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1、高一牛津版下册学科辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:高一 上课日期: 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课主题U2 Great minds模 式 1 V 类 型 同步 测试 得 分家长签字问题统计:知识梳理GUESS:Do you know them?Can you tell me what their achievements are ?Anything in common? 一、词汇Words1. genius n. (l) 天才人物 Tests showed that the child was a genius.测试表明,这个孩子是个天才。 (2)对(做)某事物的天生的非凡才能The

2、girl has a genius for language.这个女孩有语言的天赋。2. attempt (l ) n.努力尝试His attempt is to learn to ski.他试图学习滑雪。He failed in his attempt to win the first prize.他赢取第一名的尝试失败了。(2 )v. 试图,尝试The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed.这个囚犯企图逃跑,但失败了。3. universe n.宇宙One theory about the origin of the universe is t

3、hat it began with aBig Bang.宇宙起源的理论之一是宇宙源于一次大爆炸。4. nuclear adj.原子能的;核能的There are both good and bad aspects of nuclear energy.核能有利也有弊。5. gift n.天赋;才能 The composer is also a gifted pianist.这位作曲家也是位有才能的钢琴家。6. curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲 Curiosity is part of human nature.好奇是人类天性的一部分。 He did it out of curiosity.

4、他这么做是出于好奇心。7. reputation n.名声;名誉The shop enjoys an excellent reputation.这家商店名声很好。8. theory n.理论 The project sounds perfect in theory.这个项目从理论上来说是完美的。9. perfectly adv.完美地 The dress fits her perfectly.这条连衣裙她穿非常合身。10. applause n.鼓掌,喝彩,赞许His speech won the applause of the audience.他的讲话赢得了听众的掌声。As the Pre

5、sidents car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause.总统的汽车到达时,群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。11. complex adj.复杂的;难懂的 At last, the little boy managed to answer the complex question.最终小男孩回答出了这个复杂的问题。Life is getting more complex and difficult.生活正在变得更复杂而且更艰难。12. offer v.主动提出He offered to help Mary when she had a proble

6、m当玛丽有困难时,他主动提出帮助她。The company offered him a high salary, but he declined.这家公司出高薪聘用他,但他婉言谢绝了。13. regard .as把视为 “Lost In Thailand ” is regarded as his best film so far. “泰囧”被认为是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。He is generally regarded as one of the best basketball players in the NBA.人们普遍认为他是NBA最优秀的球员之一。 14. sense of hum

7、or 幽默感e. g. A sense of humour is a great asset for a person.(喻)幽默感是一个人的宝贵资产。His sense of humour makes him popular with the students.幽默感让他很受学生欢迎。15. letdown 使失望The basketball team let everyone in the school down when they played poorly in the championship game.篮球队在锦标赛中的糟糕表现让学校里的每个人都很失望。 16. be in tro

8、uble 有麻烦;在困境中 Work hard, or you all will be in trouble at the end of this term 努力学习,否则到期末你们都会有麻烦。He was in great trouble. He knocked down an old woman. 他有大麻烦了,他撞倒了一位老妇人。17. agree with 同意(某人的观点) e. g. Im afraid I cant agree with you/your opinion/what you said.恐怕我不能同意你你的观点你所说的。They couldnt agree with

9、each other on the date of their wedding ceremony.他们对于在哪一天举行婚礼未能取得一致意见。His story does not agree with what l was told.他的故事和我听说的不一致。18. change places 换位置 Could you please change places with me? 你能和我换一下位置吗?19. know.by heart 记住e. g. Its easy to know these rules and formulas by heart but not as easy to un

10、derstand them.记住这些定律和公式很容易,但要理解它们却不是那么容易的事。二、重要句型Important Sentences structures1. Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this story about him shows that he also had a sense of humor.I used to stay up late, but now I go to bed early.我过去常常熬夜,但现在睡得很早。 Wood can be used to make

11、 paper.木材能被用来造纸。He is used to listening to English news every morning.他现在习惯于每天早上听英语新闻。活学活用: In my opinion,life in the twenty-first century is much easier than .A. that used to be B. it is used to C. it was used to D. it used to be【解析】依我看,21世纪的生活比过去的生活轻松多了。“used to do”表示“过去常常”,可排除,B、C选项。it可以指代刚才出现的名词

12、“life”。故选D。【答案】D2. As a young man with a growing reputation, Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories at different universities.(1)句中介词短语with a growing reputation作young man的定语 (2) invitations后面的不定式是用来修饰它们作后置定语的。当我们需要对一个名词作进一步解释时,可以在这个名词后面加不定式来修饰。 Do you think he has the ability toc

13、ontrol such a situation? 你认为他有能力控制这种局势吗? His failure to be accepted by the company let his parents down. 他没有被公司录取这件事使他父母失望。3. One evening, on their way to a distant university, Einstein said,I wish I didnt have to give my lecture tonight,Hans.” (1 ) on ones/the way to 在去的路上,正在走向 He is on his way to

14、success.他正走向成功。He is on the way to becoming a famous biologist.他正要成为一名著名的生物学家。 (2) wish用来表示不太可能实现的愿望,或未实现的愿望,后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。具体来说,表示与过去事实相反的愿望,用过去完成时;表示与现在事实相反的愿望,用过去时,be动词用were;表示将来不太可能实现的愿望,用could/would/should+动词原形。 How I wish I had taken your advice! 我多么希望接受了你的建议啊!I wish my mother could come

15、back from abroad and spend Christmas with me.但愿我母亲能从国外回来跟我一起过圣诞节。4. He then asked a question so difficult that Hans had no idea about what he was talking about. (1 ) sothat意为“如此以致”。He spoke so quickly that I cant follow him.他讲得太快了,我跟不上他。 (2 )have (no) idea短语,意思为“(不)知道;无能为力”,后面可以带of或about引导的介词短语,也可跟从句,但接that引导的从句时,of往往省略,而接wh-引导的从句,of可以保



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