(苏教牛津版)一年级 英语上册教案 Unit 3(1) 第一课时(1)

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1、中小学课堂教学精品资料设计课 题:Unit3Thisismymum第一课时教案内容: Teaching aims and requirements:1.能听懂,会说dad,mum和teacher这三个单词,发音准确。2.学会并掌握单词dad,mum,teacher,并学会使用。3.学习Say a rhyme,并能表演。Teaching aids:1. recorder and tape.2. pictureTeaching procedure:第一课时Step 1 Free talk.Boys and girls , nice to see you again .Step 2 Presenta

2、tion.1. T: Please look at these pictures, who is this? (出现熊猫的图片)S: Its a panda. Panpan.T: Yes Hes Panpan. Look,.Can you guess who are they?(出现熊猫全家的图片,指着他们的服饰,看是否能猜出其家庭成员)2. T: 根据学生猜的情况,随机教学单词dad , mum ,me ,S: Listen and repeat.3. T: Listen again and point at the picture.S: Listen and point.4. T: Rea

3、d after the recorder and point to the people.S: Listen and point.此活动重复几遍Step 3 Practice.1. Read after the recorder . Two times.2. Read by themselves.3. Read together.4. Practice in groups.5. Practice in pairs.Step 4 Consolidation.在黑板上画一幅家谱,在格子里写上班上学生的名字,组织临时家庭,并邀请家庭成员到教室前面,来介绍你的一家。一部分学生说句子,另一部分学生指出提

4、到的人。me grandma grandpa mum dad Step 5 Presentation.T: Please look at me , I am Miss Jiang ,I am a teacher .教学单词:teacher.S: listen and repeat.T: Look, thats my family. Hes my dad. Shes my mum. (拿出一张照片,教学Thats my family. Hes my dad. Shes my mum.) Step 6 Classwork.P 6Draw your family and say.1、让学生画全家人,包括自己在内。2、开展家庭成员图画的讨论,先指名说,后分小组讨论。Step 7 Homework.1、听录音,跟读。2、介绍家庭成员。Some thoughts after the lesson:中小学课堂教学精品资料设计



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