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1、3BM2U3 EX1 班级_ 姓名_学号_. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音,相同的用T表示,不同的用F表示。( )1. bitter library ( )2. hall ball ( )3. pair there( )4. glass these ( )5. cake at ( )6. school chair . 选择填空。( )1.Ben _ a new friend. _ name is peter.A. have, HesB. has, HisC. is, His( )2.Smell this. Oh, its very _.A. niceB. roughC. hot( )3.What

2、s this _ English? Its an aeroplane.A. onB. inC. to( )4.This _ a hat. These _ nice horses.A. is, isB. are, isC. is, are( )5.What are those? _ are shoes.A. ThoseB. TheyC. These( )6.I like _ bicycle. Its super.A. thisB. theseC. is( )7._ your friends like robots? Yes.A. AreB. DoesC. Do( )8.I like _ tige

3、r. I dont like _ lions.A. these, thoseB. this, theseC. those, that.改写句子。1. Kitty can hear a telephone. (一般疑问句) _2. These are socks. (划线提问) _3. I like tigers. (否定句) _4. Thats a nice jacket. (复数句) _. 用动词的适当形式填空。1. You_(like) some jam. But I _(not like) bread.2. The boys _(have) a nice football.3. Toms

4、 mother _(have) three lemons. They _(be) sour.4. _(be) these dresses? No, they _(be) blouses.5. There _(be) some pupils in the classroom.6. Eddie likes _(read) an English book. He _(be) clever.7. We can see some _(fox) in the zoo. They are big.8. Some monkeys _(take) the hats. 阅读短文并判断,用“T”或“F”表示。 I

5、am a panda. Im soft and warm. Im black and white. I have two small eyes. I have four legs. Look at the bamboos. I like to eat the bamboos. Its green and nice. I dont like to eat pineapples. Its hard and rough. But its sweet.( )1. The panda is hard. ( )2. The panda has black hair and red eyes.( )3. T

6、he panda has a long tail. ( )4.The panda doesnt like to eat pineapples.( )5. The panda likes to eat green bamboos. ( )6. The panda has six legs.3BM2U3 EX2 班级_ 姓名_学号_ _.正确抄写句子,注意大小写与标点符号。whats that danny its a skateboard. 写出下列单词的复数形式。1. mouse_ 2. scarf_ 3. that_4. leaf _ 5. monkey_ 6. glass_7. toy _

7、8. this _ 9. sock_. 根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。1. What is it? Its _ _ _ .(一张漂亮的图片)2. Has she _ _ _ _?(一条裤子)Yes.3. Can you _ _ _? (画一匹马)Yes, I can.4. Touch the skateboard. How does it _?(感觉) Its _ _ _.(又硬又光滑).用适当的介词填空。1. Look _ the monkey. Its clever. 2. Whats that _ English? Its a scarf.3. I want _ride a horse

8、. 4. This toy is _ my little brother.5. Kitty has got a pair _ new shoes. . 改写句子。1. They like super robots. (否定句) _2. This pair of gloves is yellow. (复数句) _3. We like to play with the snow. (一般疑问句) _4. They are horses in English. (划线提问) _5. This is a little animal. (复数句) _6. Taste these apples. How

9、do they feel? (sweet) _.用适当的单词填空。1. This _ Sam. He _ a pair of new shoes. They _ new.2. _ _ in the classroom? Its a chair.3. _ is your little sister? _ is in the zoo.4. Hi, Kitty. _ in your hand? There _ two bears. They are _. 阅读短文并判断,用“T”或“F”表示。(Today is Kittys birthday. Her friends are having a pa

10、rty for her.)Ben: Happy Birthday, Kitty. How old are you? Kitty: I am nine years old.Mary: Heres a present for you. Kitty: Thank you. Whats this?Mary: Open it and see. Kitty: Oh, a nice box. Whats in it?Alice: Put your hand in the box. Kitty: I can touch two things.Alice: How do they feel? Kitty: On

11、e is hard. One is soft.Eddie: What are they? Kitty: The hard one is a robot.Eddie: What is the soft one? Kitty: Its a doll.Ben: Do you like these toys? Kitty: Yes, I like them very much.( )1. Kitty is ten years old. ( )2. Kittys birthday present is a nice book.( )3. The doll is soft. ( )4. The car is hard. ( )5. Kitty likes her present.3BM2U3 EX3 班级_ 姓名_学号_. 选择填空。( )1.What _ is the blouse? Its blue.A. timeB. colourC. shape( )2._ d


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