上海牛津英语七年级上学期7A U1P2 语法知识点

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1、7A Module 1 RelationshipsUnit 1 Relatives in BeijingP2 1 soon adv不久;很快;马上 【提示】soon是时间副词。 She will be back soon.她马上就会回来。2 at the end of (August)在(八月)底 【提示】at the end of本意为“在末端”,用于表示时间、空间中临近结束的意思。 We finally graduated at the end of June.我们终于在六月底毕业了。(表示时间概念) There is a post office at the end of the str

2、eet.街道的尽头有一家邮局。(表示空问概念1 【反义】at the beginning of在的起点1 Can I help you?有什么我可以帮忙的吗? 这是商店等服务性行业中营业员常用的一句问话,旨在询问顾客的意见或想法。也常常说成:What can I do for you? Shop assistant: Madam, what can I do for youcan I help you? 营业员: 太太,有什么我可以帮忙的吗? Madam: ErId like to buy a pair of jeans for my son. 史士: 嗯,我想给我儿子买条牛仔裤。2 Yes,

3、 wed like to travel to Beijing by plane是的,我们想坐飞机去北京。 would like to do something意为“想要做某事”,相当于want to do something如: Id like to have a swim in the sea我想去海里游泳。(=I want to have a swim in the sea) Hed like to have some noodles for lunch午饭他想吃些面条。(= He wants to have some noodles for lunch.) travel to “到旅游”

4、,相当于have a trip to。如: We will travel to Hainan Island this summer.这个夏天我们将去海南岛旅游。(相当于We will have a trip to Hainan Island this summer.)3 How long does it take to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane?从花园城坐飞机去北京要多久? how long引导的特殊疑问句用来询问“(时间)多久”,如: How long will it take you to go to school? 你去学校要

5、多久? How long will this film last? 这部电影要持续多久? fromto意为“从到”,可以用来表示时间或空间概念。如: We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们周一至周五上学。(表示时间概念) The train goes from Shanghai to Beijing.这辆火车从上海开往北京。(表示空间概念) 4 How much does it cost?这要多少钱? how much引导的特殊疑问句用来询问“(价格)多少”。如: How much does this pen cost? 这枝钢笔多少钱? How mu

6、ch do these apples cost? 这些苹果多少钱? 注意:How much does it cost?可说成How much is it?,但两者回答不同。如: - How much does this ruler cost? - How much is this ruler? -It costs 3 yuan. - It is 3 yuan.5 Were going to visit Beijing on 16 August.我们计划8月16日去游览北京。 on 16 August是指“在8月16日”。在某个具体日期前用介词on。16 August读作“the sixteen

7、th of August。也可以用16th August表示,读法一致。 日期也可以写作on August 16或on August 16th,读作on August the sixteenth。6 Thank you for your letter and感谢你的来信和 Thank somebody for something意为“为某事感谢某人”,后接名词。如: Thank you for your help谢谢你的帮助。 Thankfor后还可接动词的ing形式。因此上句可改写为: Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。 本例也可改写为:Thank you for writing to us 7 See you soon,不久后见。这是表示告别的句子,它既可以用在两者互相道别,也可以用在书信或电子邮件的结尾,表示不久后就将见。


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