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1、在面试的时候不可避免要谈到你的教育背景。想必各位把关于教育背景的词汇也背了一 大堆吧,那怎样才能把这些词组织成句子、让你的英语活起来呢?我们来看看Peter在面试 中是怎么谈论他的教育背景的吧。Snow: Would you tell me what educational background you have?Peter: Yes 1 graduated from middle school in 1986, then I entered Shanghai Polytechnics I graduated in 1992 with a B.S. degreeoSnow: What depa

2、rtment did you study in?Peter: I was in Department of Physics oSnow: How were your scores at college?Peter: They were all excellent Snow: What course did you like best?Peter: I was very interested in business Management. And I think its very useful for my present work。Snow: How are you getting on wi

3、th your studies?Peter: Im doing well at school oSnow: Which subject are you least interested in?Peter: I think it was Chinese History. Not because the subject was boring, but the large amount of material that had to be memorized. It left no room to appreciate the wisdom of great people in the pasteS

4、now: When and where did you receive your MBA degree?Peter: I received my MBA degree from Beijing University in 1998。Snow: Were you in a leading position when you were a college student?Peter: Yes, I was president of the student union of our university, and I joined the Communist Party of China in my

5、 junior year。Snow: Did you get any honors or rewards at your university?Peter: Yes, I got the university scholarship in 19941995 academic year, received the second class award in the Olympic Mathematics Competition of our province in 1993。Snow: Great. Were you involved in any club activities at your

6、 university?Peter: Yes, I was on the college basketball team0Snow: What extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college?Peter: I persisted in jogging every morning I sometimes played table tennis and sometimes played basketball oNotes: 1.对话中Peter在回答面试官关于他教育情况的问题。educational b

7、ackground 是指教育背景”。graduate from,从某所学校毕业。我们都知道上大学是go to college, enter 这个词也可以表示上某所大学。Petci说.then I entered Shanghai Polytechnics.我就读于上 海工业大学,polytechnic college是指多科性工学院,工学院。2. Peter 说 I graduated in 1992 with a B.S. degree.我 1992 年毕业并且获得 了理工学士学 位。B.S. degree就是Bachelor of Science的开头大写字母缩写,在写简历的时候,一定要弄

8、 清楚自己学历的英文标准翻译。一般來说,bachelor,是学士学位,也就是国内的正规院校 统招本科生,master,就是硕士学位,等等。3. What department did you study in?你就读哪一个系? I was in Department of Physics. 我读的是物理系。这其实就相当于在问,Whafs your major?你的专业是什么?可以回答: My major is Physics.或者 I major in Physicso 都可以。4. 面试官一般还会问你在大学的学习成绩,How were your scores at college?你的考试

9、成绩怎么样?可以回答They were all excellent. |l门都是优秀。或者概括地说Im doing well at school.我在学校成绩很好。5. 考官还会询问你对学校里那些科目比较感兴趣,因为这样会从侧面反应你的能力倾 向。Which subject were you least interested in?你対哪一科最不感兴趣? Peter说是中国历史, 因为有太多资料要背,以至于没有任何时间去真正欣赏前人的智慧。6. 关于这个问题你可以如实回答,当然,如果你很了解你而试的公司,说一些投其所 好的科目也无伤大雅。Peter后来还获得了 MBA学位,MBA我想大家都比较

10、熟悉了,就是 工簡管理硕士 Master of Business Administration 的开头大写字母缩写。receive a degree from, 就是从某所学校获得某种学位。7. 对话中Peter在讲述自己在大学里除了学习成绩之外其它方面的表现情况,这对考官 来说,也是一个值得参考的地方。a leading position,是指”领导职位,Were you in a leading position when you were a college student?你在大学的时候担当过什么领导职位吗? Peter说 他在大学里担任过学生会主席,并且还入了党,应该是表现很积极了。

11、president of Student union,学生会主席,join the Communist Party of China,加入中国共产党。8. Did you get any honors or rewards at your university?是问在大学里有没有获得过任何 奖励。Peter 回答说,I got the university scholarship in 19941995 academic year,我获得了 94-95 学年的奖学金,scholarship,奖学金,那么full scholarship,就是全额奖学金。academic year, 学年,一般包

12、括两个学期,学期是semester。9. Peter 还被问道 Were you involved in any club activities at your university?在学校里参加 过什么社团没有,club activities在这里指大学里的社团活动,比如篮球队比赛,象棋比赛等 等。Peter说参加过篮球队,I was on the college basketball team.参加某个球队,用on这个介 词。10. take part in extracurricular activities,参加课外活动。Peter 还每天早上坚持慢跑,persist in doing something,坚持做某事。


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