PEP人教版三年级 下册英语期末考试英语试题

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1、中小学课堂教学精品资料设计第二学期小学生学业水平阶段性检测三年级英语试题时间30分钟等级 听力部分 每题连读两遍一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( )1.A.China B.Canada( ) 2.A.woman ( )3.A. ten B.pen ( ) 4.A. fat ( ) 5.A.tall B. tail ( ) 6.A. pear B. bear( ) 7.A. ball ( ) 8.A. bag B.big( ) 9.A.cap ( ) 10.A. six B.sixteen二、仔细听,选出与录音内容相符的图片。A B A B1.(

2、 ) 2.( ) A B A B3.( ) 4. ( )A B 5.( ) 三、听音,给下面的图片排列序号。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,判断图片是()否()与录音内容相符。1. 2. 3. 4.5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听录音,给下面的句子排列顺序。( )How many kites do you see?( )No! The black on is a bird?( )Look at the kites!( )1,2 I see 12!( )Wow, so beautiful!( )Ohl!六、听录音,写出下列单词。笔试部分七、读一读,圈出不同类的单

3、词。1.UK motherUSA student sister3. big small ball 4. on under chair5. pear grape bear 6. twenty twelve tail八、读句子, 把相符图片的编号写在括号内。( )1. This is Miss Wang. Shes a teacher.A.( )2. -Whos that woman?-Shes my mother?B.( )3.Look at the panda. Its big. It has a short tail. C.( )4.Put on a cap.D.( )5

4、. -How many cars do you see?-I see two.E.( )6. I like strawberries.F九、情景交际。请将最佳答案的字母 标号写在题前的括号里。( )1.当你想向你的朋友询问照片上的男人是他的老师时,应该问:A. Is he your teacher? B.Is she your teacher?( )2. 请选择描述正确的句子: A. It is short tail and long nose. B.It has a short tail and a long nose.( )3.当你想和你的好朋友一起回家时,你会说:A. Lets go h

5、ome.B.Lets play.( )4.当Mike 说“I dont like watermelon”,如果你也不喜欢,你会说:A. Me too. B. Me, neither.( )5.你想问Sarah有几只蜡笔时,应该问:A. How many crayons do you have?B.How many crayons do you see?十、找朋友,根据问句选答语。( )1. Is it in your toy box?A. Thanks. I like grapes.( )2. Do you like pears?B: No, it isnt.( )3. Is he your

6、father?C. No, I dont. I like apples.( )4. Is she your mother?B: No, he isnt.( )5. Have some grapes.B: No, she isnt.十一、为图片选择正确的句子,并将其字母标号写在括号内。1. 2. 3. 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Whos that woman? Is she your grandma? No, she isnt.B. How many crayons do you have? Open it and see.C. Do you like pears? Yes, I do.D. Is it in your toy box? Yes, it is.Thanks,Mum.中小学课堂教学精品资料设计


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