lives in New York.His name is Tom Anderson.He is 14 years old.His favorite sport is soccer.He likes math very much.He spe

12、aks English.We contact by e-mails.His e-mail address is Anderson.My e-mail address is Zhangdan.Yes,my name is Zhang Dan.Im from China.I live in Beijing.My favorite sport is ping-pong.My favorite subject is history.Its interesting.( )1 Toms favorite subject is _.A English B math C history D soccer( )

13、2 Zhang Dans favorite sport is _.A ping-pong B basketball C history D soccer( )3 Tom is from _.A the United States B the United KingdomC Japan D China( )4 Zhang Dan speaks _.A Chinese B Japanese C French D English( )5 Zhang Dan is from _.A Australia B Canada C China D FranceB Mary is an American girl.She is now in Beijing with her parents.She doesnt k



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