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1、优秀学习资料欢迎下载20XX 年六年级下册英语期中检测试卷姓名 听力部分一听音,选出你所听到的图片;1. ABC2. ABC3. ABC4. ABC5.ABC6. ABC7. ABC .()() (二)听音,给以下BC5 幅图片排序; .()()()()()2. 三找出不同类的单词;笔试部分 1. AskatingBswimmingCgoodidea 2. AlessBmoreCleast 3 A the most expensive B morecarefulC more useful 4.AgoodBbetterCless 5.A. same-differentBless-moreclib

2、rarylibrarian四请用正确的格式书写以下句子;1. “Howdoyouskating.” AnneaskePeter.2. I vegotonlyforty-fiveyuan.3CanIhelpyou.4.There are more shops in Picture One.五看图挑选与图片相符的单词;() 1.AboringBspaceC interesting2.AearthBmoonC sea3.AtheleastBthemostCbetter4.A. skatingB watching a filmC swimming5.A.playing basketBplaying t

3、able tennis C play football六句型匹配;(有一个选项是余外的, 并将其字母序号填在题前的括号内)( ) 1.What are you good at.AYes, I have. 2.Have you got enough money.BIam good atskating. 3.What does it look like.CIt look like a duck. 4.In which glass is there the most water.DInGlassOneEIts behind the table. 5.Where is my book .F I wan

4、t to skate.七阅读短文,判定正误,正确的写T ,错误的写 F;Last Sunday,Peter went to the Space Museum with his mother. They watched a film on the ceiling. Peter was very interested in the film.A man talked about the film. The next day, Peter wentto the library. He borrowed a book about space.1.Peter went to the Space Museum with his sister. 2.They watching a film on the ceiling .3.A girltalked aboutthe film.4.The next day, Peter went to the library.5.He borrowed a book about space .=


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