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1、一、授课目的与考点分析:1. To review the language points in this unit;2.To master the skills of solving problems.2、 授课内容I. Word Forms:1.enjoy v. enjoyable adj. enjoyment n. Enjoy yourselves!We had an enjoyable time at the party.A large income is not necessary for the full enjoymentof life.2. conduct v. *conduct

2、 n *bus conductor They always conduct a product test before selling the computers.He is famous for his good conduct.3.organize v. organization n.Lets organize a discussion on safety rules.The SPCA is an organization which helps homeless animals.4.possible adj. impossible adj. possibly adv. *possibil

3、ity n.Is it possible to have robots in our homes in the future?Its impossible to live without water for three days.I will possibly be an astronaut in 10 years time.Is there any possibility that you will be back by the weekend?5. necessary adj. unnecessary adj. *necessarily adv. *unnecessarily adv.It

4、 is necessary that one should obey the law. A bicycle is unnecessary for the little boy because he has never learned to ride bicycles.Happiness doesnt necessarily go with money.Some parents worry unnecessarily about their children.6. interesting adj. uninteresting adj. interest n./v. I find it inter

5、esting and healthy to go mountain climbingWhen I read a book, I usually skip over the uninteresting partsShe looked about with great interest.7. air-conditioned adj. air-conditioner n.Nothings more relaxing than watching TV in my air-conditioned room.The air-conditioner in my room does not work well

6、.8. cook n. cooker n. cookery n.Peter works as a cook in a hotel.She plugged in and began to cook with the cooker.We have cookery lessons at our school.II. Phrases 1.a more enjoyable school life 一个令人愉快的学校生活2.my ideal school 我理想中的学校3.conduct a survey 安排一个调查4.have more computer lessons 上更多的电脑课5.have m

7、ore activities and trips to other places 有更多的去其他地方的活动和 旅游6. have an air-conditioned classroom 有装了空调的教室7.have less homework 有更少的作业8.have more books and magazines in the library 图书馆里有更多的书和杂志9.have mor school picnics 学校举办更多的野餐活动10.have more P.E. lessons 上更多的体育课11.have modern science laboratories 有现代化的科

8、学实验室12.do more experiments 做更多的实验13.organize more sports activities 组织更多的体育活动14.look old, untidy and uninteresting 看起来旧的,不整洁的和无趣的 15.make some changes to 对.做些改变16.decorate the display board ourselves 我们自己装饰展板17.put up 张贴;置于明显处18.put up some posters on the wall themselves 他们自己在墙上张贴一些海报19.sweep the fl

9、oor myself 我自己打扫地板20.clean up the desks herself 她自己清洁桌子21.put the books on the shelves himself 他自己把书放到架子上III. Sentences1. What changes would you like to see in our school? 你想在我们学校看到什么变化? Id like to have 2.What do you think of ? 你觉得怎么样? *How do you like? possibleimpossible It would be necessaryunnece

10、ssary to do sth nice or difficult3. What changes can we make to ? 我们能对做些改变?IYouHeSheWeThey can do myself yourself yourselves himself herself ourselves themselves.IV. Practice:I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1. Mary has got _ homework, so she would like to have _ homework. A. many; less B. much,

11、fewer C. much;less D. many; fewer2. Its too hot for the students _ in P.E. lesson in summer. A. to run B. not to run C. running D. to running3. A: Im so hungry, and Id like _ piece of cake. A. other B. the other C. another D. others4. It would be nice to have _ lessons. A. cook B. cooker C. cookery

12、D. cooking5. A: I think that it would be _ to have more computers in our school. B: I agree. Our school doesnt have enough money for that. A. possible B. interesting C. uninteresting D. difficult6. There are many _ to visit in Beijing. A. place of interests B. places of interest C. places of interesting D. place of interested7. Many changes _ in our city these years. A. have taken place B. have been taken place C. have happen D. have been happened8. Miss Brown, _, can finis


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