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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中考复习汉译英专项练习翻译根据所给提示完成下列句子。1让我们尽最大的努力来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。Lets _ the children in poor areas.2你去过盐城科技博物馆多少次了?_ Yancheng Science and Technology Museum?3要想更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语。It is necessary_ to know more about the world.4钟晶医生做着如此重要的工作,村民很感激她。Doctor Zhong Jing is doing _ the villagers are grateful to

2、her.5这部纪录片帮助人们近距离观察野生动物的生活。This documentary helps people_.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。每空一词。6I plan to go on a trip in _ (七月).7After the whole days voluntary work, I felt fine _(除之外) for being a little tired.8The show Im a singer helps audience rediscover many good _(嗓音).9To keep fit, we should have more vege

3、tables and fruit _(代替) of too much meat.10The world is _(充满) of chances, and we must make a quick decision when we meet one.根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。11熊猫主要以竹子为食。Pandas mainly_ _bamboo.12托尼的书在2012年出版了。Tonys book _ _ in 2012.13开始我不太喜欢这个工作。I didnt like the job very much _ _.14我想去澳大利亚观光。Id like to_ _ in Aust

4、ralia.15全世界人民热爱和平。People _ _the world love peace.根据中文意思完成句子。16很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会。_for missing your birthday party.17你在课余时间喜欢读书吗?Do you _ in your spare time?18杰克会和同学们相处得很好。Jack will _ his classmates.19这个演讲非常精彩。我们都听得很认真。The speech _ we all listened carefully.20他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的办法。_ a new way in such a shor

5、t time.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。21这本新杂志将在月底出版。_22扬州机场已经投入使用一年多了。_23我们应该多关心那些需要帮助的孩子们。_24我们所需要的一切就是有足够的钱来继续我们的工作。_25生活在乡下对我来说是件惬意的事。_将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当形式,并将答案写在答题卡(答题卷)的相应位置上。26_ is my favorite TV program. (动物世界) 27Its polite to keep our voice down _. (在公共场合)28The world is thirsty, so we should _ in our

6、 daily life. (节约水) 29Sarah loves her dog very much. She always regards it as her _. (家庭成员) 30The great artist _ his amazing use of colors and shapes. (以而闻名) 根据汉语提示完成句子。31简每周至少去图书馆两次。Jane goes to the library _ _ twice a week.32许多青少年过于依赖父母。Many teenagers _ _ their parents _ _.33王奶奶提醒我不要接近那条狗。Grandma W

7、ang warned me _ _ _ near the dog.34当迈克尔醒来时,妈妈正在收拾屋子。Mum _ _ _ the house when Mike woke up.35我期待生日那天收到他的礼物。I _ _ _ _ a present from him on my birthday.完成句子36今天下午我们将一起去北京。 Well go to Beijing _ _ this afternoon.37开始他们有点儿紧张。 _ _ they were a little nervous.38王老师说他会帮助我们克服数学难题。 Mr Wang said he would _ us_

8、with maths problems.39那个外国朋友给了他许多礼物,比如:钢笔、小刀、帽子等。 The foreign friend gave him lots of presents, _ _ a pen, a knife, a hat on so on.40李华一回到教室就看见了他的书包在地上放着。 Li Hua found his bag lying on the floor _ _as he came back to the classroom.完成句子41学英语最好的方法就是尽可能地多说。42污染问题如此严重,以至于更多措施应该采取来阻止它。43对于我们来说,帮助需要帮助的人是有

9、意义的。44越来越多的人开始意识到健康的重要性。45如果继续砍伐树木,动物将无处可住。根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空,每空一词。46The policeman asked him what _ _(发生) him47It seems difficult for us to (切碎) the onions.48How to design our uniforms shouldnt only (取决于) what we likes and dislikes.49Could you tell me whether this pair of shoes (由制成的)of leather?50The

10、 newspaper China Daily (值得) reading.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。51在我外出期间,你介意为我照看一下宠物狗吗?Would you mind my pet dog for me while I am away?52作为一名学生,你必须按时上交作业。As a student, you must your homework on time.53伊索寓言向我们讲述许多有教育意见的故事。Aesops Fables tells us a lot of .54许多鸟常年舒服地生活在自然保护区里。Many birds live comfortably in th

11、e nature reserve .55江南Style这首歌不仅在韩国而且在世界其它地方也流行。The song Gangnam Style is popular in Korea in other parts of the world.根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。56亲爱的伙伴们,让我们坚持追求梦想,总有一天我们会梦想成真。My dear friends, lets _ _ to our dreams, and they may just come true some day.57那个小孩在登山中意外地摔伤了腿。That child broke his leg _ _ when he wa

12、s climbing the mountain.58上个月, 南方部分地区的天气真是糟糕啊!_ terrible weather it was in some parts of southern China last month!59如今很流行的“大学游”对青少年来说是很有教育意义的。University Tours, which are quite popular these days, are very_ to teenagers.60不论发生任何事,我都不会改变心意。_ happens, I wont change my mind.61根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)【小题1】离开课室时请关灯。Please_ _ the lights when you leave the classroom.



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