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1、MANAGER, ENGINEERS ANDSUPERVISORS ANNUALAPPRAISAL INTERVIEW年度评估面谈First and Last Name 姓名:Age:年龄Division 公司:Department 部门:Job 职位:Period of employment 任职期:Immediate superior (evaluator)直属上级(评估者):Date of evaluation 评估日期: REVIEW OF ACTIVITIES IN THE PAST YEAR 过去一年工作评价Role Review 任务回顾 Aims of the position

2、 工作目标 What were the significant events of the year? (Changes in the job, etc.) 年度内发生的重要事件?(工作改变等) What new skills has the employee acquired or put into practice during the year? 年度内获得或实践了何种新的技能?Analvsisof empIoveeXcontributionBased on hard facts, assess the contribution made by the employee by compa

3、rison with expected level of performance根据真实的情况,评定员工的所做贡献与期望达到水平的差距:Objectives or Main achievements 目标或主要业绩A: outstanding 优秀 / B: fully satisfactory 申常满总 / C: partially satisfactory 卑木满总 / D: unsatisfactory 不满总 / NA: Not applicable 不适用Evaluators comments 评估者意见:Employee comments 员工意见:EVALUATION POINT

4、S 评估要素咒:Key skill for the job / A: Outstanding / B: Consistent with expectations / C: Capable of improvement / D: insufficient 岗位关键技能/A:优秀/B:符合/C:可改进/D:不胜任Knowledge and know-how专业知识和技能ABCDComments 注释Technical and theoretical knowledge 技术理论知识Practical knowledge 实践知识Foreign Ianguages 夕卜语Organisation 组

5、织Planning / Organisation 计划 / 组织Co-ordination of different tasks 不同任务间的协调Reliability in carrying out work 完成工作的可靠性Capacity to react 反应能力Observance of deadlines 按时完成Problem-solving 解决问题Ability to identify problems 发现问题能力Ability to resolve problems 解决问题能力Analytical ability 分析能力Ability to summarise 归纳能

6、力Performance in the job 工作表现Flexibility / Adaptability 灵活性 / 适应性Hard worker / Perseverance 努力工作 / 毅力Negotiation / Handling of dispute 谈判 / 争议处理Ability to use initiative / Creativity 主动性 / 创造力Openness to change适应变革的能力Ability to work with others 团队精神Independence 独立性Contribution to, and involvement in

7、quality 对提高质量的贡献和参与的程度Reporting / Information 报告 / 信息Passing on know-how /Training 传授技术诀窍 / 培训Cost consciousness 成本意识Dynamism / Motivation 活力 /工作态度Flexibility / Adaptability 灵活性 / 适应性Personal skills 个人技能Oral skills 口头表达能力Written skills 写作能力Ability to listen / Openness to others 倾听/公正Willingness to s

8、erve (clients / suppliers)服务意识(客户/供应 商)Persuasive skills 说服能力Managerial aptitude 管理才能Sense of authority / Ability to give orders 权威 / 指挥能力Ability to lead / to command support 领导力 / 命令拥护Ability to delegate 授权Willingness to accept responsibilities / Ability to make decisions积极承担责任/决策能力Optimisation of

9、resources 资源优化 Summary and comments (other criteria, strengths, expertise/personal qualities): 总结和评论(其他标准,长处,技能/人品)OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMING YEAR 下一年度工作目标Objectives and areas for progress (in order of priority)进展的目标和领 (按优先 ) Comments (criteria for follow-up, expected level of achievement, timing, me

10、ans, etc.): 注释(跟踪标准,期待达到成就水平,时间安排,方法等)SEMI-ANNUAL SYNTHESIS (optional)年中综合评价(可选择)New objectives, modification, progress follow up新日标,改进,跟进Date of interview 面谈日期:Objectives 目标Synthesis 评价CAREER PROGRESSION 职业发展 How does the employee envisage his/her progression in the position, in the company, in the

11、 Group? Over what period?员工如何看待其职业发展?在职位上,公司内部,集团内部,什么时期完成?Career aspirations 职业愿望Individual progression in the position 在这个职位上的个人发展Progression in responsibility in the position 在这个职位上的职责扩展Position change and/or function change 职位或职能转换Mobility within the company (to other locations) 公司内部调岗(到其他工作地点)M

12、obility within the group (to other companies) 集团内部调岗(到英他公司) Knowledge, skills, or abilities already acquired by the employee that he/she would like to put into practice (be precise: basic 一 con firmed - master - expert)员工能够付诸于实践的所具有的知识.技能和能力(注明:基本的确定的熟练的专家)CONCLUSION OF EVALUATION 评估结论Evaluatofs com

13、ments 评估者意见(suggestions, other points taken up 议或提议)Employees comments 员工意见(suggestions, other points taken up 议或提议)Date日期:Signature 签字:Date日期:Signature 签字:Con firms that the interview has bee n con ducted and that tne employee is informed of the con tentN+2 StampOf:员工With:评估者Annual appraisal interv

14、iewOf:with:Evaluation of training 培训评价:What new skills has the employee acquired or put into practice during the last year? 员工在过去一年中获得或实践了什么新技能?TrainingAcquired (yes/no)Put into practice (yes/no)培训项目完成(是/否)是否实施Suggestions for the year to come 下一年度的培训 议:Training asked 培训需求Priority (1/2) * 优先程度Training agency 培训机构Length培训期Goal目标Priority 1: to



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