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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载牛津学校英语 6Bunit3 单元检测试卷听力部分( 30 分)一、听录音,给以下图片标上序号;(听两遍)( 8 分)二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前括号内;(听两遍) (10 分)1. A. awayB. wayC. always2.A. thenB. themC. than3.A. stationB. questionC. quiet4.A. museumB. minusC. music5.A. thinkB. thankC. thinner6.A. holidayB. heavyC. history7. A. get

2、offB. get onC. get up8. A. middle schoolB. twenty minutesC. history museum9. A . He wants to visit the History Museum.B. He wants to go to the History Museum.C. He wants to know the way to the History Museum.10. A. Turn right at the second crossing.B. Turn left at the second crossing.C. Turn left at

3、 the first crossing三、听录音,挑选正确的应答;(听两遍)( 5 分)1. A. Yes, they do.B . No, he doesn t. C. Yes, she does. 2. A. OK.B. That s all right.C. No, thanks.3. A. It s over there.B. It s nice.C. They re there. 4. A. It is one.B. There is one.C. They are two.5. A. It s 2 yuan.B. It sQoinhuai Road. C. It s about 2

4、 kilometres away.三、听录音,完成以下句子,每空一词;( 7 分)1. A: Can youme theto the history museum.B: Gothis, and then at the third, it s on your.2. A: is it from here.B: It s5 kilometres.A: Oh, dear . That s a .一、英汉互译; ( 10 分)笔试部分( 70 分)1. You can 乘坐 201 路公交车 to get there.2. She is asking 去邮局的路 .3. The shopping cen

5、tre is 在中华路上 .4. My cousin 跑得比我更快 .5. Tom is 小两岁 than Jim.6. Suddenly I saw a tall boy in front of me . 7. The policeman stop the thief and I get my purse back. 8. The students ran out of the classroom just now. 9. They have a lot of fun there. 10. Im as strong as my brother. 二、挑选合适的词填空;10 分1. He is

6、 asking Yang Ling howthere. get to/ to get2. The little girl runsfaster/ fast than the little boy.3. I want to get off at thenine/ ninth stop.4. I met Mr Smithin/ at Shanghai street.5. Theystop/ stopped the thief and took him to the police station.6. My father gets up asearly/ earlier as my mother.7

7、. Tom is 125 minutes/ centimetres, he s shorter than Mike.8. They arelive/ living in Beijing now.9. How manybuses/ bus are there.10. I want to buy some presentsfor/ to my parents.三、依据句子内容,挑选合适的词组填空;( 8 分)How far ,do well in,get better,get off,listen to music,get on, Have the same hobby,ask the way,t

8、he only child,is good at1. Jack doesn t have any brothers or sisters, so he s in his family.2. is the History Museum from here. It s about a kilometer away.3. Do more exercise, and you ll .4. You don t know how to get to the post office , you can.5. Su YangEnglish .But Su Hai isn t.6. Where are my e

9、arphones. I want to.7. They both like singing. So they.8. Hongshan Zoo is here . You can.四、挑选填空; ( 12 分)1. Tomfrom the USA.A. comesB. comeC. are 2. Where s Mr Brown. He sthe bus stop.A. inB. onC. at3.can I get to the cinema. Andway should I go.A. How; whichB. Where;whatC. What; which 4. What subject

10、you good.A. are; atB. do; inC. do; at 5. Whose school bag is heavier ,or.A. I; youB .your; myC. yours ; mine6. You can take bus No.1 and getat the fourth stop.A. onB. offC. down 7. It is a Sports Day. We area running race.A. watchB. watchingC. watches8. They are from.They can speak.A. Australia; Eng

11、lishB . Australian; ChinaC. Australia; Australia 9. A thiefmy purse andaway yesterday afternoon.A. steal; runB. steals; runsC. stole; ran10. Ben jumpsthan his cousin, Jack.A. farB. fartherC. high11. It stime school. Let s .A. to; goB. for; goC. at ; go 12. How many stops are there. Theres .A. oneB.

12、only twoC. two五、按要求完成以下各句;( 10 分)1. Mr Black comes from America. (改为一般疑问句) Mr Blackfrom America.2. I got my purse back. 改为否定句 I my purse back.3. There is one stop on this road. 对划线部分提问 How are there on this road.4. Lucy is good at running. 同义句 5. train, there, minutes, is, a, fifty, every, 连词成句 6. S

13、uHai swims slow. SuYang swims slower. 两句合并 6. Tony 想去 train station , 但不知道路,他应当假如问路呢?请写成四种问路的句子;七、翻译句子; ( 10 分)1. 你能告知我去第一学校的路吗?当然;Can youme the No.1 Primary School, please.2. 新海中学就在你的左边,你不要错过它的;Xinhai isyour, you it. 3.我怎样去购物中心呢? can I the shopping centre.4. 公共汽车站离这儿多远?大约两公里; is the bus stop here.

14、It s alobmouettreski.5. 格林夫人来自哪里?她来自澳大利亚;WhereMrs Green . Shefrom.八、阅读懂得; ( 5 分)A driver: Hello, sir. I want to go to the Moon Hotel. Do you know it.An old man:Yes,let me get on, Ill showyou the way.They drive about ten miles, and come to a small house.An old man: Stop here.A driver: But this isn t a hotel.An ol


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