上海版牛津英语 八年级第二学期 8B Unit5

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1、Unit5 Magazine articles上海版牛津英语8年级第二学期邵杰网校 单词讲解邵杰网校单词解析词组辨析语法夯实1. 1. blind adj.blind adj.瞎的瞎的not be able to seenot be able to seeHe is blind in one eye.He is blind in one eye.他的一只眼睛瞎了。他的一只眼睛瞎了。【知识拓展知识拓展】blindness n.blindness n.失明失明邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example2. drama n.2. drama n.戏剧戏剧exciting thing th

2、at happensexciting thing that happensWhy is there so little drama in my life?Why is there so little drama in my life?为什么我的生活如此平淡?为什么我的生活如此平淡?dramatic adj.dramatic adj.戏剧性的戏剧性的The play is a dramatic representation of a real event.The play is a dramatic representation of a real event.这出话剧改编自真人真事。这出话剧改

3、编自真人真事。dramatically adv. dramatically adv. 显著地显著地邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example3. 3. reception n.reception n.接待接待front area in a big office, hotelfront area in a big office, hotel, etc. , etc. where people go when where people go when they arrivethey arriveWe will give a warm reception to the guests.We

4、 will give a warm reception to the guests.我们将使客人受到热情的接待。我们将使客人受到热情的接待。【知识拓展知识拓展】receive v.receive v.接受接受Please receive my best wishes for the New Year.Please receive my best wishes for the New Year.请接受我最真挚的新年祝福。请接受我最真挚的新年祝福。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example4. 4. initials n.initials n.人名每一部分的第一个字母人名每一部分的第一

5、个字母 first letters of someones name first letters of someones nameSteven Lanes initials are S.L. Steven Lanes initials are S.L. Steven LaneSteven Lane这名字的缩写是这名字的缩写是S.L.S.L.。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example5. 5. book v.book v.预定预定ask and pay for ask and pay for sthsth.; reserve a seat.; reserve a seatThe s

6、ecretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel.秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。【常用搭配常用搭配】book in book in 预定旅馆房间;办理登记手续预定旅馆房间;办理登记手续The latest representatives booked in at 3 oclock.The latest representatives booked in at 3 oc

7、lock.最后一批代表已经三点钟报道了。最后一批代表已经三点钟报道了。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example6. welcome adj.6. welcome adj.收到欢迎收到欢迎received with pleasure; giving pleasurereceived with pleasure; giving pleasure【知识拓展知识拓展】welcome v.welcome v.欢迎欢迎Welcome to China.Welcome to China.欢迎来中国!欢迎来中国!welcome n.welcome n.欢迎欢迎They gave us a war

8、m welcome.They gave us a warm welcome.他们给我们以热烈的欢迎。他们给我们以热烈的欢迎。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example7. 7. allow v.allow v.允许允许give permission for sb. of give permission for sb. of sthsth. to do . to do sthsth. or for . or for sthsth. to happen. to happenAllow me to introduce Miss Mary.Allow me to introduce Mis

9、s Mary.请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。1 1)allow allow 语气较弱,有语气较弱,有“听任,不加阻止,默许听任,不加阻止,默许”之意。之意。The teacher allows too much noise in the classroom.The teacher allows too much noise in the classroom.那个老师听任学生大声吵闹。那个老师听任学生大声吵闹。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example指点迷津:allow, permit 与let7. 7. allow v.allow v.2 2)permit

10、permit 语气较重,强调语气较重,强调“认可,批准认可,批准”Schools dont permit smoking.Schools dont permit smoking.学校内禁止吸烟。学校内禁止吸烟。3 3)letlet语气最轻,意指语气最轻,意指“让让”,口语较常用,且无被动语态。,口语较常用,且无被动语态。Let me carry your luggage.Let me carry your luggage.让我来帮你搬行李。让我来帮你搬行李。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实指点迷津:allow, permit 与let8. 8. exclaim v.exclaim v.呼喊,惊

11、叫呼喊,惊叫say say sthsth. or cry out suddenly and loudly because of surprise, . or cry out suddenly and loudly because of surprise, anger, pain, etc.anger, pain, etc.The children exclaimed with excitement.The children exclaimed with excitement.孩子们激动地喊了起来。孩子们激动地喊了起来。【知识拓展知识拓展】exclamation n.exclamation n.

12、惊呼惊呼“Look out!” and “OW!”are exclamations.“Look out!” and “OW!”are exclamations.“小心!小心!”和和“哎呦!哎呦!”都是感叹词。都是感叹词。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example9. bark v.9. bark v.吠,咆哮吠,咆哮make a loud, short noise or noisesmake a loud, short noise or noisesDogs always bark at strangers.Dogs always bark at strangers.狗总是对陌生人

13、吠。狗总是对陌生人吠。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example10. sound v.10. sound v.听上去听上去seem a certain way when you hearseem a certain way when you hear这里的这里的soundsound是一个系动词,后接形容词或名词做表语。是一个系动词,后接形容词或名词做表语。 His explanation sounds all right.His explanation sounds all right.他的解释似乎有理。他的解释似乎有理。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example11

14、. repeat v.11. repeat v.重做重做say, write or do say, write or do sthsth. again. againCould you repeat the question?Could you repeat the question?你能把这个问题重复一下吗?你能把这个问题重复一下吗?【知识拓展知识拓展】repetition n.repetition n.重复,循环重复,循环邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example12. guest n.12. guest n.客人客人person who stays in a hotel; pe

15、rson who is invitedperson who stays in a hotel; person who is invitedWe are expecting guests this weekend.We are expecting guests this weekend.我们本周末要来客人。我们本周末要来客人。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example1 13 3. lead . lead 引导,导致引导,导致Go with or in front of a person or animal to show the way or Go with or in front

16、 of a person or animal to show the way or to make them go in the rightto make them go in the rightHe led us to his home. He led us to his home. 他把我们带到他家。他把我们带到他家。【知识拓展知识拓展】leader n.leader n.领导者领导者He is the leader of this movement.He is the leader of this movement.他是这次运动的领导者。他是这次运动的领导者。邵杰网校词组辨析单词解析语法夯实For example1 13 3. lead . lead 引导,导致引导,导致1 1)guide guide 是通用词,可以用于别人带路,指导别人的学习、品行修养是通用词,可以用于别人带路,指导别人的学习、品行修养,它的内涵是避免走弯路或遇到危险。,它的内涵是避免走弯路或遇到危险。The pilot guided the plane to a safe landing.The pilot



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