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1、招级.编号硕士学位论文恩格斯把握“预期与非预期”矛盾的思想进路位申请人姓名: 李斐申请学位学生类别:全目制硕士申请学位学科专业:马克思主 义哲学指导教师姓名: %雄教授_分类号 密级UDC 编号弟中仰第K 成土学也论攵恩格斯把握“预期与非预期”矛盾的思想进路学位申请人姓名:申请学位学生类别:全目制硕士申请学位学科专业:_马克恩主义哲学 指导教师姓名: 宣蚩_遂您_ _硕士学位论文恩格斯把握“衲与非预期矛盾的思论文作者:李雯指导教师:叶泽雄教授学科专业:马克思主义哲学研究方向:唯物史观华中师范大学马克思主义学院2020年5月Engels9 ideological approach to gras

2、p thecontradiction between the expected and theunexpected”A ThesisPartial fulfillment of the requirement to submitMaster of PhilosophySupervisor: Ye ZexiongAcademic Title: ProfessorByLi WenPostgraduate ProgramCollege of MarxismCentral China Normal UniversitySignature -ApprovedMay. 2020华中师范大学学位论就创枚声明

3、和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究工作 所取得的研究成果。除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在 文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。日期:2020年5月29日作者签名:李受学住论文板权使用授权书学位论文作者完全了解华中师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:研 究生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属华中师范大学。学校有权保留并 向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许学位论文被查阅和借阅; 学校可以公布学位论文的全部或部

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5、2日摘要“预期与非预期”矛盾是恩格斯历史合力论思想中蕴含的一个深层次问题。关 于这一问题,恩格斯的主要意图并不在于传统观点所理解那样,旨在论证人类历史 发展有着不以人的意志为转移的客观规律性上,而在于揭明人类历史发展及其规律 性一刻也离不开人的意志、目的因素的“纠缠”。正是以此为切入点,本文尝试围 绕“预期与非预期”矛盾的缘起,“预期与非预期”矛盾产生的根源,以及如何走 向历史“预期的可能路径等问题做些初步探讨,以推进对这一问题的深化研究。本文除导论外,由三大部分构成。文章的第一部分,主要探讨了 “预期与非预 期”矛盾问题的缘起。在恩格斯晚年,唯物史观面临着时代挑战。关于“预期与非 预期”矛盾

6、问题,正是恩格斯为了回应资产阶级学者的诘难和攻击,解答布洛赫等 青年学者的认识困惑而提出来的。同时,本部分还就这一问题提出的文献依据,以 及学界关于这一问题的几种误释与缺憾作了简要叙述和分析。第二部分从人类史和 自然史的差异,人类发展史的独有特点入手,揭示了 “预期与非预期”矛盾产生的 根源。在此基础上,就历史规律与人的自觉能动性之间的关系问题,重点分析了两 种传统解决思路的合理性与局限,阐释了恩格斯实践性思路的确立及其合理性。第 三部分则围绕如何走向历史的“预期这一核心向题,着力阐明了恩格斯对“预期 与非预期”矛盾的辩证把握,即分别从大空间视野和长时段意识的双重视域,把握 “预期中的非预期”

7、与“非预期中的预期”及其辩证关系。最后,总结出恩格斯关 于“矛盾”的思想给予我们的若干重要启示,以彰显这一思想的理论意义和现实意 义。关键词:恩格斯;历史规律;“预期与非预期”;实践性思路AbstractThe contradiction between N the expected and the unexpected is a deep-seated problem in Engelss theory of historical resultant forces. On this issue, Engelss main intention is not to demonstrate tha

8、t human history has objective laws that are not subject to the will of man, as conventional wisdom would have it, but lies in revealing the human history development and its regularity also can not depart from the entanglement” between the human will and the goal for a moment. With this as the start

9、ing point, this paper attempts to make some preliminary discussions around the origin of the contradiction between d the expected and the unexpected ”,the root cause of the contradiction between the expected and the unexpected ” , and the possible path to historical anticipation”,in order to advance

10、 the further research on this issue.In addition to the introduction, this paper consists of three parts. The first part of the article mainly discusses the origin of the contradiction between M the expected and the unexpected In his later years, Engels faced the challenges of his time. The contradic

11、tion between the expected and the unexpected H was put fbrward by Engels in response to the criticism and attack of the bourgeois scholars, and lo solve the perplexity of the understanding of young scholars such as Bloch. At the same time, this part also makes a brief description and analysis on the

12、 literature basis, as well as several misinterpretations and shortcomings of the academic circle. The second part starts with the differences between human history and natural history and the unique characteristics of human history, and reveals the origin of the contradiction between the expected an

13、d the unexpected On the basis of this, this paper analyzes the rationality and limitation of the two traditional ways of solving the problem of the relationship between the law of history and mans conscious activity, and expounds the establishment and rationality of Engelss practical way of thinking

14、. The third part focuses on the core issue of how to approach the historical anticipation”,and focuses on Engelss dialectical grasp of the contradiction between the expected and the unexpected M. That is, to grasp the dialectical relationship between M the expected unexpected and the unexpected expe

15、cted from the dual perspectives of big space vision and long-term consciousness. Finally, it summarizes some important enlightenment from Engelss thought of contradiction , in order to show the theoretical and practical significance of this thought.Key Words: Engels; Historical Law; anticipation and non-anticipationM ; practical thinking摘要IAbstractII导论1一、本文研究的缘由和意义1二、国内外研究状况分析 11. 国外研究状况分析12. 国内研究状况分析3三、本文的研充思路和方法4四、本文的创新点与不足5第一章“预期与非预期”矛盾问题的缘起6一、唯物史观面临时代的挑战61. 回应挑战:捍卫唯物史观的科学性62. 解除疑惑:澄清人们认识上的思想混乱8二、“预期与非预期”提出的文本解读91. “预期与非预期”矛盾问题提出的文本依据92.


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