Big Shot《大人物(2021)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本

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1、24小时前伊利诺伊州芝加哥 我找到了一份工作I found something. 不是你想要的Uh, its not something that you want, 但终归是份工作你需要but its a job, which is what you need. 好吗重返教练界的途径Okay? A way back in.别告诉我是乙组球队Dont tell me its Division II. 丙组吗Three?其实I- Ifs.不是大学球队Its not college.是高中Its high school.私立高中在圣地亚哥城郊Private. Outside of San Dieg

2、o. .山姆.我知道马文-Sam. -1 know, Marvyn. 你不用说我都清楚You don*t have to say it. I know.我是美国大学♥联♥盟锦标赛最有成就的现役教练I am the most winning active coach at the NC- 你不是现役You are not active.知道吗我很抱歉但你并非现役All right? Im sorry, but youre not active.你需要第二次机会You need a second chance.我只能找到这个This is the only one I

3、could get.山姆我做不到在加州Sam, I cant coach a bunch of指导一群有钱的私立学校男生rich private school boys in California- 是女生Girls.没错那是所女校Its a- Yeah, its a girls school.这对你来说绝对是个倒♥退♥Its certainly, uh. a step down.但也是让你翻身的好机会But its one that offers a way back up.如果你能做好这份工作我们就能让你回大学And if you make this work,

4、 we will get you back to college. 我保证I promise.请问一下Excuse me.说实话这不是我的主意Spirit of full disclosure, this was not my idea.是谁的拉里格鲁津斯基-Whose was it? - Larry Gruzinsky.我们需要资金格鲁津斯基先生有钱We run on money. Mr. Gruzinskys got it.他是我们的头号♥资助人捐款是其他人的数倍Hes our top patron by many multiples.他把最后一笔捐赠捐给我们的条件是He c

5、onditioned his last bequest on us组建一支顶尖篮球队forming a top basketball program能为甲组大学球队输送人才that could serve as a Division I feeder,他迫切希望他女儿得到保送where he desperately wants to feed his daughter. 我个人认为这一切都大错特错And personally, I think its all a big mistake,但我准备好了尽力而为but Im prepared to make the best of it.你也得尽力

6、而为科恩先生You need to make the best of it, Mr. Korn.我校的教练不只是教练 还是教师Coaches here are not just coaches. Theyre teachers.他们应该是学生的榜样Theyre expected to be role models.上一名教练怎么被炒的Whyfd the last coach get fired?违反行为规范Code of conduct violation.具体什么事与你无关-Which is what exactly? - Not your concern.好好干你在这里就会混得好Do go

7、od and you will do well here.我的开除令肯定会和My marching orders are gonna echo one you, 你的经纪人对你说过的一样 no doubt, got from your agent.千万别搞砸Do not screw this up.大人物第一季第一集好球Nice shot!这才第一天嘛Well, its the first day, you know?等你到了场上Once you get out on the court.他们根本不想我来山姆They dont even want me here, Sam.没人想要你马文Nob

8、ody wants you, Marvyn.现阶段人人对你避之不及Youre toxic at the moment.我们的B标是熬过这-阶段我们会做到的Our goal is to get to the next moment, and we will. 我回头联♥系♥你Ill call you back.赫莉巴瑞特助理教练Holly Barrett, Assistant Coach.我是马文科恩Marvyn Korn.我荣幸至极教练你不知道我有多崇拜你Its a great honor, Coach. Im a big fan. You have no idea

9、. 你不需要说客套话No need for that.我是不需要Oh, no, I dont feel the need.你大概没注意到我们这里不流行拍马屁We donrt kiss the ring around here, if you hadnrt noticed.你有什么建议能给我吗So, any advice for me?关于指导篮球吗On coaching basketball?关于指导女生On coaching girls.我很想说把她们当男生对待well, Im tempted to say just treat em like the boys.-但是-你之前对男生不太好

10、But? - You didnt treat the boys so well.你有没有真能帮到我的建议Do you have any advice that might actually be helpful?有这些女孩在未来某天会领导世界Sure. These girls are gonna lead the world someday.其中有些人急于开始她们会有点难对付Some of them are anxious to get started. They can be a bit much. 我的建议是能避开就别招惹她们My advice would be not to take e

11、m on if you can avoid it. 别假装她们一眼就能看穿And dont pretend. Theyrll see right through it.除此以外Other than that.我们去教篮球吧lets go coach some basketball.我是奥莉芙Olive.我们不喜欢口哨声会触发心理创伤Look, we dont love whistles. They can be triggering. 好吧Okay then.集♥合♥Fall in.过来Come in.快点Come on.你们好我叫马文科恩是你们的新教练Hi, my

12、 name is Marvyn Korn, and I w山 be your new coach. 我接到指示要又寸你们直率坦诚Ive been instructed to be direct with you, so.我大部分时间很好说话有时则不然I am mostly a nice person. Sometimes I am not. 我会吼骂你们别往心里去Expect to be yelled at. Dont take it personally.如果我说你们笨我允许你们无视If I call you stupid, I give you permission to ignore i

13、t.但如果我告诉你们笨的原因But if I tell you why youre stupid,那你们就得仔细听好then I want you to pay close attention.他来真的吗Is he for real?我是叫她安静I shushed her.你们目前战绩是一杠三这开局很糟Youre currently one and three. That is a very poor start. 我身为教练的职责就是帮你们进步Its my job as coach to help you improve, 这正是我要做的and Im gonna do just that.我

14、们周五对阵拉古纳奈格高中We play Laguna Niguel on Friday. 我们周五要击败拉古纳奈格高中We will beat Laguna Niguel on Friday.今天和你们见面后For today, after seeing you,我决定从体能训练开始well start with conditioning. 有两位需要减几磅你需要减五磅A couple of you need to shed a few pounds. You need to lose five. 你不能说人身攻击的话You dont get to say that.我刚就说了I just d

15、id. 你们都娇生惯养惯了You know, youre all used to being coddled.现在不会再有人哄着你们Well, now youll get unused to it.不好意思那是紧张抽搐吗Im sorry, is that a nervous tic? 如果你是在取笑我那可不好Because if youre laughing at me, that would not be good. 我患有假性延髓麻痹I have PBA. Pseudobulbar affect.我小时候脑部受过损伤I had a brain injury when I was little.我我向你道歉Oh. I. I apologize.假性什么A pseudobulbary what?延髓麻痹


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