上海版新牛津英语1B 2012.4 期中测试

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1、2011学年第二学期一年级英语期中试卷 (完卷时间40分钟,満分100分)学校_ 班级_ 学号_ 姓名_密封线题 号听 力 部 分50笔 试 部 分50总 分得 分Part 1 Listening Practice 50% (听力部分)I. 听音,勾出正确的图片:6%1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )7.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )II. 听音,按顺序给下图和单词用1,2,3,4,5编号:10%1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. juice ice cream jelly biscuit

2、 cola( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III. 圈出听到的单词或句子,圈在代号上: 10%1. A. boyB. ball2. A. kiteB. cat3. A. rabbitB. rubber4. A. fourB. five5. A. noodlesB. soup6. A. niceB. nine7. A. Do you like biscuits? B. Do you like bicycles?8. A. Touch the flower. B. Smell the flower.9. A. What do you hear? I hear a cat. B. What d

3、o you hear? I hear a hen.10. A. What colour is the bird? Its green. B. What colour is the frog? Its green.IV. 听音判断,与图片相符的用表示,不符的用表示:6%1.2.3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )V. 听录音,将下列人物与他们喜欢的东西用线连起来: 5% VI、听录音给下列句子编号: 6%( ) No, I like ice cream. ( ) What do you like? ( ) Here you are.( ) Happy birthd

4、ay, Eddie! ( ) Do you like biscuits? ( ) Thank you.VII、听音,选择恰当的应答句,将它的代号填在前面的括号内: 5%( ) 1. A. I see a bear.B. I hear a bear.( ) 2.A. Noodles, please. B. Yes, it is.( ) 3. A. Yes, I like biscuits. B. No, I like biscuits.( ) 4. A. Its nice. B. Its yummy.( ) 5. A. Its a red flower.B. Its red.Par t 2 Wr

5、itten practice 50% (笔试部分)I. 看图圈出下列单词: 10% hen colabiscuitsjellyball1. juicejelly coldcolaco2. 3.ballbolldo4. bibiscuits5. penhentenkII. 选出不属于同一类的单词,将代号填在前面的括号内:7%( ) 1. A. nine B. eight C. seven D. nice( ) 2. A. doll B. dog C. ball D. bicycle( ) 3. A. biscuitB. likeC. jellyD. sweet( ) 4. A. taste B.

6、 small C. smell D. touch ( ) 5. A. tiger B. hen C. bear D. lion( ) 6. A. cola B. juice C. cold D. milk( ) 7. A. niceB. sweet C. coldD. tasteIII. 看图,读句子,图片与句子相符的打,不符的打:5% 1. I see a biscuit. ( )2. Jelly, please.( )3. Is it a hen? No, its a chick. ( )4. What do you like? I like balls. ( )5. Drink some

7、 water. ( )IV. 勾出与图片意思相符的句子,将代号写在前面的括号内:10%( ) 1. A. I like hamburgers. ( ) 2. A. I see a kite. B. I like noodles. B. I see a cat.( ) 3. A. I hear a hen. ( ) 4. A. Drink some milk. B. I hear a pig. B. Drink some cola.( ) 5. A. How many ducks? Many ducks. B. How many ducks? One duck.V. 选出最合适的答案,圈在字母代

8、号上:8%1. I _ biscuits. A. am B. like2. Here _ are. A. you B. your3. _ the sweet. Its sweet. A. Taste B. smell4. I like my _. Its nice. A. doll B. dolls5. I like _. A. sweet B. sweets6. Can I help you? _, please. A. SweetsB. Sweet 7. How many biscuits? _. A. One biscuit B. Two biscuits8. You are a goo

9、d _, Alice. A. girl B. boy VI. 应答句配对,把编号写在前面的括号内:5%( ) 1. Do you like cola? A. Thank you.( ) 2. Can I help you? B. I like cola.( ) 3. What do you see? C. No, I like jucie.( ) 4. Happy Birthday.D. Cola, please.( ) 5. What do you like?E. I see cola.VII. 阅读短文,并在相应的空格里打:5% Hello, I am Danny. I like sweets very much. I like cola and jelly, too. This is my friend Sam. He is thin. He likes biscuits. He likes ice cream too, because it is cold and sweet.biscuitscolajellysweetice creamDannySam2011学年第二学期一年级英语期中试卷听力内容(每


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