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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上九年级英语Unit 8复习学案一重点短语1.属于_ 2._run after3.野餐_4._in the sky5._attend a concert6.拍电影_7. _pick up8.一个带相机的女人_9._feel sleepy10.穿西服_11._be valuable for/to sb12.日出_13._the rest of14.和交流_15._there bedoing sth16._in a certain way17.玩得开心_18.直射进_19.表达自己_20._move up21.把加到_22._a long period of time23.

2、_point out24._keep healthy25.不再_26._wait for27.等候某人做某事_28._a victor over the enemy29._have no idea30.没什么事_31._take a shower32.预防疾病_33._be interviewed by34.有一个医疗目的_一、对不同时态的推测情态动词可以表示说话的语气。本单元主要学习情态动词must, could, might,cant表示推测的用法。“情态动词+do sth.”表示对现在事情的推测;“情态动词+be doing sth.”表示对正在发生的事情的推测;“情态动词+have d

3、one sth.”表示对过去或已完成事情的推测。eg:They must be in the classroom now.他们现在一定在教室里。Peter may/might have been hurt in the car accident.彼得可能在车祸中受了伤。二、肯定推测1.must用于肯定句,表示较有把握的推测,意为“准是,一定”,后面接动词原形,表示对现在的推测。eg: You must be exhausted.你一定筋疲力尽了。2.could,might也可表示推测,常用在过去时中;但在某些场合下,为了使语气更缓和、更委婉,常用could,might代替can,may。eg:

4、 They saw something in the sky last night.It could/might be a UFO.昨天晚上他们看见空中有个东西。它有可能是不明飞行物。You might/could be very tired.你可能很累吧。三、否定推测1.表否定推测时,cant语气最强,指“不可能”,带有惊异、怀疑的感情色彩。eg: The story sounds reasonable,but it cant be true.这个故事听起来合情合理,但不可能是真的。2.语气不很肯定时,常用may not或might not表否定推测,意为“可能不,也许不”。eg:He ma

5、y/might not be at home.他可能不在家。.选用恰当的表推测的情态动词填空。1.That red notebook _ be Wang Hongs.Look! It has her name on the first page.2.The jeans _ be Michaels.They are too short for him.3.The basketball _ be Mikes.His superstar is Yao Ming.4.The guitar _ belong to Mary.She likes to play the guitar very much.5

6、.Oh,the red bike _ be his.His is yellow.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。6.她不可能正在等你。She _ _ _ for you.7.她的表准是停了。我去叫她。Her watch_ _ _. I will go and call her.8.他喜欢读书。现在他一定是正在图书馆读书呢。He likes reading.Now he_ _ _ in the library.9.你走了那么长的路,一定饿了吧。You _ _ _ after your long walk.10.你最好去问那位警察,他一定知道去邮局的路。Youd better ask the

7、policeman.He _ _the way to the post office.单元配套练习.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1.Mary is wearing a _(粉红色的)sweater.2.My favorite pet is _(野兔).3.We cant go out to have a _(野餐) because it is raining heavily outside.4.My father will _ (参加) an important meeting tomorrow.5.These workers are building a new physics _ (实验室

8、) for our school.6.The_ (外套) is made of silk.7.Yong people usually have more e_ than the old.8.The map may help you find the p_ of the train station quickly.9.The boy is too excited to e_ himself well.10.He has been to Beijing twice during this p_.11.People in the city held a great party to celebrat

9、e their v_.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.We can find out some _(value) information on the Internet.2._(who) English book is this?I think its Mikes.3.The CD could be _(Lucy).She likes music.4.There are a lot of birds _(sing) in the trees.5.After taking the medicine,she felt_ (sleep).6.I felt_ (easy) when I was i

10、nterviewed by the reporter.7.The young soldier killed many_ (enemy) in the war.8.Mary bought a _(medicine) book to study medicine.9.Its said that there were many _(mystery) in the mountain hole.10.Forests can help prevent water from _(run) away,so drought doesnt often happen in this area.11.There ar

11、e many _(wolf) in the zoo.12.Mike cant find his watch.It can _(steal).单项选择。( )1.Here is a beautiful dress.The owner _ be a boy.A.must B.cant C.might D.could( )2._ is waiting for at the gate.He wants to say thanks to you.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody( ) 3.Whose dictionary is this?It must

12、_ Tom.I saw him using it yesterday.A.belong to B.belong C.be belonged to D.be belonged( ) 4.When Jim saw the watch,he stopped to_ .A.pick up it B.pick it up C.pick them up D.pick up them( ) 5.Peter _ come with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.A.must B.may C.can D.will( )6.We had fun _ apples on the farm with the farmers last week.A.to pick B.picking C.pick D.picked( )7.I dont speak English well,and Jack doesnt,_.A.too


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