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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上短文改错口诀:动词形,名词数,注意是形还是副;非谓动词细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析,逻辑错误须关注。 一 动词形主要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。例如:My favourite sport is football. I was a member of our school football team. isNow my picture and prize is hanging in the library. are上述两例分别属于时态错误和主、谓不一致错误。找出此类错误的关键是树立牢固的时态概念,注意短文内容发生或存在的时间,保

2、持时间概念的一致性。 二 名词数指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。常表现为将名词复数写成单数。例如:so that Ill get good marks in all my subject. subjects三 区分形和副及区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。 这也是高考短文改错的常考点。例如:Im sure well have a wonderfully time together. wonderfulUnfortunate, there are too many people in my family. Unfortunately需要注意的是,形容词多用来做定、表、补语等,而副词只能在句

3、子中作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。第一例中的wonderful作定语修饰time,第二句的Unfortunately作状语修饰整个句子。四 非谓动词细辨别这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有分词和动名词类错误,也包括不定式类错误。例如:in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. interested Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also playing My parents love me and will do all th

4、ey can make sure to上述二、三例分别是动名词作主语,和不定式作目的状语。一般的,现在分词有主动态和进行时的含义,而过去分词具有被动态和完成时的含义,不定式有将来时态的含义。五 习惯用法要记住主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识。这也是历年高考的常考点,其错误表现形式主要有三种:多词、少词和搭配错误。 例如:It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and ofWe must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ourselves. of六 句子成分

5、多分析不同的句子成分要用不同的词类;不同的语景要选择不同的词语。这些都有待我们对句子结构和句子成分作细致的分析,才能找出用词不当的错误。例如:They eager to know everything about China and wereI live in Beijing, where is the capital of China. which第一例漏掉了谓语动词were,这是受寒于习惯的影响而导致的错误;第二例则是词类与它在句子中的成分不相符,where是副词,不能作主语。七 逻辑错误须关注与句子的上、下文不一致,甚至相矛盾,属于逻辑性错误。如称谓上的张冠李戴,人名、地名、时间、方位等

6、方面的错误,常是这类错误的考查对象。例如:The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. theirFirst, let me tell you something more about myself. 去掉more no way of setting the matter except by selling the set.Now someone at home reads instead. everyone上述第一例中的主语是Smiths(史密斯夫妇俩),因此后面的his不合逻辑。第二例中的more在这儿表“再”的意思,才开始告诉别人,怎么

7、能说“再告诉你一些事”?第三例讲的是为了解决看电视时的争端,“我们”把电视机卖了;晚上没电视看了,所以与从前一样,大家又都读书了,所以该用everyone。除了上述错误类型外,常考的错误形式还有:连词but, and, or和so的用法错误(可以归类为逻辑错误),以及冠词的用法错误等。例如:She was smiling but nodding at me. andIt looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. orWe may be one family and live under a same roof. the下

8、面是全国高考试题中的短文改错题。这道题较全面地反映了本文的口诀。现在请你试着做一做,然后参阅题后的答案与简析。Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to EmeiMountain in Sichuan. As everyone knows, its famous 76. _Mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather 77. _Was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of 78. _the mountain

9、, the three of them were very excited. As we 79. _climbed the mountain, we ed monkeys, visiting temples 80. _and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture 81._since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. 82. _Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top 83.

10、 _of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was 84. _good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my 85. _head touched the pillow.答案与简析:76. famous前加上a。 (名词数)。 77. 正确 78. we前面加when,引导一个时间状语从句。(句子成分多分析) 79. themus (逻辑错误须关注) 80. visitingvisited(非谓动词细辨别) 81. picturepictures(名词数) 8

11、2. passespassed(动词形) 83. 去掉down(习惯用法要记住) 84. andbut(but, and, or和so) 85. 去掉at(句子成分多分析 / 习惯用法要记住)。短文改错解题思路和检查原则1)句中各部分的结构是否完整,特别是每个句子要有动词;2)谓语动词的时态、语态;3)非谓语动词的用法;4)名词的单、复数,格的使用是否正确;5)定冠词和不定冠词是否正确;6)代词的格和性的使用是否有误;7)定语从句中关系代词、副词是否准确无误;8)并列句中的并列连词、主从复合句中的从属连词用的是否得当。例题分析Tom and Dick are next door neighbo

12、r who work 1._in the same office so they walked together to and from 2._office. Some day as they were walking home together it 3._sudden started to rain. Tom quickly opened his umbrella 4._and said, My wife surely has foresight (预见) . She said 5._on this morning it would rain and told me to carry my

13、 6._umbrella with me. Dick smiled and walked to him, said, 7._My wife has even great foresight. She told me not to 8._carry an umbrella and as she knew you would certainly 9._have with you. 10._1. 首先 通读全文,掌握大意 此文讲述的是邻居Tom 和Dick 的故事。2. 整句分析,逐行推敲 第二遍阅读后 容易改出的题有 然后先看前6项 第3项 翻译整句为:有一天当他们一起走路回

14、家时天突然开始下雨了。Some day 不能表示有一天,属于固定搭配中修饰词有误。 第5项,由于对foresight的意思和用法不清楚,不能轻易改动。暂放一边。 现在看710 项。第7项 翻译意思:Dick 笑了笑并且走向他(Tom),说到.,翻译后很容易可以看出said前有一个逗号,and 连接的动词只有smiled 和 walked。说明此处有错。 第8题,又出现了foresight。现在来比较第5项和第8项的两个句子。1)My wife surely has foresight (预见) 我的妻子肯定地作出了预见 (Toms wife)2)My wife has even great foresight。 我的妻子作出了更大的预见 (Dicks wife)比较两句后 可以判断这里的foresight不是一个动词而是一个不可数名词。可以判定great有错。并可以反推第5项应该没有错误。(Dick 的妻子说的话明显有比较的含义并且这样才能突出文章的幽默感) 第9项理清句子结构后,可以看出


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