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1、学习必备欢迎下载.板桥中学八年级英语上册第一次月考试题第一部分:听力 (共 20 分)其次部分:笔试 (共 80 分) 第一节:单项挑选;共20 小题,共 20 分21. This music soundsA .wonderB .wonderfulC. wonderfully22. I want to cookfor my parents.A. anything deliciousB. delicious something C. something delicious23. You must finishthis work. A . to doB. doC. doing24. What is

2、 the weatherin Shanghai.A. aboutB.likeC 25. I needmy clothesA. washedB. washingC. to wash26. a lazy boy he is .A How.B. whatC. when27. does it take him to get to school.A How soon.B. How longC. How often28. is it from Beijing to Chengdu.A How long .B How far.C. How many29. do you think of transporta

3、tion .A. WhenBHow.C. Where30. The school is about 5 kilometersfrom my home.A. farB. far awayC. away31. does your brother get to school . -By bike.A. WhatB. HowC. When32. Doing more exercisesgood for our health .A. areB. isC. was33. I don not knowA where does he live.B. he live whereC. where he lives

4、34. Imy math book in my bedroom yesterday.A. forgotBstayed.C. left35. I want to have avacation.A. exciteB. excitingC. excited36. How aboutfishing this weekend . Ago.B. to goC. going37. What is the matteryou .A. inB.atC. with38. It is very friendlyyou to help me.A. withB. ofC. to39. He triesEnglish.

5、And heEnglish book every day. A to study ,read .B studying ,reading.C. to study ,reads 40 . Linda is leavingShanghai tomorrow.A. ofB. inC. for其次节:完形填空;共10 分,共 10 个小题;Mike is very41at math. Mary, his sister, is not good at it. Mike often helpsher42her math. One nightMike and Mary43outtheirexercise bo

6、oks and began44their lessons. Soon Mike finished his homework, but his sister45. She couldnt work out the last problem.“Let me46you, ” said Mike.“No, please47.Illdo it48, ” saidMary.She thoughtand thought,and49an hour sheworked it out. She50very, very tired, but very, very happy. 41.A.wellB. goodC.

7、better422.A.toB withC . .in 43.A.makeB. takesC. took44.A.makeB. to makeC to do 45.A.dontB .cantC. didnt46.A.helpB .to helpC. to call 47.A.dontB. didntC .cant48.A.himselfB. myselfC .herself 49.A.beforeB. behindC .after50.A.beB. wasC .is第四节:阅读懂得;共20 分,共 10 小题;AIt was Sunday yesterday. Bruce went to pl

8、ay football with his friends. Soon hefelthot and tookoff脱下 hiscoat.On hisway home, he forgottoput iton again. Thismorninghe feltunwelland couldn tgo to school.His mother toldhim to stay in bed and then went to buy some medicine for him. An hour later he wouldnt lie there, so he stood by the window.

9、The sun was shining(照耀) and the birds weresinging in the trees. Soon his mother came back and said,“It s warmer outside. Go to sun yourself after you take the medicine.”Bruce went out and sat on a step and played alone. At that time a salesman(推销员) came up to him and asked,“Has your mother come back

10、,my littlefriend.” “Yes, sir,”answered the boy.The man began to ring the doorbell, but nobody answered. He rang it for a long time and became angry.“Idontthinkyou are an honest (诚恳的) boy,”saidthe salesman.“Theresno one in the house. Youve played a joke on(戏弄) me. ”“I don t think so, sir,”said Bruce.

11、“The house isn t ours.”() 51. Bruce caught a cold 患感冒 .A. when he was playing football3B. when he returned homeC. after he got up this morning() 52. This morning Bruce didnt go to school because.A. their holiday beganB. it was very coldC. . he was ill and had to lie in bed() 53. Bruce played alone t

12、his morning because.A. he had no friendsB. his friends were all at schoolC. he had nothing to do at home() 54. The word“sun” in the story means“”.A.太阳B晒C晒干() 55. The salesman came to.A. sell something to Bruces motherB. tell something important to Bruces motherC. see Bruce s motherBMr. Lewis was a d

13、ance teacher.He was a nicemanand always had a lotofstudents.One year he moved to a new town,and was soon teachinga lotof studentsinthe dance school there, but he decided to move again to a big city. I will have more workthere, he thought.Whenone ofhisgirtstudentsheardthathe was goingtoleave,she said

14、tohim, The teacher who takes your classes wont be as good as you are.”Mr. Lewis was happy when he heard this, but he said, Oh, no. I am sure hell be as good as I or even better. But she said, No, five teachers have come and gone while I was here, and each one was worse (更差的) than the last one. 56. Mr. Lewis moved to a new town andthereA. had a lot of men studentsB. taught danceC. became a teacher57. Then he decided to move to a big city because.A. he could not teach hereB. the students didnt like himC. he wanted to teach more stu



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