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1、Teching objectives:新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案Module 1 riendsUnit 1 shensice techer.1. Words nd phrses: nice bit shy clever nughty2. Sentences: This is Ms Smrt.She isnice techer.3. Grmmr: Using djectives to describe person.Teching properties: crds pictures photo Tpe-recorder CI Teching procedures: Song: There r

2、e twelve months in the yer. B: ree tlk: Tlk bout your holidy.C: New concepts: Step one:One :利用 CI 课件, 出示本单元主人公的头像,介绍主人公,以此引出本单元新单词:nice bit shy clever nughty 出示卡片,学习新单词;Two: Lern the new lesson.Listen to the tpe .Try to red the text. Trnslte the sentences. Listen to the tpe gin, red ollow the tpe.Re

3、d the text, boys nd girls. Step Two: Tlk bout the pictures.Close your books, show the pictures prro,tExmple : 1 This is Prrot.Prrot isvery nughty bird.2 This is Xioyong . He s clever pupil.Step Three: Using djectives to describe person.Xioyong , Momo, Ms Smrt利用实物投影展现同学带来的照片;Describe the person using

4、 the djectives Homework: Introduce your clssmtes to your mily.Exmple: This is Xioyong.He s clever pupil.Gme: 接龙嬉戏Exmple: : I m XioLn. Ibitshmy.B: XioLn isbit shy. I m ZhngYong. I m very nyghty.C: ZhngYong is very nughty. I m Jimnic, eI boy.mDesigns:Module One:riends新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案Module 1 riends He

5、s co.olTeching objectives:1. Words nd phrses: cool little cute.2. Sentences: This is this is my big brother, He s cool.Teching properties: crds Tpe-recorder CI Teching procedures: Song: Row Row Row your bot.B: ree tlk: Using djectives to describe the poem. C: New concepts:Step one: Wrmer:Using the d

6、jectives to describe your clssmtes. Exmple: This is Xioyong.He isclever pupil. This is Yunjiqi.She s very clever, but she Step Two: Listen nd point.bit shy. s(1) Point out the dierent menings o the word cool .In this unit, cool mens shionble, nd it is most commonly used to men quite col cool hs othe

7、r menings s well, but they re ones tht the students re unlikely to come cross in the uture.(2) Listen to the tpe nd underline the new words. Write down these djectives on the bord, nd then lern these new words.Listen to the tpe gin. Red the text.Close your book. Use CI shows the pictures o text. Cho

8、ose some students to describe the pictures.Step Three: Listen nd sy, then sy the poem nd do thections.Ply the spoken version o the poem. nd hve the students. Repet ech line. Ply the tpe nd hve the students.Step our:Tell the students tht they re going to work in groups o three or our.Do the B .Homewo

9、rk:Choose some words to write bout your riend.Exmple: This is my riend . She isclever pupil. tschool, shebist shy, but t home, she is very nughty girl. Gme:Explin tht they re going to plygme where they hve to whisper some inormtion to their clssmte. Tht clssmte hs to whisper the inormtion to the nex

10、t person. The lst person. Tht person hs to sy tht he she herd.Then, the other students listen creully to ind out i the messge hs chnged t ll.Designs:He s coo. l mother - nicebig brother - cool little sister - cute ther - cleverriend - nughty新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案Module 2 LondonUnit 1 London is the cpitl o

11、Englnd.Teching objectives:1、Words nd phrsesc:pitl, bout, beutiul,be rom2、Sentences: Im rom London.London is the cpitl o Englnd. It s very big nd very beutiul.3、Grmmr:the present tenseTeching propertiesc: rds, pictures, tpe recorderTeching procedures: Chnt: This islittle girl, nd she hslittle curl. n

12、d when she is good, she is very, very good. nd when she is bd, she is very, very bd.B: Tlk ree:T: Hello. Boys nd girls. I mtecher. re youtecher. S1: No, Im not.S2: No, Impupil. T: re you nughty.S3: No, Im not.T: re you clever. S4: Yes, I m.,(反复操练,以此复习上节所学到的描述人物性格的单词:nughty, shy, clever, nice, cool.)

13、C: New concepts:Step 一、导入利用卡片教授“cpitl ”, 反复领读,读熟之后带入句子 “London is the cpitl o Englnd.” 中;Then trnslte it into Chinese.找生用英语说出“北京是中国的首都;”勉励同学积极参加抢答赛“说首都”,同学可以用中文说;Step 二、新授在开心的氛围中,师告知同学:“my和 Lingling是同班同学;一天, my 带来了一本关于自己家乡 伦敦的书; Lingling观察这本书后特别奇怪,于是就请my 向她介绍伦敦的情形;现在我们就来跟my学一学怎样描述城市和景物;今日学习过后,请大家也来介

14、绍一下自己熟识的城市、地区或景物;请同学听录音,听一听my和 Lingling之间的对话;师: “ Where is London.” 生在地图上指出伦敦的位置;再放一遍录音,让同学在自己的书上勾出描述城市的形容词( nice, big, beutiul, smll);请同学依据插图和上下文猜一猜每个生词的意思;“beutiul”一词老师要反复示范,借助肢体语言帮忙同学读清并懂得这一单词;个别单词处理完之后,老师领读课文几遍;然后勉励同学分角色大胆试读,老师准时赐予夸奖;Step 三、练习完成 SB 第一单元活动3; 把全班分成两人一组, 分别扮演my和 Lingling ,进行问答练习;例如

15、: 1、: Wht s this.B: I t sbook bout London. Its very nice.2、: Wht s the cpitl o Englnd.B: It s London.Step 四、作业完成活动用书练习1 到练习 4;Designs:Module 2 LondonUnit 1 London is the cpitl o Englnd.新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案It sbMooodkubleo2uLtoLnodnodnon.This is the River ThmesTeching objectives:London is the cpitl o Englnd.1、Words nd phrses: long, wide, mny, river, old, mous2、Se


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