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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上大学英语(全新版)第四册电子教案Unit Four The Multicultural SocietyI. Teaching objectivesStudents will be able to:1. grasp the main idea( Man changes nature in order to live. However, man must also be careful not to disregard the law of nature.) and structure of the text ( A comparison-and-contrast ana

2、lysis of the two invasions);2. practice their critical thinking ability through in-depth discussions in issues mentioned in the text;3. master key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme o

3、f the unit.II. Text Analysis People tend to worship things printed in black and white. Yet we would like to cultivate in our students the ability to think critically. They should understand that not everything they read is true. At the same time they need to be able to , and they should be able to,

4、justify their disbelief.Take Question 1 in the after-text Points for discussion for example. Is Euro-centeredness really phasing out ? The economic and political power still rests with the whites, not the Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanics , or Native Americans. Has white mainstream Ameri

5、ca really given up on policing the world? The 9/11/2001 event was tragic and should not have happened, but it does show that there are groups strong opposed to what they see as the interference of America and the West in affairs beyond their borders.Lets look at Question 2. According to the author,

6、Los Angeles is a symbol of the future. Yet he hadnt anticipated the Los Angeles riots of 1992. (The essay was written before they took place.) During the riots, African Americans attacked Asian Americans, especially Korean Americans. Can the Los Angeles of 1992 stand for racial harmony?Now Question

7、3. Many Westerners, idea of the non- Western world is dated. However , nowadays the non-Western world, especially Asia, is developing at a rapid pace. People here have acquired quite a strong sense of time. A good case in point: if you observe the subway patrons in Hong Kong, Tokyo or Shanghai, they

8、 walk as fast as commuters in major cities in the West.In a word, our students must realize that there are always different perspectives. II. Cultural Notes:IV. Language Study1. losing strength; declining 衰落中;衰退中 e.g. He is still one of the worlds most popular tennis players, but his game is in decl

9、ine.Home cooking seems to be on the /in decline.现在在家做饭的人似乎越来越少了.She seemed to be recovering after taking some medicines but after a while her health was again in decline.2. n. 欠款;负债 e.g. He had enough money to pay off his fathers debts. He ran/ got into debt after he lost his job.失业后他歉了不少债.3. dropou

10、t: n. person who withdraws from conventional society or school逃避现实社会的人; 中途退学者 e.g. a high school/ college dropout 中学/大学辍学者 He was a loner and a dropout. 他是个不和群,逃避现实的人.4. n. special mark or quality 特点,特征,特性 e.g. Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing.5. dynamism: n. power , energy

11、活力; 精力e.g. She keeps a freshness and dynamism about her while others grow stale. 当其他人变得无精打采时,她还保持着饱满的精神和充沛的活力. Ever since it adopted the reform and open up policy, China has shown to the outside world that it is full of dynamism. 中国自实行改革开放以来,已经向世界表明这个国家充满活力.6. vt. make ineffective; make (sb.) lose t

12、he ability to move part or all of the body 使失去功能;使瘫痪 e.g. He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralyzed.The drug paralyzes the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the leg.那种药会麻痹神经,所以腿没有感觉,也不能动.A sudden snowstorm paralyzed the city.突来的暴风雪使整个城市陷入瘫痪.7. n. (pl theses) 论题,论

13、点;论文, 毕业(或学位)论文 e.g. Their main thesis is that inflation is caused by increase in the money supply.8. n. earlier happening, decision, etc. taken as an example or rule for what comes later 先例;惯例 e.g. The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases. There are

14、 several precedents for promoting people who dont have formal qualifications. 以前有过几起让没有受过正规教育的 人升职的先例. Some politicians fear that agreeing to the concession would set a dangerous precedent. 有些政治家担心,做出让步会开创一个 危险的先例.9. feel/ believe/ realize that 感到;意识到 e.g. As soon as we had the sense that something

15、was wrong, we moved the children away. Although she said nothing , I had the sense that she was annoyed.尽管她没开口,但我能感到她的不快.He had a sense that his guests were bored, though they were listening politely.10. unprecedented : a. without precedent; never done or know before 无前例的 ; 空前的e.g. This century has

16、witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. 本世纪人们对环境的破坏史无前例. In an unprecedented step, Walt Disney has the scene cut from the film. 华特.迪斯尼让人把那个镜头从影片中删去了,他以前从未这么做过.11. pluralism: n. a condition of society in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups coexist within one nation 多元



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