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1、一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】 本单元同学们要学习一些有关急救和家庭安全的常识。急救是指在未找到医生之前对患者进行的医疗小护理。在日常生活中,我们常常会碰到一些意外情况需要采取急救,如遇到油锅着火了,不小心划破了手,被动物咬伤,从自行车上摔下,误吃了毒药等等。掌握并能正确运用急救常识处理一些突发事件,可以减少很多麻烦,甚至还可以挽救人的生命。下面简单的英文是对急救的简介: 1. If you are burned slightly , cool the area of skin at once . Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for severa

2、l minutes . Then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn . 2. For a simple cut , it is only necessary to wash the area of the cut , dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth . 3. If you see the pan catching fire , you should turn off the gas first and then cover the pan qu

3、ickly . Without fire , you can take it away . 4. If you are bitten by an animal , wash the wound under cold running water . Then see a doctor as soon as possible . 5. What should you do if you find a person is bleeding badly ? You should try to stop the bleeding right away . Press a handkerchief ont

4、o the bleeding point and hold it there . 6. If you find a person with a knife in his / her back , you must let the knife stay where it is . If you pull the knife out , blood may rush out of the black . If the person loses one third of his / her blood , he / her may die . You should send the person t

5、o the doctor immediately . 7. If you find that a person is not breathing after an accident , you should try to start his breathing at once . You can use the mouth-to-mouth way . Close his nose with your fingers and breathe into his mouth . 8. If someone has drunk poison by mistake , you should take

6、him and the poison container to a hospital at once . 另外,情态动词属历年高考的热点内容,本单元要求复习 must , should , ought to 的用法。must 表达推测,should 和 ought to 表达责备的用法更是不容忽视的测试要点。【指点迷津】A. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南Prohibition And Warnings(警告与禁止) Cultural Notes (文化背景) 日常生活中,人们经常会碰到“禁止”“警告”的场合,如在博物馆里的No Touch (请勿触摸展品);影剧院里、公共汽车上的 No

7、Smoking (不许抽烟);公园里座位旁边的 Wet Paint (油漆未干);交通要道处的 No Parking (禁止停车)等。随着我国开放改革的不断深入,不少大中城市在公共场所都使用了英汉对照的路标、禁语,因此,记住常见的禁止和警告用语是非常不要的。 在正式场合,提醒对方注意,语气一般较为婉转,如:Please be sure to come earlier tomorrow . 当对方处于危险状态而没有注意到时,你应该及时提出警告以防不测。如情况危险,就用简短有力的祈使句。如:Take care ! / Watch out ! / Be careful ! / Stop ! 接受了别

8、人的警告必须向对方表示感谢。Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句 1. Stand back , please . 请退后些 ! 2. Mind out ! 小心 ! 3. Watch out ! 当心 ! 4. What out for pickpockets ! 当心扒手 ! 5. Watch your step ! 走路当心 ! 6. Mind your own business ! 别管闲事 ! 7. Dont touch it , please . 请勿触摸 ! 8. Be careful not to make much noise . 当心不要太吵闹。 9.

9、 Dont lose your temper . 不要发脾气。 10. Be sure to be there on time . 务必准时到那。 11. Be sure not to be late again . 千万不要再迟到。 12. Its important not to touch the machine . 重要的是不要触摸机器。 13. Its a safety requirement to wear this . 戴上这个是安全要求。 14. Nobody is allowed to hunt here . 此处禁止打猎。 15. Fishing forbidden ! 严

10、禁钓鱼 ! 16. You cant park here . 你不能在这儿停车。 17. If you spit on a bus , youll be fined . 在公共汽车上随地吐痰是要被罚款的。 18. Youd better not to do it . 最好不要做。 19. Dont smoke ! 不许抽烟 ! 20. Look out ! / Take care ! / Be careful ! 当心 ! 21. If you do that again , you will be in trouble . 如果你再那样的做,你会惹麻烦的。 22. If you dont s

11、top making that noise , Ill call the police . 如果你们再吵的话,我就报警 了。 23. Watch the traffic ! 当心车 ! 24. I dont think it necessary for you to take an umbrella everywhere . 我认为你没有必要把 伞随身带着。 25.Fire ! 着火了 ! 26. Danger ! Keep off ! 危险!请勿靠近 ! 27. You ought not to leave your books about . 你不能乱放书籍 ! 28. Whenever

12、you leave the office , do lock your drawers and the doors . 只要离开办公室就要 把你的抽屉和门锁好。 29. Dont leave in such a hurry . There is enough time left . 不要这样匆忙离开,时间充足着 里。 30. You will be warned against parking . 在这停车你会受到警告的。 Model Dialogues 交际示范A ( Mrs. Smith was taking a walk when she saw Jack climbing a ladd

13、er against a telephone pole . ) Mrs Smith:Be careful ! Dont fall off the ladder . What are you doing ? Jack :I want to join up the telephone line . It was broken in the storm last night . Mrs Smith:How dangerous ! The ground is very wet and slippery (滑) . Let me hold the ladder for you . Jack :Thank

14、 you very much . Mrs Smith:Next time you cant use a ladder on such a wet floor and when you climb a ladder you should get someone to hold it for you . Jack :I will remember this . Thanks a lot .B Mr White:Look out ! A car is coming . You must be more careful . The car nearly hit you . Tom:I want to

15、get my football . Mr White:You mustnt play football on the road . Its very dangerous . Tom:Thank you for your advice .B. 单元重点新词透视 1. aid 作名词或者动词是“援助,救助,救护;帮助” First aid is the science of giving medical care to a person before a doctor can be found . 所谓急救,是指在找到医生之前对病人进行医疗救护的科学。 Anyone with the right knowledge can give the first aid ; you dont have to be a doctor . 任何有正确的急救知识的人均可施行急救,不一定非得医生才行。 A dictionary is an important aid in learn



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