The 4400《4400(2021)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

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《The 4400《4400(2021)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The 4400《4400(2021)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、主啊我一向信任您Lord, I always put my trust in you. 我决心放胆一信I made a big leap of faith, 我以为这是正确的选择 and I thought it was the right thing. 可我发现自己来到了 30年后的未来而且 But I find myself 30 years in the future and. 经历了不可能之事.fve experienced the impossible. 他们为何把美好时光点心都拿走了 Why are they taking the BestTime snacks? 他们把钢琴也撤走

2、了They took the piano, too. 他们是在惩罚我们 Theyre punishing us. 因为沙妮丝出逃的事 For Shanice escaping. 我们必须从这里逃出去 Weve got to get out of here. 我向您祈求一个指示 I asked you for a sign. 这一定就是那个指示 This must be the sign, 可帮助我解读吧 but. help me understand. 我要做什么呢What am I to do? 他们要和你谈谈 They need to talk to you. 请你告诉我们You want

3、 to tell us how you escaped 那天你怎么从酒店逃走的 from the hotel the other day? 请你告诉我你们准备何时Do you want to tell me when you plan on 彻底把我们从这里放出去吗 letting us out of here for good? 因为以我来看Since as far as I can tell, 你们没有法律依据来扣留我们you have no lawful grounds to detain us.你冒了很大风险You took a huge risk.有可能把你丈夫和女儿暴露在危险之中P

4、otentially exposing your husband and daughter. 什么危险他们是我家人To what? Theyre my family.沙妮丝你知道我们不是敌人Look, Shanice, you know were not the enemy.密歇根州刑法典第328条Michigan Penal Code, Article 328.”实施非法监禁A person who commits unlawful imprisonment 属重罪”is guilty of a felony.告诉我们你和谁串通的Just tell us who you were worki

5、ng with.和向公众泄露你们是失踪人口的Are they the same ones who leaked to the public 是同一些人吗that you all are missing persons?说你们一共有4400个人That there are 4,400 of you?”可判处Punishable.“不高于15年徒刑By not more than 15 years或者不超过2万美元的罚金或者两者并处”or a fine ofnot more than $20,000, or both.你们弄清楚我们So have you all figured out how w

6、e apparently 是怎么穿越时空的吗travelled through time?我们不清楚是否是这样We dont know thats what happened.那为什么我最近的记忆So how come the last thing I remember是2015年it was 2015.而现在是2021年呢and now its 2021?也许你被拐到什么地方去了Maybe you were taken somewhere?也许有人不想让你记得谁呢-Maybe someone doesnft want you to remember? - Ew, who? 那正是我们想要搞清

7、楚的但最重要的Well, thafs what we want to find out, but most importantly, 我们想要确定大家现在都很好we want to make sure that everybodys okay now. 如果我们能出去的话会更好Okay, well, wed be more okay if we could get out of here. 还有如果我们不用穿And ifwe didnt have to wear这些丑得要命的合成面料的话these truly hideous synthetic fabrics. 这个你们能解决吗.Like,

8、can you do something about this. 这个讽刺 travesty?对沙妮丝怎么逃跑的我完全不清楚I dont know anything about how Shanice got out.真的因为她最后的行踪是Really? Because she was last seen 和你一起去洗手间headed to the bathroom with you.她只是个孩子孩子也撒谎 Shes just a kid. - And kids lie, too.你真觉得盘、可未成年人Okay,you really think interrogating minors is

9、是最佳途径来搞清楚is the best way to figure.我觉得反正我们也谈得差不多了Well, I think we were just about done here anyway. 来吧我找个警卫送你回去Come on, Ill have one of the guards take you back. 那天晚上你为什么会说那样的话Why did you say what you said the other night? 你说要告诉贾里尔.You said to tell J barrel that.曼尼没事他对所有的事很抱歉Mannys all right, that h

10、es sorry for everything. 你怎么会认识贾里尔的弟弟How do you know Jharrefs brother?我不认识他I dont know him.那你为什么会说起他呢Then why were you talking about him?这和你们大家为何在这里有什么关联吗Does it have something to do with why you all are here? 不我猜是我听到谁说的吧No. I-I-I guess it was just something I heard.听谁说的是贾里尔吗From who? From J barrel?

11、不只是No. Just.听人说的people talk.那这是什么恶作剧吗So it was what. A prank?整件事就是个恶作剧吗Is this whole thing some kind of prank?我们想要帮助你们We are trying to help you all.你需要对我们说实话而不是把我们耍得团团转You need to be honest with us, not jerk us around. 我吃不了新的食物Look,! cant eat the new food.他们把美好时光巧克力棒都撤了And they took away the BestTim

12、e Bars.我最喜欢美好时光巧克力棒了I love the BestTime Bars.我们到这地方以来我一直很配合Ive cooperated since weve got here.可没有任何进展要放我们出去But there has been no movement to get us out.如果大家不去向媒体泄露信息It would help if people werent leaking information 不逃跑的话情况会好很多to the press and escaping custody.那些听着是你们的问题Those sound like your problem

13、s.不是我的Not mine.那你的问题是什么呢牧师And what is your problem, Reverend?那天晚上我丢了点东西I lost something that night. 在百丽岛On Belle Isle.我需要把它交给别人And I need to get it to someone.一个女人和孩子A woman and a child.谁也不能离开No one is going anywhere.绝对不能回出事的现场去Certainly not back to the scene of what happened. 在我们了解更多情况之前也不会通知家人And

14、families arent being notified until we know more. 这样如何How about this?你把她们的名字告诉我You give me their names,我去看看能否找到这个女人和孩子and Ill see if I can locate this woman and child.作为交换And in return.你把如何到了这里you tell me everything you know原原本本告诉我about how you got here.百丽岛呢And Belle Isle?我们再看吧Well see.首先沙妮丝穆雷First,

15、 Shanice Murray.她出逃了She escaped.我觉得她没有把情况全都讲出来I think she knows more than shes letting on. 这个嘛Well.每个人都有秘密everyone has secrets.那你不能再待会了吗Sure you cant stay any longer?我稍晚上中班Im on the swing shift later.我真的很想Id love to.但我得回去了But Ive got to get back.我父亲让我主持今天的仪式My father has me leading the service today. 我猜你还没告诉他们吧Guess you havent told them yet?我I. .我只是想等合适的时机Im just waiting for the right m


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